Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 449: Two foodies

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And what he wants is the Sky-Splitting Mirror, he wants to kill those bastards.

Although he has a common enemy, he also knows that it is impossible for him to cooperate with Demon Lord.

Because he should never hurt Gu Bailu.

Ye Huai came in soon, and when he saw that his face was not very good, he asked: “What’s wrong? What happened to your former princess?”

“How did you know?”

“Except for her, who else can make you worry, the demon lord has obtained the Mirror of Sky-Splitting, as if he intends to regain the devil’s cave.”

“You can’t let him return to the Demon Cave. He can still deal with him if he stays in the world. When we return to the Demon Cave, we cannot deal with it with the power of human beings.”

“Yes, so I am so anxious to report and want to hear your decision.”

“Have you found his current lair in the world?” Feng Qingtian’s eyes showed coldness, and anyone who dared to hurt Gu Bailu, whether he was a demon or the sky, would have to die.

“They didn’t find the old nest, but they got the Tiangang map from the former princess. It is estimated that they went to find the magic cave according to that map. If the former princess can tell us the Tiangang map, we can ambush them in advance.”

“This matter, we have to wait two days.”

Now Gu Bailu is definitely not willing to tell them the Tiangang map.

He can even be sure that the pictures Gu Bailu gave to Demon Lord and them may not be completely correct, there must be a small difference.

This is smart, she must have it.

“Then I will bring all the soldiers back in advance.”

“Well, send more people to watch their movements, and report any changes.”

The Demon Lord should have two Sky-Splitting Mirrors in his hands. If he can grab them, it would be much easier.

After Ye Huai retired, Ye Hua arrived soon after.

“Go back to the lord, what the princess ate… Young Master Xiao said he didn’t know him, and asked if you knew… the thing was too strong, and the princess and A Luo couldn’t bear its power after eating, so they passed out. “

“What kind of thing?”

“The subordinates look at the colorful on their mouths, there is a small piece here.” Ye Hua took a piece of Dai Chun that Gu Bailu hadn’t had time to finish, and showed Feng Qingtian a glance.

Feng Qingtian’s eyes widened: “This silly girl, why did she eat a glance of Dai Chun!”

Ichimoku Dai Chun is extremely strong, and most people can’t hold it after eating, they will die suddenly!

“How is she now, is her life in danger? What about the child?”

Feng Qingtian was a little anxious, why would she suddenly go and eat YiMu Dai Chun.

What do you want to do?

“Young Master Xiao said that there is no major problem for the time being, that is, it is possible to sleep for two or three days.”

“Let him take good care of her. Don’t let her have anything to do.” Feng Qingtian swallowed and resisted Gu’s impulse.

Quickly pass the day.

He never felt that life flies so slowly.


Gu Bailu woke up and felt that it was really bad, so Dai Chun really couldn’t eat indiscriminately.

Young Master Xiao looked at her and A Luo amusedly: “You two are foodies, and you dare to eat that thing. I’m really not afraid to make up for you.”

Gu Bailu Haha: “I…I just want to grow my spiritual roots quickly, am I okay, have I grown my spiritual roots?”

“You are fine, but do you know how big a baby you have ruined?”

A glance at Daichun’s water can increase spiritual power for many people, and that water is more effective than Suxin Pill.

She just ate Yimou Daichun as candy.

The most annoying thing is that the first sentence A Luo wakes up is, that candy is so delicious, she still wants to eat it.

Eat your sister.

Young Master Xiao couldn’t help cursing. The legendary Nine Thousand and Nine Dai Chun made many people covet, let alone the King of Nine Thousand and Nine Dai Chun!

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