Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 488: People toast your blood

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“It was my fault yesterday. I knew that the prince spoiled you a long time ago. I didn’t expect it to be so spoiled. The dew is indeed a little bit colder. I have been doing this kind of rough work since I was a child. ……”

Qian’er was cold-cut by Feng Qingtian yesterday, and she still remembers it now.

The look in her eyes was too familiar, it was something that hurt his beloved, so she wanted to break her into pieces.

She had seen this look in her original master once, tasted it, and paid a huge price.

So she was really afraid that Feng Qingtian would drive her out of the house.

So I brought tea early this morning to confess my mistake, lest even Gu Bailu gets tired of her, then she might really have nowhere else to hide.

“Which identity is not, I also got up from a low level. If it weren’t for Feng Qingtian, I wouldn’t be any better than you. How are you, do you want the imperial doctor to get your pulse?”

Qian’er smiled and shook his head: “No, it’s good. It’s just a lot of fun watching you grow up day by day.”

Qian’er is cute and small, and a smile like this can be sweet to your heart.

I really can’t figure it out, for such a woman who even wants to care for a woman in her palms when she sees it, but a man always abandons her.

“Drinking your dragon spirit blood, my spiritual roots have grown. Even cultivation is probably still a long process.”

“You stretch out your hand, let me see what your spiritual power is.” Qian’er stretched out his hand.

“What do you mean by what degree?” Gu Bailu asked puzzledly.

Qian’er chuckles and laughs: “Didn’t you have studied at Yunjing Academy for a few days? I didn’t teach you this. The spiritual power is also pure. The purest spiritual power can be cultivated quickly. Li can only stay at the lower level forever, just like me.”

“Well, no one really told me.”

What did she learn at Yunjing Academy? She didn’t take two classes seriously.

Spiritual power grows here. Feng Qingtian is not a serious cultivator. He doesn’t understand this, and he doesn’t care about it. At most, he just gets a bunch of pills to increase the speed of cultivation. .

Qian’er put her hand on her wrist, closed her eyes, frowned: “I don’t feel any spiritual power, maybe my way is too shallow, the princess will go find a spiritual stone to test.”

In addition to the dragon’s spirit blood flowing in her body, Qian’er is also a living spirit measuring stone, which can measure the spiritual power of a newborn baby.

So in Tianfeng Nation, although she is a slave, few people dare to disrespect her, because a word of her can cut the fate of a person’s life.

Of course, it is not a small number of people who were opened by her mouth, drowned and discarded, and were thrown into the backyard and never saw their parents again.

So she really didn’t dare to speak to Gu Bailu’s spiritual power.

Like the worst spiritual power, but not so sure.

Gu Bailu had guessed how her spiritual power was after hearing her say this.

It’s definitely not the best one. It’s probably not even good, so Qian’er is reluctant to tell the truth.

But she was not disappointed.

“But this is nothing. With my dragon spirit blood, even if your spiritual power is poor, you can wash it well.”

As she said, she cut off her wrist and poured a glass for Gu Bailu in the empty cup: “Drink it, it’s good for the child.”

“Are you like this…Are you not afraid of losing too much blood?”

Gu Bailu is now, this girl feeds people and drinks blood, as if toasting people.

When you come up, I will cut your wrist and pour you a cup of blood. Do you want to be so vigorous.

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