Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 235: You can’t bear the anger of the king.

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What are their pills?

They didn’t take any pills for Wang Wang.

The patriarch and the patriarch’s wife rushed to hear the sound, and they were puzzled when they saw King Jun, and then they saw the person in King Jun’s arms, their expressions immediately changed.

“Wang Jun, what are you?” The clan chief Wang Whirlwind asked, risking being frozen into popsicles.

“Who gave you the courage to marry this king’s woman?” Feng Qingtian said plainly, but his words shocked like thunder and lightning.

The woman who is the king…

The daughter-in-law married to the palace turned out to be the woman of the king.

I have heard that this trash can approach Wang Wang, but Wang Wang has never publicly said that this is his woman.

I don’t know if this woman has been favored by Wang Wang.

Isn’t King Jun likes Miss Nan Ningxin from Murong Mansion?

What the **** is going on here.

Wang Xuanfeng’s face was already gray, and he stared at his sister-in-law bitterly: “You did a good thing, you want to kill all of the palace, you dead wife, I will kill you today.”

The little auntie turned pale in fright, and she threw herself on her knees: “The slave servant, the slave servant doesn’t know her… she is…”

Gu Bailu raised her head to look forward to Ai Ai: “I don’t go to the church, they also force me to go to the church. Fortunately, I flashed fast.”

Move the anger to others, it’s none of my business, it’s none of my business.

The group fell to the ground in fright, shouting for mercy.

“Wang Xuanfeng, don’t you think it is particularly ridiculous, this king’s woman was almost forced to marry others.” Feng Qingtian asked coldly and frightened Wang Xuanfeng repeatedly.

Can’t even say a word of forgiveness.

Everyone in Baidi City knows that King Jun has been troubled by misogyny over the years. He finally slept with a woman and was almost robbed by someone.

Even if the king doesn’t blame him for this, the people of Baidi City can drown the palace in one bite at a time.

In the eyes of the people in Baidi City, King Cho has a godhead.

With his presence, Nan Yaoguo can be so strong and not be deceived.

They all hope that King Jun can raise heirs and become king of Emperor Nan Yao.

Even the current emperor thinks so.

And his royal family, dare to **** women from such a king.

Feng Qingtian hugged Gu Bailu just like that, standing there coldly, like a lone eagle in the ice and snow, looking down at the prey underneath, making people scared.

The begging for mercy gradually disappeared, and the kowtow was still loud, and no one dared to stop or weaken.

Feng Qingtian just stood like that, without saying a word, his narrow eyes staring at the group of people kneeling in front of him.

There is no warmth in his eyes, like an ice corpse whose soul has been digged out, just standing like that.

It seems to have been standing in the wind and being dried.

No one knows when he will stand, and dare not ask what he wants to do.

The silence in Langfang is terrible, and the people who kowtow dare not even get out of the air.

The wind in late autumn blew, and the wind was rolled up in the corridor. It was so cold that Gu Bailu shuddered. She rubbed her hands and said to Feng Qingtian: “Cold, go back soon.”

Feng Qingtian’s pupils regained consciousness, and when she looked at her, she felt uncomfortable and distressed.

This woman, what should he do with her.

He hugged Gu Bailu tighter, walked off Langfang, and left a cruel sentence coldly: “All the subordinates who participated in this action will cut off their spiritual roots, and the master will not survive.”

Gu Bailu frowned slightly: “Wang Wang doesn’t need to be so cruel.”

Feng Qingtian swept over coldly: “It’s too light? Then punish the Nine Clan.”

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