Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 21: Don’t get sick from boredom

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Gu Zongxiong’s violent roar came from behind, and Gu Bailu rolled her eyes. This kind of daddy, she would not even kill him.

Gu Zongxiong was only a disciple in a small family back then, but he had a good spiritual root, and he reached the level of grandmaster at the age of eighteen.

The spiritual power level of this world needs to be cultivated from the beginning to the first level, at the level 20 to the grandmaster level, after the grandmaster level 20 to the grandmaster, and then from the grandmaster level 20 to the grand sword master. , Later on, Sword Sovereign, Sword Immortal, Sword God.

Just like modern online games.

According to the normal training speed, the 20th level is about one level per year. It takes at least 20 years to reach the master, and most people do not start practicing until the earliest age of three.

So Gu Zongxiong’s eighteen-year-old reaching the level of a master is not considered a superb prodigy, but he is also better than many people.

A coincidence, he rescued Gu Bailu’s grandfather, Grandpa Guo, who saw that he was young and promising, so he married his only daughter.

So Gu Zongxiong actually joined the family. This mansion was originally the residence of the Lord Guo.

When Lord Guo was still alive, Gu Zongxiong had all kinds of affection for his wife. When Lord Guo passed away, Gu Zongxiong began to accept concubines constantly, lingering in the flowers, even the close maid beside his wife followed him. Hooked up on the bed.

At that time, Gu Bailu’s mother had just given birth to her for a few months. She was still weak, and she heard that her most trusted maid and husband were sleeping together, and she was so angry that she was vomiting blood and sick.

When Gu Bailu was two years old, she closed her eyes unwillingly.

Not long after the death of Gu’s mother, Gu Zongxiong proposed her maid as his wife, changed the mansion of the Lord’s Grandfather to General Gu’s mansion, and lived his new life ungratefully.

The original master is a silly person, and under Gu Wanqin and her mother’s falsehood, he regards them as the closest people.

But never thought, how could a really good person crawl on her father’s bed shortly after her mother was pregnant.

The original master is a bastard, she is not, this is her home, her mother’s home, it is them who should get rid of.

When I walked to the Jiuqu Bridge, I saw Gu Wanqin bringing a few maids here, and I saw a crescent-white wide-sleeved fringed dress with elegant and dignified steps. Over the years, she was trained by her maid it is good.

“Sister!” She saw Gu Bailu trot over and asked with a look of concern: “Sister, are you okay, did Wang Wang hurt you?”

“If King King wants to hurt me, I can still stand in front of you now?” Gu Bailu laughed.

“The eldest sister is really lucky, and the king won’t hate you. In the future, who will dare to laugh at you at Baidicheng.” Gu Wanqin was grateful and proud.

Gu Bailu patted her on the shoulder: “After pretending for so many years, the third sister is not too tired for you.”

Gu Wanqin’s face changed slightly: “Sister, why are you talking about it.”

“Three sisters, I just can’t tell the truth from the false, but my mind is not all stuffed with grass. You push me down the cliff and want to continue the sisterhood?”

Gu Wanqin thought she was done, and in the end she personally pushed Gu Bailu off the cliff.

“Sister, why do you say that? When did I ever do such a thing? Our sisters are deeply in love… I was also ordered to marry Brother Chen because of your accident…”

Gu Bailu patted her head again: “Oh, it’s not easy for you. After so many years of dressing up as a white lotus flower, all the people in Baidicheng think you are kind and gentle. Even if I don’t cooperate with you, you You have to do it alone, and do it well, so don’t get sick from boredom.”

Gu Bailu laughed out loud after speaking.

Gu Wanqin’s nails were pinched into her palms with anger: “If I can kill you once, I can kill you countless times.”

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