Everlasting Immortal Firmament Chapter 76: Bone alienation

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Gu Hai jumped into Go Match World with Long Wanqing!

Long Wanqing stared wide-eyed: “Why did you come in? Go Match hasn’t been unlocked yet?”

Go Match doesn’t need to be unlocked. If it’s not the location I want to adjust, I can enter it a little earlier!” Gu Hai said with a smile.


The two fell down.

On the outside world, the inside is only as big as a hollowed-out floating island. You can enter it. Long Wanqing finds itself wrong. This world is too big. Countless mountains and rivers. Surrounded by clouds.

The two fell from a height and fell into a sea.


Falling into the sea, a lot of seawater blooms.

cough cough cough!”

Long Wanqing choked for a while, Guhai immediately dragged Long Wanqing towards the shore, and soon reached the shore.

cough cough cough!”

After a fit of coughing, Long Wanqing is better. Looking at in all directions.

This is a small island. Next to the island, a piece of golden dragon body with a diameter of half and a half, extending tens of thousands of lengths, with two ends connected to the void wall, was nailed to this world.

Above the sky, there are a lot of clouds filled with fog, so that the two can’t see the outside world.

Similarly, when Ding Rui is outside the large formation, they cannot see where the two are. It seems that the two quickly became smaller during the fall. Some clouds are filled with fog and even more blurred. The clearest is only the golden Dragon Vein.

Vigorous Dragon Sect, Nailing Dragon Sect?” Long Wanqing said with a frown.

Hall Master, the place we entered is located in Dragon Vein. Remember that you said that Dragon Pulling Jade can charge Dragon Vein?” Gu Hai looked at Long Wanqing.

Long Wanqing frowned at Gu Hai, didn’t speak, but walked towards Dragon Vein.

Guhai slightly forced smile, knowing that Long Wanqing has a little bit to guard against himself, did not say much, and stepped towards Dragon Vein.

Quickly, Gu Hai was already attached to the body of the huge Dragon Vein.

The right hand touches the huge Dragon Vein, a breathtaking power is transferred into Gu Hai ’s heart. It felt like how small he was.

“Are we getting smaller, or is this Dragon Vein getting bigger?” Guhai was puzzled said.

You know, in the Dafeng Gang, dragon tail was not so exaggerated.

“We haven’t become smaller, Dragon Vein originally should have this stoutness!” Long Wanqing explained.

Oh?” Guhai was curious said.


Under the abdomen, Severing Life Blade shuddered as if trying to pop out.

Guhai brow raised, pressing the desire of Severing Life Blade, looked at Long Wanqing.

See Long Wanqing is still looking at this huge Dragon Vein. Guhai silent for a while seems to be considering whether to remove Severing Life Blade.

Gu Hai understands that Severing Life Blade is eager to ingest the power of Dragon Vein, but, after all, it is a little shocking, Gu Hai does not want to be exposed in front of Long Wanqing.

But maybe the power of Dragon Vein is too tempting for Severing Life Blade. Under strong craving and still rejected by the ancient sea, Severing Life Blade suddenly emerged a strange power, rushed into the bones of the ancient sea.


ka ka ka ka ka!”

Gu Hai sticks to the right palm bone of Dragon Vein, and suddenly has a general change. A little bone grows in the palm. The bone slowly grows and pierces his own flesh. It looks like an bone spike and emerges from the palm.


Palm bone spike, insert Dragon Vein within the body.


Suddenly, the power of Dragon Vein rolled along this bone spike into the ancient sea within the body, along the whole body bones, and went towards the abdomen Severing Life Blade.


A lot of power poured into Severing Life Blade.

Guhai complexion changed, immediately let go of his right hand. Pull out the bone spike from Dragon Vein.

In the palm of your hand, the root bone spike is half a foot long, and it is exceptionally grim.

“The strength of Severing Life Blade can transform my bones?” Guhai surprised said.

Severing Life Blade has his own consciousness, and just transformed his bones without objection. However, the consciousness of Severing Life Blade was split by itself, and it was also under its control.

Gu Hai issued an order to Severing Life Blade. Slowly, the bone spike in the palm slowly became smaller, slowly retracted into the palm, and slowly disappeared.

The repair power of Severing Life Blade is to restore the punctured palm to its original state, as if it had never been done before.

Severing Life Blade has the power to transform bones? Can it transform and change my bones?” Guhai brow slightly raised.

This is the first time Severing Life Blade has discovered this ability. To confirm this ability, Gu Hai reached out his right hand and controlled it with consciousness.

zi zi zi Zi!”

Suddenly, the bones of Gu Hai ’s right hand changed again and grew rapidly. After piercing the skin, a bone like a long sword grew. It looks very strange.

Remove an iron sword from the small space of the token and collide with the bone sword.

Dang!” ​​

The iron sword immediately has two cuts.

Gu Hai looked at the right metacarpal sword in surprise. Is this density too strong? Glancing at Long Wanqing.

But I saw that Long Wanqing has gone around investigate Dragon Vein elsewhere. Ancient Sea eyes slightly narrowed.

“Get up!”

ka ka ka ka ka!”


Guhai immediately has a whole body of bone, chest, back, arms, legs, face, hundreds of bone emerged from the skin, in a flash, Guhai looks like a huge white bone spike hedgehog , The terrible horror beyond sight.


In a blink of an eye, Gu Hai instantly put away the bone that came out of his body and took a long breath.

All the pierced skin has been recovered, as if it hadn’t been done before, only countless holes in the clothes prove everything.

Guhai eyelids jumped wildly. Quickly changed clothes.

After touching the abdomen Severing Life Blade, Gu Hai jumped in his heart.

Without looking for Long Wanqing, Gu Hai once again protruded his right hand and placed it on Dragon Vein.

squeak squeak squeak!”

Suddenly, a large amount of bone spike came out of the palm of the hand and went straight to the inside of Dragon Vein. Severing Life Blade urged it all. The power of Dragon Vein was absorbed along the bones. This time, there is no need for black Qi/air, nor the countless skull in black Qi/air . It is very quiet to forcefully ingest Dragon Vein.

weng weng weng!”

Dragon Vein seems to feel uncomfortable and is shaking.

Gu Hai stood there quietly, Long Wanqing was running around Dragon Vein, with a complex look touching Dragon Vein, a path of golden light occasionally appeared in his hand, eyes also skimmed away, it seemed that he did not want to be seen by Gu Hai Your own Dragon Pulling Jade is average.

Both have their own secrets.

At this moment, above the sky, Meng Tai is flying fast with Feng Ling.

“Where did they go? The two of them could not have suddenly gone!” Meng Tai complexion was gloomy: “Dragon Vein? They must have gone near Dragon Vein!”


Meng Tai flew fast and flew in the direction of Dragon Vein.

Dragon Vein is overwhelmingly thick, but, with the vision of Meng Tai, it can quickly sweep the outline of Dragon Vein.

“Found!” Meng Tai eyes shined.


Meng Tai stopped at high altitude, a small cloud condensed, hidden in it, and looked coldly below.


Staring at Gu Hai, Meng Tai reveals a blank look. After all sorts of deeds, Meng Tai for a long time dare not underestimate the ancient sea, but it is the deepest defense against the ancient sea.

At the moment, you see Gu Hai caressing Dragon Vein? Why is that weird expression so enjoyable?

On the other side, Long Wanqing seems to avoid the ancient sea. In the palm of the hand, a watermelon-sized sphere appears in the palm. The sphere glows with yellow light and spurs a path of halo.

Dragon Pulling Jade?” Meng Tai eyes shined.

However, Meng Tai held back and watched patiently.

Long Wanqing gently adheres to Dragon Vein with Dragon Pulling Jade.


Earth Dragon Vein twitched slightly.

“Is Eh? Earth Dragon Vein sensitive to Dragon Pulling Jade?” Long Wanqing looked at Dragon Pulling Jade curiously, but in addition to the commotion of Dragon Vein, he could not feel abnormal.

Meng Tai also focused on watching: “Dragon Pulling Jade, used to charge Earth Dragon Vein? Can Long Wanqing be charged? Take it, you put away Earth Dragon Vein, I will start again!”

Feng Ling didn’t say a word, it seemed dumb.

Meng Tai and Long Wanqing stared at Dragon Pulling Jade. But I don’t know, this commotion was caused by the ancient sea not far away.

The power of Dragon Vein is absorbed by Severing Life Blade, which is an extremely heavy power.

After receiving Severing Life Blade, one thousandth of the feedback is given to Guhai, but these energies seem to be of great use for bones, and they are continuously deposited in the bones of Guhai. Gu Hai felt that his bones seemed to be getting denser and denser.

ka ka ka ka!”

Correspondingly, the bone spike inserted into Dragon Vein within the body is also growing wildly, just like the old tree packing. In Dragon Vein within the body, more and more forks have been spawned. Each fork can be used to pump the power of Earth Dragon Vein like a pump.


The power of terror was sucked into within the body by the ancient sea. Earth Dragon Vein seemed to be unable to withstand this kind of plunder, and the struggle was getting more and more intense.


As if coming from a dragon roar, Earth Dragon Vein struggled quickly and wriggled desperately, as if to get rid of Guhai, a tarsal maggot. However, if you taste the sweet old sea, how can you give up at this time?

Because of cultivation ’s external power, Gu Hai ’s bones are much denser and stronger than ordinary people. Now that this opportunity becomes stronger, why would Gu Hai let it go?

The rolling power poured into within the body, and almost all of them were put into the enhancement of bones by the ancient sea.



During the painful twisting of Dragon Vein, the huge shaking made Long Wanqing and Meng Tai all complexion changed.

This struggling is too fierce. The entire void is so fierce that it is shaking. The dreadful storm suddenly set off around, and the dreadful tsunami set off in the sea.

“What’s wrong with this?” Long Wanqing surprised said.

As if desperately struggling, Earth Dragon Vein whistled.



The outside world, the floating island of Vigorous Dragon Sect shuddered violently, making the peripheral anxious Ding Rui complexion changed.

“What’s wrong?” Ding Rui surprised said.

Ang!” “Ang!” ……………………

dragon roar sorrowful hiss, the floating island trembles, and the upper Endgame also twists more and more.

Then, the whole Vigorous Dragon Sect was shaking, violently shaking, getting stronger and stronger.

“Earthquake?” Countless practitioners was startled called out.

Dragon Vein? Dragon Vein wants to get rid of this nail? Get Go Match World?” Ding Rui complexion changed.

“Not good, Dragon Vein is irritated. Not only the body is irritated in Go Match World, but other parts of the body are also irritated?” Ding Rui complexion changed.

At the same time, the West Island of 9-5 Island was the land of the former Dafeng Gang. Where the Dragon Vein tail was sealed in the past.


Suddenly a dragon roar came out of the ground.


The earth shook rumble and immediately shook violently.


Mountains are heading in one direction, quickly collapsing away, as if there is a giant dragon walking under the ground.


Not only in the former Dafeng Gang, at this moment, 9-5 Island has numerous earthquakes in countless places.

It looks like a giant dragon is buried under the ground, standing fast in surges.

Countless peaks collapsed, as did countless peaks.

Earthquake swept in all directions. Ordinary commoners bowed down in horror. And the source of everything is in Vigorous Dragon Sect.

It seems that a source of earthquake is passing there.

A huge mountain valley land. Divine Mystery Battalion flying ship is surveying a mountain range. Suddenly the mountain collapsed down, and the violent shaking went in a direction far away.

“This is? Dragon Vein turned over? The sky is falling apart! Someone is angering Dragon Vein?” There are disciples surprised said of Divine Mystery Battalion.

“That direction, Vigorous Dragon Sect direction?” Someone pointed away.

Divine Mystery Battalion Commander Li Haoran complexion turned cold: “Vigorous Dragon Sect? Ding Rui this old slut, actually lie to me? Hurry, go to Vigorous Dragon Sect now!”


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