Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 983: 2 Yi Dazhen and Wu Huang

As time passed day by day, Emperor Tian Divine Palace also launched a fierce attack on Fu Puppet Zong.

However, Fu Puppet Zong hardly resisted, and the entire territory of Fu Puppet Zong directly surrendered where the army of the Emperor Tian Divine Palace passed.

In just one month, all the territory of Fu Puppet Sect was occupied by the Emperor Tian Divine Palace, and Fu Puppet Sect, only Liangyi Mountain remained.

On this day, outside Liangyi Mountain, the beast roared to the sky.

Countless powerful beings, riding various fierce beasts, appeared outside Liangyi Mountain, their iron hooves stepped into the sky, and the entire space was shaking.

The flags are fluttering, covering the sky and the sun, and the atmosphere of countless strong people will change the color of the world under pressure.

The army of the Emperor Tian Temple has arrived.


The entire Liangyi Mountain is shining, endless inscriptions are permeating, and the sky is rising. In the sky of Liangyi Mountain, a huge Tai Chi picture appears.

Yin and Yang fish appeared, covering the entire Liangyi Mountain.

Lu Ming, Yan Kuangtu, Bai Shijin, Jun Jue, etc., and many other elders, stood on the edge of Liangyi Mountain, watching from a distance through the array.

Boom! boom! …

The sky and the earth are shaking, it seems that there are giants stepping into the air, and a series of terrifying and incomparable auras are rising into the sky.

Ten figures appeared in front of the army of the Emperor Tian Divine Palace, and the vast aura burst out, each of them like an invincible God of War.

The six ancient family patriarchs are all here, and the other four people, without a doubt, also exist at the same level.

Ten Supreme!

“Bai Shijin, Junjue Jue, who knows well, surrender quickly and hand over Lu Ming. Maybe you can also keep you safe from the puppeteer. Otherwise, after the big battle is broken, the puppeteer will go up and down, and the chicken will be destroyed. Dogs don’t stay!”

The Wang Family Patriarch spoke first, full of murderous intent.

“If you have the ability, you will break the formation. If you can break the formation, we will die without regret!”

Bai Shijin responded coldly.

“It is said that the Liangyishan Great Formation is unbreakable. I would like to try to see if the rumors are true!”

The figure of the Wang Family Patriarch, soaring to the sky, the fiery flames directly burned the space into nothingness, exposing the black and empty space, deep and terrifying.


A flame war sword, thousands of meters long, exudes a terrifying aura.

Even through the big formation, many disciples of Fu Puppet Zong showed fear. In front of the supreme, people feel like an ant, difficult to contend.


The Wang Family Patriarch shouted, and the flame war sword slashed towards Liangyi Mountain.

This sword can tear space, penetrate the earth, and destroy the earth.

The space is shattered under this sword.

It was the first time that many of Fu Puppet’s disciples saw the supreme eruption, and their hearts were shocked, with cold sweat on their backs.


The flame war sword, slashed heavily on the Tai Chi picture above Liangyi Mountain.

The sky and the earth are constantly shaking, but the Tai Chi diagram does not shake at all, as stable as Mount Tai.

The sword light dissipated, and Patriarch Jiang’s face was a little gloomy.

“The Great Formation of Liangyi, the emperor can’t break, Wang Shengtian, what are you?”

Juniper scolded him coldly, making Wang’s Patriarch look more murderous.


On top of his head, the blood of Zijitian fire appeared, and he used the fusion of blood veins, incarnate a flame war sword, and once again slashed towards the war between the two instruments.

This time, like the last time, the two instruments were in a big formation, and they didn’t move, which made the Wang Family’s face even more ugly.

Fu Puppet Zong’s many disciples finally let out a long breath after seeing this scene.

Previously, there was a rumor that the Emperor of the Liangyi Grand Formation was unbreakable, but it was just a rumor. After all, there was no bottom in my heart.

Just now they saw the terrifying aura of the Supreme, they were even more worried, but now, don’t worry, it turns out that the two great formations are solid and immortal!

“Let’s shoot together, I don’t believe it, we can’t break this big battle!”

The Wang Family Patriarch treated the other nine people.


The other nine nodded.

Boom! boom! …

The ten supreme beings exploded at the same time, and their momentum was earth-shattering. The space around them couldn’t bear the pressure of terror, and they broke apart.

Behind, the army of the Emperor Tian Divine Palace retreated quickly, retreating thousands of miles away.

At the next moment, the Ten Supremes shot at the same time, and ten terrifying attacks simultaneously attacked the two big formations.

“Maintain the team!”

Bai Shijin’s voice spread far away.

There are many elders and disciples all over the Liangyi Mountain. Spiritual fire jumps, and spiritual power is constantly injected into some formations.

There are countless formations all over the Liangyi Mountain, connecting the battle between the two instruments, and the disciples of Fu Puppet Zong can continuously inject spiritual power to maintain the strength of the Liangyi Mountain formation.

There are too many formations of this kind, spread all over the place, and they are not afraid that the Emperor Tian Divine Palace will be destroyed by the internal traitors in the Fu Puppet Zong, because destroying a few formations will have no effect on the big formation, unless they are all destroyed.

But it’s impossible, how big is Liangyi Mountain? Even if there are spies, Bai Shijin can kill them in time.

Boom! boom! boom! ….

The attacks of the ten supreme beings, falling on the Tai Chi diagram, only caused a slight wave of waves, which can be ignored.

The name of the Liangyi Great Formation is not just talking about it.

“Let me come!”

In the depths of the army of the Emperor Tian Divine Palace, a voice came out. The next moment, a golden sword light cut through the space, mighty, like a mighty sky, slashing towards the Tai Chi map.


The entire Liangyi Mountain seemed to be throbbing, making a terrible vibration.

However, the Tai Chi figure shines, blocking this sword light.

Shoo! call out! …

But then, one after another sword light came violently, accompanied by the sword light like the mighty sky, one person stepped into the air.

Emperor Yiwuhuang.

His figure is not very burly, but it gives people a feeling of being tall with the sky, standing in the void at will, like a **** standing upright on the earth.

He was filled with golden brilliance, and every golden brilliance turned into a war sword, slashed towards the big formation of Liangyi.

Boom! boom! …

There are waves and constant vibrations on the Tai Chi picture.

“Keep it up!”

The voice of Bai Shijin spread far away, and in front of all the formations, disciples of Fu Puppet Zong continued to input spiritual fire to maintain the power of the formation.


On the emperor Yiwuhuang, ten thousand golden lights gathered together and turned into a huge sword that shook the sky and fell down.


The sky shook the sky, and the void shattered, exposing a terrifying space crack that was thousands of miles long.

Bai Shijin and others’ faces are extremely solemn~IndoMTL.com~The emperor Yiwu Huang is so strong that it is beyond imagination, and the two-level formation seems to be under tremendous pressure.

Fortunately, in the end, the two great formations were still defeated and were not breached.

The aura on Emperor Yiwuhuang’s body converged, and his face was a little gloomy.

Bai Shijin and the others let out a long breath.

Although the ancestors of Fu Puppet Zong said that the two rites are unbreakable, but the emperor Yiwuhuang is too prestigious and powerful, and invincible. Before this, no one had a bottom in their hearts.

If the Great Formation of Liangyi is broken, Fu Puppet Zong will be completely annihilated, and Liangyishan will not stay.

Boom! boom! boom! …

At this moment, on a peak in the depths of Liangyi Mountain, there was a thunderous roar.

Next, a round of sun emerged from the mountain peak.


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