Everlasting Immortal Firmament Chapter 155: Too early to come

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Divine Farmer City, dry area!

Saint Gong Yang brought Guhai, Sima Changkong, Long Aotian, Long Sanqian, Ao Shun to the center plaza.

The huge plaza has a white monument. On the monument is a circular pattern of sixty-four hexagrams, which is exactly the same as the arrangement of sixty-four hexagrams in the sky.

Under the sixty-four hexagrams, it is the scripture of Joined Mountains Changes, opening the first hexagram-

Gen Trigram is the first. Burying his back and not getting his body. Walking in his court, he is not seen, Daan.

Jianshan, Gen. The gentleman cannot think of his place.

In the sixth day, it is blameless, Li Yongzhen.

June two, Gen Qifei, do not save his followers, his heart is unhappy.

Ninety-three, the limit is set, its value is listed, which is beneficial to the heart.

June 4th.

Sixth Five-Year Plan, supplemented by Gen, orderly and repentant.

Shangjiu, Dungunji-

“Sure enough, Gen Trigram is the first!” Guhai eyes slightly narrowed.

At this moment, a large number of people are walking upstream of plaza, but no one is close to the monument. Perhaps Joined Mountains Changes on the monument has been abandoned.

There are a lot of soldiers guarding the monument.

Gu Hai looked at Joined Mountains Changes on the monument, ‘Gen Trigram’ first, then ‘Kun Trigram’ second. one by one ranks, with as many as sixty-four.

Mr. Gu, Divine Farmer City, there are sixty-four monuments, each one, there is an Joined Mountains Changes, and the font of each article is different, like creative concept but different. Don’t all look at Mr. Gu?” Saint Gong Yang oddly said .

“No more!” Gu Hai shook his head.

If you do n’t understand it, why should you?

“Then, Mr. Gu, do you see incomplete?” Saint Gong Yang look was odd said.

incomplete? Gu Hai is only a rough master of gossip, how could he understand clearly?

Sixty-four gossips are a combination of basic gossips. In fact, they are the superposition of two gossip patterns. This Gen Trigram is the superposition of two ordinary Gen Trigrams.

Gen Trigram,?, the top one is long, the middle is two short, and the bottom is also two short.

One long cross is called ‘Yang Yao’, and two short crosses are called ‘Yin Yao’. Yang Yao called ‘nine’ and Yin Yao called ‘six’.

Guaxiang, look from bottom to top. Gen Trigram is the superposition of two ‘?’. So at the bottom are two short horizontal lines, called the sixth day, and the order of looking at the hexagrams is: first six, six two, nine three, six four, six five, upper nine.

Gu Hai ’s proficiency, other people also understand how to look at it, but then how to study it in depth, I ca n’t understand it. at least Saint Gong Yang can’t understand.

Long Aotian, Long Sanqian, Ao Shun, and Sima Changkong are also incomprehensible.

Hall Master, did you see incomplete?” Long Aotian coldly smiled and said.

At this moment, everyone looks at Gu Hai.

“You said, can I write on this stele?” Guhai was puzzled said.

Eh, yes, this stele is part of Joined Mountains Great Formation. As long as you write it, you have your own sense. If it does n’t matter, it wo n’t respond. Mr. Gu, do you really want to write? Really found incomplete Alright? “Saint Gong Yang oddly said.

“Well, the problem is not small!” Guhai nodded.

Saint Gong Yang: “……………!”

I ’m just asking, ca n’t you be humble?

everyone looked at Gu Hai silently. I do n’t know if Gu Hai really saw the problem or pretended to be a ghost. See you soon. everyone is also not talkative.

Saint Gong Yang stepped forward and told the guardian general that the guardian general looked at Guhai in surprise.

“Oh, would n’t it be a lie again?”

Your Majesty‘s” Joined Mountains Changesfor a long time is perfect, how could there be incomplete?”

“And still a big man?”




The generals are slightly combined. However, Great Flame Your Majesty has strict orders and is naturally reassuring, but there is a disdain in the eyes.

When Gu Hai approached, Saint Gong Yang took out the writing brush on the side and said: “Mr. Gu, this is a special writing brush, you can use this spirit stone polished golden liquid, just write it on the stone tablet!”

Gu Hai grabbed his brush and dipped it in golden liquid and nodded.

Gu Hai stood in front of the giant monument, but it attracted the attention of countless commoners around him.

“What are those people doing? How did they go to Lianshan Monument?”

“Isn’t it going to change Joined Mountains Changes?”

“Just kidding, Old Man Guan Qi failed to change a word a thousand years ago. Where is this group of people?”




commoners showed unbelief, but one after another stopped to watch.

Saint Gong Yang and Long Aotian are suddenly with a smile on their faces. suddenly found that he should n’t have come. More and more people came around. If Gu Hai could n’t write anything, it would be shameful.

In the crowd, there was a group of people with gloomy and cold faces.

It was Azure Emperor who took a group of subordinates and looked at the ancient sea at the stone monument in the distance.

Oh? Really toss, modify Joined Mountains Changes, joke!” Azure Emperor coldly said.

“Emperor, when I listened to it with my ears, I said, this ancient sea is thick and thick!” Seven Kills whispered.

Aside Pill King said with a frown: “Emperor, there are a lot of people here, are we going to change hands?”

“Change another place? Huh, the dry area is the area under the jurisdiction of the orphan. Here, Joined Mountains Great Formation, orphans can mobilize a part. In the place where you are alone, you have to take care of so much?” Azure Emperor coldly said.

“But they are Great Qian Ambassador after all!” Pill King anxiously said.

“What about Great Qian Ambassador? This is Great Flame Heaven Dynasty. Besides, after this incident, who knows that it’s solitary?” Azure Emperor coldly said.

“May …!”

“Don’t worry, there is no way to deal with Great Qian Ambassador, but it is not my Great Flame Heaven Dynasty person, but the ancient sea self-defeating!” Azure Emperor coldly smiled and said.


Seven Kills heard, yes? That’s Ye Hua and Yan Xuan?” Azure Emperor looked at Seven Kills again.

“Emperor, yes, when they talked, their subordinates listened all the time, and a group of people in Guhai, wreaked havoc Heaven City, arrested the two sons of the early days. Also boast shamelessly said that Joined Mountains Changes had a problem, come to Jianyi! “Seven Kills affirmed.

“Okay, since that’s the case, it’s not our problem, but it’s trouble to come to them too early! It’s too early!” Azure Emperor coldly said.

Probing hands, Azure Emperor Ling Xu grabbed.


There are countless fogs coming from around the void.

“Emperor, is this manipulating Joined Mountains Changes? Will Your Majesty find out?” Pill King also returned somewhat anxiously said.

“This is a place under the jurisdiction of solitary, Your Majesty will not control, and solitary is just using Joined Mountains Great Formation to pull the world Spiritual Energy, layout another big array!” Azure Emperor coldly said.


suddenly, the heavy fog instantly enveloped the entire center plaza.

“What’s going on?”

“Why is it foggy?”

“The breath of so powerful, how, how ………”




Countless commoners immediately reveal surprised look.

A strong breath shrouded from the fog.

“What’s the matter? Fly out and see!” a soldier said astonished.

Just soared into the air.


a loud sound, was shot down.


A scream rang out all around.

commoners immediately is in a panic.

At the same time, Gu Hai’s brush stopped in the air, and Sima Changkong and others looked at the fog rolling in front of their eyes in amazement.

“What’s the matter, this is Divine Farmer City, who dares to pretend here?” Saint Gong Yang complexion changed.

“Ancient Sea!” Suddenly loudly shouted echoed through the foggy area.

Guhai complexion sank, looked in amazement at the place where the roar came, but the roar was too loud to find out where it came from.

“Go out first!” shouted Long Aotian.

Speaking, body flicked away into the distance.


One Long Aotian immediately was bumped back, but in front of Long Aotian, there was an Six-winged Angel.

Six-winged Angel is holding a long sword in his hand and looking at Long Aotian coldly.

“Angel? Angel is chasing?” Ao Shun complexion sank.

Speaking, Ao Shun approached the ancient sea.


Just at that moment, the edge of the fog suddenly burst out with millions and millions arrow rain, blasting towards a group of people in the central ancient sea.

The arrow rain was extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye came to everyone.

“Not good!” Long Sanqian, Saint Gong Yang, Sima Changkong are all complexion changed.

Bang, Bang, Bang ………………!”

everyone quickly dodges. Ao Shun hand sweeps, immediately broke a lot of arrow rain.

Countless rattan sticks suddenly appeared around the ancient sea, wrapping in all directions in an instant, wrapping the surrounding numerous guards and commoners.

“Thank you!” numerous soldier complexion changed, looking at Guhai gratefully.

At this very moment, a panic breath suppressed.

High Heavenly Palace?” Ao Shun complexion sank.

However, thousands of angels suddenly flew around. Among them, there were dozens of Six-winged Angel, all holding swords and bows, and enveloped a white figure.

As soon as the white figure emerged, immediately experienced a strong internal storm with a strong breath.

“Too early?” Ao Shun complexion changed.

“Come too early, he doesn’t want the lives of Ye Hua and Yan Xuan?” Sima Changkong is also complexion sank.

“In the beginning, I always let Gou Chen stare at Yan Xuan, and his ears could hear me. If you dare to come, you will never see your two sons again!” Guhai coldly said.

Hahahahaha! Kill me!” In the beginning, coldly smiled and simply ignored it.

“Kill!” Thousands of angels immediately rushed over.

“Ah, help!” Countless commoners immediately complexion changed.


Guhai immediately is surrounded by vines, protecting a large number of commoners.

But, the angel pounced.

Ao Shun stepped forward.

“Boom!” Ao Shun flies dozens of angels with one punch.

Ao Shun? Ao Tianhuang really gave birth to a good son, but blame you for your bad life, and Gu Hai, you don’t want to live any of them!” At the beginning of the cold hum, body instantly arrived in front of Ao Shun.


With one punch, Ao Shun, even though it was High Heavenly Palace expert, was not an early opponent. It was instantly punched and brought a lot of storms. Ao Shun body fell three feet away.

Flying sand and rocks all around, if not protected by the vines of the ancient sea, all commonerss will be encountered.

Unfortunately, angels are getting fiercer.

When a large number of angels are about to be cut to Long Aotian, Long Aotian is no longer hiding at this moment.

“General, protect me!” Long Aotian turned his hand.


Suddenly, a zombie wearing Emperor royal robe suddenly appeared, and suddenly numerous angel flew away.

“Huh? little bastard, look for death!” At the beginning of the eyes turned cold, a moment ago, the punch hit the zombie.


Like Ao Shun, the zombie stepped back ten feet in an instant.

“Broken!” Waving again at the beginning.


The huge power instantly blows all the vines apart, and countless aftermaths instantly hit everyone.

Ah! Ah! Ah!

Before a large number of commoners and Shoubei soldiers were exposed, they wrapped Saint Gong Yang, Sima Changkong, and immediately and were chased and killed by Angels. Screaming, but someone was killed.

Ao Shun and zombies are all Opened Heavenly Palace, immediately rushes to the beginning, but the beginning is too strong, simply is not an opponent, it seems that everyone will be buried under angel lore.

Gu Hai is suddenly eyes narrowed.

“No, this is not really too early, this is 32×32 Heaven and Earth Great Formation? Condensed Cloud Beast is too early?” Gu Hai suddenly complexion changed.

PS: WeChat public account, composed by Qin Yun, Wuya, and cats, the song of the young destiny, composed a Immortality song, “Daqianzhi”, interested to see, WeChat public number, this issue I am Go Heavenly Man, please come into the happy life of the beautiful woman. When Cat interviewed, his heart collapsed. In the end, do n’t you regret the “Gai Shi Tian Zun”? In the public account, there are sequels written by book friends, continuations of Gaishitianzun, very powerful, if you are interested, you can check out Kazakhstan, WeChat public account: aiguanqi

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