Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 399: Maoshan Taoism is used here

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Gu Bailu took out the teleport talisman, blinked, and came to Gu Zongxiong’s study. The title deed was hidden behind the ink painting hanging in the study.

Gu Bailu quickly got the land deed and turned it over. There are still a bunch of shops with contracts in it.

Many shops have been sold by them.

And it accounts for more than half.

The money went into their pockets.

There was also a will that stunned Gu Bailu.

This is the word for mother?

The handwriting is beautiful, but it is weak, as if it was written when he was seriously ill.

The will states that if Lu’er is healthy and married to a good family, he can change the land deed of the mansion to Gu Zongxiong’s.

Gu Bailu shed tears while holding the will. This is the first time she really felt the warmth of the mother who was still protecting her from the serious illness.

Although it may not be against her, it is also against her original master.

She may know that the original master will be killed, so she made such a will, hoping to protect her with all the property in the house.

Although the original master is a waste, he has not been rejected by his mother.

Gu Bailu wiped away her tears, so she couldn’t make it all cheap for those horrible things.

Gu Bailu hurriedly copied a few of the same land deeds and put them in the box, with the land deed of the most important Gu Mansion on the top.

She filled in the deed numbers randomly.

Then she left with the real title deed.

After Gu Zongxiong took the medicine, he took Ye Yun and combed back to the study: “Hurry up and take the title deed and go to the Yamen to change the name. Anyway, the **** is already married, and this contract can take effect.”

Ye Yun comb moved quickly, and the two of them left the house in less than a quarter of an hour.

Gu Bailu waited for them to leave the mansion and summoned everyone in the mansion with force.

She spread the title deed on the table: “I am calling you today to let you know who is the real master of this Gu Mansion. Gu Zongxiong is just a patriarch. Before my mother died, he did not take Gu Mansion. Everything is transferred to him. The title deed is still my mother’s name. My mother has only one daughter, so this Gu Mansion belongs to me.”

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you.

After doing it for a long time, all the title deeds in the Gu Mansion are still the old ladies.

Gu Zongxiong and Ye Yuncom are just false masters.

Gu Bailu stood up and shed tears in expectation: “I only recently found out that the reason why my mother died was killed by them. When my mother was pregnant with me, they took advantage of me. My mother fell asleep and cheated behind the screen in the room. My mother woke up and caught it. She was so angry that my mother saw Hong on the spot. Since then, her body is weak and never gets better.”

“After that, the two of them desperately begged my mother for forgiveness, and my mother let them go. Unexpectedly, this didn’t get their reflection. Instead, they put chronic poison in my mother’s medicine, causing her to lose blood and die.”

“So, I will never tolerate them staying in my mother’s place again today, enjoying the blessing of my mother. These two unhealthy things must get out.”

Gu Bailu received her tears and said categorically: “I know that many of you are people who did bad things with them, such as you…”

She randomly pointed to a woman: “I followed Gu Zongxiong when I was young. It was he who made you poison my mother’s medicine. You worked in the kitchen.”

“And you, the last time I married me to Wang Dachong, it was a letter you sent to Wang Dachong’s aunt.”

“You… Ye Yunshu’s nephew stole someone else’s wife and was beaten to death. It was you who helped her to settle this matter.”

Gu Bailu pointed out the bad things done by many people one by one, and they turned pale with fright.

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