Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 578: Slave seal

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She cannot be found.

After eating lunch, Qian’er made up a nine-thousand-nine daichun.

Two pregnant women are really tired these days. After lunch, they slept. Gu Bailu woke up and remembered that A Luo might come to them, so she went to the woods behind the yard and found one. Dayan: “Brother Dayan, do me a favor.”

Two big geese flapped their wings and came over: “What’s the order?”

Humans who can speak their bird language are all immortals, and they dare not be disrespectful.

“Help me send this letter to a man in Courtyard No. 4 of Jichun Hutong. He is tall, two feet tall and full of muscles.”

The geese stretched out their paws to take the envelope: “Okay.”

A pair of geese fluttered and flew away.

Gu Bailu walked in the woods and caught two black ants: “Go to the main courtyard and help me see where the one named Su Muwei lives.”

Know yourself and the enemy, at least you need to know where Su Muwei is.

If something happens, this person can still use it as a shield.

“We dare not go anywhere, the main courtyard is very strict, we will die.” Ant whispered.

“Okay.” Gu Bailu let them go.

Qianer looked for it: “Master, who are you talking to.”

“Little animals in the woods.” Gu Bailu smiled: “Don’t you know, I can communicate with animals, no matter what they are.”

Qian’er opened her eyes wide: “Master is so powerful.”

“What’s the matter, if you are willing to learn from me, you can become so powerful.” Gu Bailu thinks that Qianer is also a manufacturable material. If she is willing to learn Maoshan Taoism, she may not be able to surpass herself.

Never know Qianer shook his head: “I don’t care, when my child is born in the future, you can help me teach him.”

She has nothing to further study, her spiritual power is low, and she has been contracted with a slave mark, so she can’t practice again if she wants to.

“After you learn it, wouldn’t it be better to teach him yourself?”

“No…I can’t do it anymore. All the slaves in the Prince’s Mansion have been contracted with slave marks, their spiritual power is suppressed, and they can no longer practice.”

Gu Bailu wants to say that her Maoshan Taoism does not require spiritual power, but think about it and forget it. In fact, she is not in need of spiritual power now.

Don’t give Qian’er hope and let her down again.

“Do you know where Su Muwei lives?” Gu Bailu asked.

Qian’er shook his head: “I knew it before. Because of something happened later, Su Muwei’s place has been changed, and even if I know the place, I can’t reach her.”

“What kind of person is she?”

“Very weak, very weak, I see pity, but this is on the surface, in fact, my heart is very vicious, I used to serve her because it is convenient to feed her blood, but she always framed me in various ways and let Lu Fen Shadow hates me more and more.”

Although Qian’er said it very simply, I can believe how that was framed by Bai Lianhua.

How can Lu Fenying tolerate the wrongdoing of the woman he loves, so naturally she will not be polite to Qian’er.

“She drinks your blood, and you are her savior. She is so vicious to her savior. I am not grateful… whoever saves her is a force.” Gu Bailu snorted coldly.

“By the way, have you ever heard of Lu Fenying’s Sky-Splitting Mirror?” Gu Bailu asked Qian’er, but she didn’t have any hope.

For such a valuable thing, Lu Fenying probably wouldn’t let a maid like Qian’er know about it.

“I know.” Qian’er’s answer surprised her.

“Do you know? Where is it?”

“Lu Fenying used it to rescue Su Muwei. Is it a broken mirror with dazzling light, full of tremendous energy and spiritual power?”

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