Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 529: You have been abandoned?

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Bai Yunyi feels that there are some things he hasn’t understood yet.

But this woman is so interesting, if Feng Qingtian possesses her, it will really make people very unhappy.

“Queen dowager, can the Bai family be dissolved?” Gu Bailu followed up and asked.

The emperor rushed in front of the queen mother and said: “It’s just a joke, how can you really dissolve the White House? Today’s contest will be compared to who will participate in the sword test meeting and decide the four major families. If the White House concedes defeat, you will enter the house. The four major families are.”

Gu Bailu glanced at Bai Yunyi: “What do you think?”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t disband, or I have to move.”

He belongs to the third house in the White Mansion, and the third house is not a direct line. Once they are disbanded, they will definitely not be able to live in the White Mansion anymore, and they will have to come out alone.

“Then do as the emperor said.”

She couldn’t be more difficult. After all, Bai Yunyi let her go and saved her life.

Although she could not save her life, the final result was that Gu Mansion won.

But her life is really precious.

The emperor didn’t expect that she was so witty and didn’t bother with this problem anymore. She was a little surprised, but the Queen Mother exclaimed: “Miss Gu’s family is very generous. You are still pregnant with a child. Go and rest quickly.”

You also know that I was pregnant with a child, and you brought me to the palace.

But this trip didn’t come in vain, at least she got a holy fruit and went back. With the heavenly meridians, her spiritual power should also be fast.

Gu Bailu thought of spiritual power, only to realize that she hadn’t used spiritual power after today’s scene.

“Queen dowager, I’m a little tired, can you go home first.” Didn’t Feng Qingtian want her to leave earlier, let’s leave now, anyway, the goal has been achieved.

“Also.” The queen mother nodded, not ready to leave her anymore.

“The people’s daughter retire first.” Gu Bailu turned to leave, and heard Bai Yunyi say from behind: “Queen dowager, I also retire first.”

“Retreat, retreat, there is nothing to do with you, today you are all tired.”

The queen mother could see that the young man from the White House had shown his feelings and wanted to send the little **** to the Gu family.

How can she beat the mandarin ducks to such a lovely couple.

Bai Yunyi caught up with Gu Bailu in two steps: “I will also go home and go along the way.”

“Okay…” He saved his life. He told her to retire in front of the Queen Mother. He made it clear that he wanted to leave with him. At this time, it would be too shameful to refuse.

She is not such a kind and revenge person.

The two walked out of the banquet hall, Gu Bailu glanced back, Feng Qingtian was still sitting there, the light was shining on half of his face, and the other face was in the darkness.

He didn’t look at her.

The whole banquet, except when she greeted him, he said a word to her and never looked at her again.

She really admired his acting skills, he acted really seriously in this play.

Serious enough that she thought it was true.

In the carriage back, Gu Bailu was very silent. She didn’t know why she couldn’t be happy, and her heart was empty.

Bai Yunyi also kept silent. When he arrived at the Gu Mansion, Gu Bailu thanked him: “Thank you, for saving my life today, and sending me back…”

“If you really thank me, just tell me one thing, is the child in your belly the king?” Bai Yunyi asked seriously.

Gu Bailu nodded: “Yes.”

A strange color flickered in Bai Yunyi’s eyes: “So… you are now pregnant with a child, and you are still abandoned by him?”

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