Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 193: Master

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The island is deserted, and occasionally a few unknown weeds grow out of the crevices of the stones and do not reach people’s knees.

The setting sun on the sea level shattered, and the boulder was covered with an orange-red color, which reminded Gu Bailu of the magma accumulated in the Hell’s Magma River.

It was almost the first feeling, Gu Bailu didn’t like it here.

Desolate boulders, depressed atmosphere, and no spells can be used.

The island is not very big, and you can see it from up. It is a small island made up of huge rocks without any buildings.

“Where does your master live?” Gu Bailu asked Mias curiously.

Since Mias came to the island, his expression has become solemn. Seeing Gu Bailu asked, worried and said: “Master has no place to live, so he hides in the crevices of the boulders when it is windy and rainy.”

Gu Bailu’s mouth twitched, the worldly expert is really weird.

Run to such a deserted place, the ground is the bed, the sky is the quilt.

Xiu Xianxiu to this point, it is enough to fight.

“You follow me closely, don’t take the wrong step.” Mias led the way, not forgetting to turn around and exhort.

Gu Bailu followed him, followed by Feng Qingtian and Qin Shou.

Looking at the small island, with nine bends and eighteen bends led by Mias, from sunset to night, it is still turning.

“How long do I have to turn around! I’m so hungry.” Gu Bailu was really hungry.

Mias took out a food box from the bag he carried with him: “There is fried fish in it, you should eat it first.”

Gu Bailu blinked: “Looking like this, do you have to walk a few days?”

In Mias’s bag, there are several large food boxes, and the aroma of the vegetables is heard, which is full of vegetables.

“Soon, I will be there tomorrow morning.”

Believe in your evil, is this called soon?

Gu Bailu felt that she was really on the thief ship when she came to find Feng Qingtian, so she might as well wait for the lonely cloud mirror in the palace.

At least it’s delicious in the palace, and it’s good to drink and live in.

It’s nothing to come here to suffer.

What else can happen when the thief ship is on board, let’s go.

Mias is really an honest kid, and he didn’t lie at all. They really went from dark to dawn.

Gu Bailu often goes out to catch ghosts at night, and she is busy all night, so to her, walking all night is nothing.

At dawn, Mias stopped and said: “It’s almost here.”

Gu Bailu looked around and found that it wasn’t this place. Isn’t it true that they were walking around all night?

Gu Bailu looked at Feng Qingtian, Feng Qingtian raised her eyebrows and looked at her, asking what’s the matter with her eyes?

Gu Bailu turned her head and ignored him. He didn’t even protest. It should be about. They weren’t spinning around in place.

“We are spinning on the spot, with a radius of two hundred meters.”

Gu Bailu frowned. Is it the Wanzong Mixing Array?

This kind of formation allows you to keep spinning in place, and you will never get into where you want to go without spinning.

Besides, you’re very particular about spinning in place. If you take a wrong step and don’t fit in with the formation, you will return to the starting point again, and your previous efforts will be lost.

Wanzong Lost Array is to consume people’s physical strength and make people upset.

Without that patient person, even if you know how to go, you can’t solve the formation.

“Here.” Mias said, and walked to a boulder to draw a five-pointed star symbol on it.

The symbol came out, flashing light, and the huge boulder in front of it split open, revealing another stone path.

Mias walked forward, looking a little serious again.

Gu Bailu hurriedly followed, and Feng Qingtian carefully scanned the surroundings, her eyes gleaming slightly.

Mias stepped a bit faster, walked to the front of the waves and called out: “Master!”

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