Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 930: Refuge

The two three-eyed **** races are only in the eighth level of the spiritual birth realm. They can hit Lu Ming with their power through the mountain and river map. Of course, they have been weakened by the mountain and river map a lot, and they can’t harm Lu Ming.

But if it is a stronger person, such as the nine-fold spiritual fetus, it may cause damage to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming’s body trembled slightly, ignoring the attack of the two wombs of the eightfold and three-eyed God race, and focused on the seven-fold three-eyed God race.

Nine dragon claws are all performing the Heaven-Suppressing Prison Skills, blasting towards each other.


The opponent used a huge hammer to resist, but it was useless. The huge hammer was knocked out by Lu Ming.

The dragon claws grabbed the opponent, and the opponent roared, flew out a hundred meters away, vomiting blood, but did not die.

“The artistic conception of the earth, the defense is strong, but it is still dying!”

The dragon claw stepped into the air, and the dragon’s body twisted and appeared in front of the opponent in an instant.


This claw directly grabbed the opponent through, and blasted the opponent here, all blood energy was swallowed by Lu Ming.

Lu Ming is here to kill and kill, but in other directions, he screams again and again.

The Emperor Tian Divine Palace, the Heavenly Corpse Sect, and the Tianjiao of the Heavenly Demon Valley, were killed one by one and fell on the spot.

There are some, in the outside world, they are all world-famous Tianjiao, and even god-level Tianjiao, but at this time, they are ruthlessly killed.

Lu Ming saw that Blood Sword Nine, **** sword light, full of blood and blood, killed a three-eyed Protoss with seven layers of spirit, but was chopped off by a strong man with eight layers of spirit.

This Tianjiao, ranked 63rd on the Thousand Journeys List, has fallen.

“Go, go back!”

“Go to those palaces!”

Brother Litian, the Seven Blood Swords roared one after another, desperately rushing out of the encirclement, toward the palaces.

There are many wonderful things in those palaces, which may be able to block the Three-Eyed God Race.


At this time, a war knife pierced the void, stunning, slashed on the map of mountains and rivers, the map of mountains and rivers vibrated violently, and a powerful force poured into Jiulong’s body, even cutting off the scales of Jiulong. , Leaving a wound.

“Nine fetuses!”

Lu Ming was shocked.

A person who is at least six meters tall, is riding a huge mount, holding a saber, and looking at Lu Ming with cold eyes.


With a loud roar, the sword cut through the void and slashed towards Lu Ming again.


The map of the mountains and rivers shook violently, a terrible knife gas, through the map of the mountains and rivers, slashed on Jiulong’s body, and another wound appeared.

“The Ninth Tire is too strong, and it can’t even stop the mountain and river map. Retreat first!”

Lu Ming’s mind turned sharply.

The gap between each level of the spiritual birth realm is very large, and he is the only one who is rare in the world, who cultivates the god-level technique, has two god-level bloodlines, and the bloodline martial arts is extremely powerful, and can cross the five. Kill opponents in three levels.

But in the face of the eight-fold spiritual fetus, Lu Ming is already powerless, and the nine-fold spiritual fetus can kill him easily.


Lu Ming moved towards the palaces.

The palace he chose was the palace from which he had previously obtained the mountain and river map. The puppets of that palace will adjust their strength according to their cultivation level. Lu Ming believes that the Three-Eyed Protoss can’t be rushed. Go in.

“Stop him!”

The three-eyed **** clan powerhouse with the nine-fold spiritual fetus roared in anger.

Several three-eyed gods with eight layers of spiritual fetuses constantly attacked Lu Ming, but they were all blocked by Shanhetu.

“Go away!”

Lu Ming fought hard, broke the barrier, rushed into the palace, then turned into a human form, and rushed forward.

Ahead, two puppets condensed out, their icy eyes swept away Lu Ming, and then they walked away.

Seems to recognize Lu Ming, but he didn’t stop him.

Lu Ming was overjoyed and rushed directly.

Behind, the other three-eyed protoss rushed, but the puppet moved, turning into a terrible attack, and killed several three-eyed protoss. Lu Ming heard a scream, and it seemed that the three-eyed protoss had been killed.

Sure enough, the puppets here will adjust their strengths according to the strength of the people who enter.

Lu Ming walked into the secret room below. Like the last time, there were puppets appearing, but they all swept away Lu Ming and got out of the way.

Lu Ming came to the passage unobstructed.

The puppets on both sides of the passage just glanced at Lu Ming, and then stood motionless. Lu Ming went unobstructed all the way to the secret room where he had obtained the picture of mountains and rivers.

At this time, Lu Ming let out a long breath.

“Here, it should be safe, let’s refining the energy first!”

Immediately, sit cross-legged and start refining.

A lot of energy was devoured this time, and it was constantly being refined.

“The artistic conception of the earth has broken through and reached the pinnacle of Level 2 entry!”

Lu Ming’s heart moved.

At the same time, those energies are constantly being refined, transformed into true essence, and poured into the womb.

In the dantian, the fetus throbs, as if giving birth to a life.

With the influx of true essence and constant condensing, the size of the spiritual fetus is gradually shrinking.

One day later, the aura on Lu Ming’s body suddenly rose.

The womb is triple!

After refining these energies, Lu Ming’s cultivation reached the third stage of the spiritual birth.

“The energy consumed this time was just enough for me to break through the three-fold spiritual fetus. Inside, there are two three-eyed gods with seven spiritual fetuses, and five or six spiritual fetal six-folds, five spiritual fetuses and spiritual fetuses. Dozens of fetuses below the fifth weight are enough for me to break through the third weight of the spiritual fetus, so much energy is needed!”

Lu Ming thought about it.

If one less swallows a seven-fold three-eyed Protoss, he will not be able to break through.

“Four kinds of moods, the mood of the earth has reached the peak of the second level entry, the mood of thunder, and the mood of the wind, are still at the peak of the second entry, but the mood of the wind has broken through and reached the second level of Xiaocheng, just killed Most of the three-eyed Protoss cultivate the artistic conception of wind!”

“Nine Dragon Bloodline, there is no upgrade, the essence and blood needed now is even more terrifying!”

“Go to the mountain and river map to see Chixue and the others, and then stabilize the foundation here, condense the true essence and artistic conception, and then break through and leave.”

The cultivation base has been upgraded by one level, reaching the third level of the spiritual fetus. With the addition of the mountain and river map, Lu Ming has the confidence to break through and leave.

With a thought, Lu Ming entered the landscape of mountains and rivers.

As soon as I entered the mountain and river map, I found that Bai Chixue and other disciples of Fu Puppet Sect were flying randomly on the vast land in the mountain and river map. After a long time, someone discovered Lu Ming and gathered towards him.


“Zongzi Lu Ming!”

Fu Puppet Zong’s disciples saluted Lu Ming~IndoMTL.com~ They looked at Lu Ming with envy, shock, and gratitude.

Treasures like Shanhetu made them envious, but Lu Ming saved them time and again, and they were grateful to Lu Ming.

“Lu Ming, this is a treasure in the cave, I didn’t expect that there are such strange treasures in the world!”

Bai Chixue also flew over, looking at Lu Ming, shocked in her beautiful eyes.

This is a world of its own, who can’t be surprised.

“Boss, Boss, you are so amazing, there are such treasures!”

King Kong stepped on the void and rushed over to see Lu Ming with a look of admiration.

Looking at the appearance of King Kong, the disciples of Fu Puppet Zong admired Lu Ming even more, and even the Yaozu Tianjiao was able to subdue it.


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