Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 931: 3 months

“You have been practicing here during this period of time. We are now being besieged by the Three-Eyed God Race. I hide in a palace. After a while, I will rush out.”

Lu Ming said.

“Zongzi, you must be careful!”

Fu Pupong has his disciples worried.

“It’s okay!”

Lu Ming smiled, then looked at Bai Chixue, and said: “Chixue, let’s walk along!”

After speaking, walked aside, Bai Chixue followed.

The other people didn’t bother to find a place to practice.

“Chi Xue, you should be inherited from the emperor, right?”

Lu Ming asked.

“Well, yes, it’s a pity that I still can’t see a lot of things, my current cultivation base is still too low!”

Bai Chi Snow Road.

Lu Ming nodded. This is normal. Just as he has obtained the inheritance of Liancang, Liancang has not set a seal for him.

The way of cultivation can’t be far-reaching. It takes one step at a time, step by step, to reach the peak. If you see too many things at once, you will be confused and confused.

“Chi Xue, how much luck did you get?”

Lu Ming is a little curious, how much luck can he get if he obtains an emperor’s inheritance?

“Fifty thousand!”

Bai Chixue blinked her eyes. Although she tried her best to endure it, there was still some excitement in her eyes.

“Five thousand?”

Lu Ming’s eyes moved.

He didn’t think Bai Chixue had gained too much, but he felt too little.

Because when he got the mountain and river map, he got a hundred thousand luck value.

In this way, the value of the landscape of mountains and rivers is more valuable than the inheritance of an emperor?

“Lu Ming, how much luck did you get?”

Bai Chixue watched Lu Ming curiously, and was quite eager to try it, wanting to surpass Lu Ming’s feeling.

“Hundreds of thousands!”

Lu Ming said casually.

“Ten… hundreds of thousands?”

Bai Chixue opened her mouth, and finally fell dejected.

Lu Ming is secretly funny, this little girl wants to compare with him!

“Well, you have obtained the royal inheritance, practice hard, I’m out!”

After speaking, Lu Ming’s figure disappeared.

Return to the secret room, put away the pictures of mountains and rivers, Lu Ming sat cross-legged, quietly practicing, and solidifying the foundation.

As soon as time passed, it was half a month.

At this time, Lu Ming was ready to go out.

Now that the cultivation base has been upgraded to the third level of the spiritual fetus, he is confident and protects his body with mountains and rivers.

Lu Ming left the palace, flew over a palace, and looked out.

Outside, it was empty, and none of the three-eyed Protoss was seen.

The Three-Eyed Protoss, they all left.

Lu Ming guessed that there were a lot of people participating in the Battle of Qi Luck. Seeing that they couldn’t find them, those three-eyed **** races left to chase and kill others.

“I don’t know if Brother Litian, Blood Sword Seven and the others were killed or escaped.”

Lu Ming thought for a while, then soared into the air, flying towards the distance.

Flying all the way for tens of thousands of miles, I haven’t encountered the Three-Eyed Protoss.

At this time, Lu Ming searched for a hidden place, entered the map of mountains and rivers, told Fu Puppet Zong’s disciples that they had escaped, and asked them if they wanted to go out.

People naturally want to go out and participate in the battle of luck. Originally, they are looking for opportunities. If they hide here, then it would be better not to participate in the battle of luck.

Lu Ming moved the people out of the mountain and river map.

“Well, during this time, let’s act together, look for opportunities, and then gather more Fu Puppet Sect disciples, how about?”

Lu Ming suggested.

“Will Zongzi Lu Ming act with us? That’s great!”

Fu Pupong’s disciple was overjoyed.

How strong Lu Ming is, they have seen it before. With Lu Ming, their chances of getting a chance will be greater, and the chance of encountering danger will be reduced.

Lu Ming nodded, it was not his sudden kindness.

He did this for two purposes.

First, buy people’s hearts. These young arrogances will definitely be the pillars of Fu Puppet Zong in the future. It is very important for him to control Fu Puppet Zong in the future and get the support of these tianjiaos.

Give them favors now, and these people will naturally be devoted to him in the future.

Secondly, the more Qi Luck the Fu Puppet Sect obtains, it is good for the Fu Puppet Sect as a whole, and it is naturally good for Lu Ming, so why not do it.

“Okay, then, while we are looking for opportunities, you will contact the nearby Fu Puppet Sect disciples!”

Lu Ming said.

In this world, the transmission distance of the sound transmission jade talisman is greatly suppressed, and the transmission distance is less than one-tenth, or even one-hundredth, of the outside world. Even the high-level sound transmission jade talisman is only Can contact people with a radius of more than 100,000 miles.

It was planned, and everyone started to act.

Next, Lu Ming led the crowd to find some strange places to explore, while contacting other Fu Puppeteers.

As time passed, more and more Fu Puppet disciples gathered, and everyone admired and appreciated Lu Ming more and more.

Lu Ming’s strength is even more recognized by everyone.

During the period, they explored several strange places, obtained a lot of opportunities, and also encountered dangers, such as the chase of the Three-Eyed Protoss, but under the leadership of Lu Ming, they all passed by one by one.

Lu Ming naturally won the hearts of the people.

As time passed, Lu Ming learned more about this world.

During the period, he had captured some Three-Eyed Protoss alive and learned a lot of news from them.

This world is very broad.

In the center of this world, the royal city of the Three-Eyed Protoss is located there.

In the royal city of the Three-Eyed Protoss, there are most of the high-end power of the Three-Eyed Protoss, and the strong are like clouds.

With the Wangcheng as the center, it is divided into four areas. Lu Ming and the others have been active in the eastern area.

Presumably more Tianjiao, in the other three directions.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, three months have passed.

Half a year has passed since the battle of luck began.

On the top of a mountain, Lu Ming sat cross-legged, light flashing from his body, and a faint dragon chant came out.

Suddenly, the aura on Lu Ming’s body soared, but the next moment, his aura concealed again.

Lu Ming opened his eyes.

“Fourfold Spirit Fetus!”

Lu Ming smiled slightly.

In the past few months, the three-eyed Protoss he killed were not many. Most of them were self-cultivation and made great progress.

The four artistic conceptions ~IndoMTL.com~ have all entered the third level of small achievement. To this day, the cultivation base has also been successfully broken, breaking through to the fourth level of the spiritual womb, and the foundation is extremely stable.

It’s extremely difficult to break through when it comes to the spiritual womb.

In the outside world, even a Tianjiao figure, within a few years, it will be difficult to break through.

It is normal for some ordinary spiritual fetuses to break a heavy weight and spend decades or even hundreds of years.

Lu Ming relied on his own painstaking practice, and he was able to break a heavy weight within three months, which was already very fast.

This is also because the cultivation environment here is good, plus, some of the three-eyed gods are devoured during the period.

Other people may not have this speed, and the higher they go, the slower they practice.

Not far away, some disciples of Fu Puppet School were practicing, and some were patrolling around.

In three months, they have gathered more than 60 disciples of Fu Puppet Zong.


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