Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 163: Rescue the Maverick Devil

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In the depths of the huge pit, there are huge boulders like beds, and the middle boulder is covered with a thick layer of leaves. A huge bull demon lay on it.

These monsters all have the same faces, she is really stupid and can’t tell who is who.

The Maverick Devil lay there restlessly rolling around, opening his mouth and groaning in pain, a heart-piercing roar.

Gu Bailu hurriedly covered her ears.

I really don’t know if her ears will have sequelae after treatment with this little prince.

The Cow Demon put her on the boulder, next to the Maverick Demon.

Gu Bailu said: “Cut this thing, you come, I can’t start, I will come after the cut, I will help him to stop the pain, and hemorrhage, if it goes well, he will not die.”

“What does it mean if it goes well?” The Cow Demon’s voice was in vain with anger.

“After all, I haven’t done such a thing for Warcraft.” Gu Bailu said calmly.

Even if she was a human, she hadn’t had a few medical treatments, although she learned the medical skills of Maoshan from her master, and she also learned a few months from Young Master Xiao who saved her when she was wearing it.

But no clinical experience.

The Cow Demon Lord is depressed a lot, and his eyes are a little sad.

“I will do my best.” Gu Bailu didn’t know how to comfort her.

The Cow Demon King walked over and held down his son. In his pain, he lifted the knife and dropped it, and he saw blood spraying out like a fountain.

Gu Bailu hurriedly stuffed a Suxin Pill into the mouth of the Maverick Devil.

She came from Gu Yunjing.

Take out the silver needle, according to his own judgment, stick it on the palm of the Maverick Demon King.

Suddenly, the whole person was stunned, and the silver needle stuck in the palm of the Maverick Devil’s hand, just like the thorn of a cactus…small as dust.

“Go and let them prepare something sharp, a bush like a big thorn.” Gu Bailu made a decisive decision.

The Golden Shining Bull Demon hurriedly ordered in beast language.

I got a bunch of big thorn bushes right away, it’s really a bunch!

A full building is tall.

Gu Bailu didn’t know what mood to use to describe it, and blamed her for not specifying how many to use.

Gu Bailu is looking for acupuncture points for the Maverick Demon King completely based on her own judgment.

Just pierce the big thorn bush into the palm of the Maverick Demon Lord, and she took all her energy.

When the tie was finished, she was already lying weakly on top of the boulder.

Even if a lightning strike came, she couldn’t move to avoid it.

Whether the acupuncture points are in place, whether the Maverick Devil will not be able to hold it in the end, she can’t control it.

Gu Bailu was so tired that she fell asleep.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw a pair of eyes as big as the moon, and her figure was reflected in the pupils.

So thin, so small!

She subconsciously took two steps back: “Who are you and what are you looking at me doing?”

What’s the matter with the interested eyes in those eyes.

“Ho Ho Ho Ho…” the monster opened her mouth just as she roared, raising her hands very excited.

Gu Bailu hurriedly covered her ears and saw the big thorn bushes on her palms.

It turned out to be Tintin’s little monsters that had been cut. It’s no wonder she didn’t recognize them. These monsters look the same regardless of age or gender.

A ghost can tell who is the male, the mother, the father, and the son.

Gu Bailu breathed a sigh of relief, very good, not dead, saved.

“I’ll remove the thornwood for you.” Gu Bailu motioned him to lie down obediently: “Lie down here.”

The Maverick Devil lay down obediently, staring straight at her, as if very happy.

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