Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 693: Ecstasy and rage do not exist in Lu Fenying

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“No, I can’t get rid of it, but it will make her feel less happy during the attack.” She is just a witch doctor.

“But…I can help you put Gu on Lu Fenying’s body.”

“What do you mean?” Gu Bailu asked anxiously.

“Under Gu, if he uses the Slave Flute, he will suffer backlash. In other words, the pain he has with the Slave Flute will be as much as he hurts.” The witch doctor looked at the black hole without eyeballs. Xiang Qianer.

Qianer shook his head: “I am not afraid of pain, I am afraid of being controlled my mind.”

This is the main reason why she wants to leave. She can pass through with painful tolerance, but if she is charged with her mind, she will do things that will make her ashamed.

“Backbone Gu is very simple. What he does to you, you can do to him.” The witch doctor laughed hahe, the old voice was terribly weird.

Gu Bailu happily grabbed her old hand: “Is it really possible?”

That would be great!

“This kind of Gu can be cast in theory, but there are prerequisites. It must be successful when the other party’s emotions are out of control.”

“What is emotional out-of-control?” Qianer puzzled.

“It’s simple, ecstasy or furious, sad.”

What the witch doctor said is very simple, really not simple.

For a cold-blooded and ruthless person like Lu Fenying, it is impossible for you to make him ecstatic.

It’s impossible to make him heartbroken.

It’s possible to make him angry, but furious?

Hehe… does not exist.

“You didn’t say that…” Gu Bailu sat back in the chair disappointedly.

Qian’er also sat down, frowning, and couldn’t figure out why Lu Fenying wanted to do this. Su Muwei was already healed, and why he wanted to catch her.

“Master, let me change my blood.”

In this way, even if he finds out, knowing that she has no dragon spirit blood and is of no use value, he might let her go.

“Think about it first. It will take Lu Fenying a few days to go from Tianfeng to Nanyao. We will send someone to set up some obstacles in Nanyao. He will come a little longer.”

Gu Bailu never wanted Qianer to change the dragon spirit blood. This is the dragon spirit blood that everyone can’t ask for.

It’s a shame to change to someone else.

Qianer stood up and knelt firmly in front of Gu Bailu: “Master, I don’t think about it anymore. Dragon spirit blood is a burden to me. I don’t have the ability to protect it now, so I can give it to someone else, if Lu Fenying had to give it to him.”

Gu Bailu thinks this might be a way.

“Okay, I will start picking people tomorrow.”

No matter what, you have to choose a good personality, not to mention how kind of heart, at least not like people in this world, indifferent and ruthless.

“Thank you, Master.” Qian’er stood up and let out a big sigh.

The witch doctor curled his lips: “Then you don’t need an old woman?”

She actually wants to stay in the Royal Palace, the treasures here are really good.

“When it is still useful to you, I know that you are interested in the cultivation speed of the royal palace, but my own palace has a treasure to increase the cultivation speed. I can let you live in my palace.”

Gu Bailu felt that if the witch doctor had this ability, she would not be able to cut her way first.

In case there is a chance to attack Gu.

The King’s Mansion did not dare to let her live, but Gu’s Mansion did not matter.

She squeezed into the four major clans last time, and the treasure of the Bai family belonged to Gu’s house. I don’t know if it was sent.

Don’t be afraid if you haven’t sent it there, if you are covered by her prince, are you afraid that you won’t be able to get the treasure.

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