Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 656: Are you willing to change to her?

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“As long as Su Muwei is better and I have no use value, he will definitely let me go.” Qian’er said affirmatively.

Gu Bailu looked at her rare tough face, and wanted to tell her that it might not be…

But I can’t tell.

“Then I will try later, are you sure you want to do this?”

To tell the truth, Gu Bailu still feels a pity for Dragon Spirit Blood to give up like this.

But she also knew that in Qian’er’s eyes, dragon spirit blood was a burden.

“Yes, thank you, Master.” Qian’er didn’t hesitate at all, but she felt relieved.

“Then, would you like to transfer your dragon spirit blood to Su Muwei?”

Qian’er proposed to change the blood, so her plan would change. She originally planned to let Su Muwei’s body return to life for a few days, so she thought it was good, and helped her and Qian’er escape.

But Qian’er wanted to change her blood. For a while, she couldn’t find anyone in the Prince’s Mansion to change her, and she had no chance to change it.

The blood can only be exchanged into Su Muwei’s body while treating Su Muwei’s illness.

In this way, Su Muwei will surely be cured and possess dragon spirit blood.

But Gu Bailu is really unwilling to make Su Muwei cheaper!

“Okay, then give it to her, so that at least the blood will not be wasted, and some people can still be saved.”

Gu Bailu sighed: “You don’t care about her assaulting you?”

I still think that keeping the dragon’s blood can save some people. It’s rare for this girl to be so tortured and live a dark day without her heart going bad.

“Master, I care a lot. I don’t want her to live well at all, but if you let her have a bad life, you have to pull yourself in. The disciple thinks it’s not worth it.”

Gu Bailu thought for a while and said: “You prepare, I’ll let the maid bring something to replenish blood, you eat, Lu Fenying should be down, I’ll meet him.”

In fact, she even wanted to help Su Muwei’s treatment without telling Lu Fenying.

But, no, I have to let Lu Fenying take out the Sky-Splitting Mirror.

Gu Bailu went to the study. As expected, Lu Fenying had already left the court and was dealing with affairs in the study.

Gu Bailu gave a report and was put in and went into the study. Gu Bailu said straightforwardly: “Prince, my prince is coming to pick me up. I plan to return to China in two days. You don’t want to let it go, we too I don’t want to stay.”

Lu Fenying’s face is ugly: “Are you really not planning to give Muwei medicine?”

Gu Bailu smiled firmly and said firmly: “Yes!”

“Do you think Muwei’s main palace will let you go back if you haven’t finished it?” Lu Fenying leaned back in the chair, staring at her coldly.

“Of course not, so I thought of a way to cure Miss Su quickly.”

Lu Fenying frowned slightly, her face becoming increasingly unhappy.

Gu Bailu is strange. He cares about Su Muwei’s illness so much. Now there is a way to get her right away. Why is he still a little unhappy…

“Are you sure your method can make Mu Wei get better quickly?” Lu Fenying asked suspiciously.

“Sure, my husband and I are in your house, but I also have to think about our own safety, how dare I do things that are uncertain.”

“My palace is afraid that you will be too self-confident and deceive others to harm yourself.” Lu Fenying was still very skeptical.

No wonder he suspected that Su Muwei had been sick for five or six years, and even Young Master Xiao said that with dragon spirit blood, he had to slowly recuperate, and it would take only three to five years to recover to a level.

Don’t dare to say healed.

Why does Wang Hao have this self-confidence?

Gu Bailu was not angry at all, and confidently said: “The prince might as well ask if I have some crooked ways. As long as the prince is willing to bring out the cracking mirror and Qian’er’s life, I can heal it. Miss Su.”

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