Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 877: Increase at a constant rate

Many people started frowning and contemplating, staring at the scroll stubbornly.


Suddenly, a person pointed it out, and the whole picture shone brightly. Then, the picture disappeared from the wall in a flash.


The man sighed, he clicked the wrong one, the picture disappeared, and he became the first one to be eliminated.

Seeing that someone made a mistake and was eliminated, others were more careful and did not dare to take it lightly.

However, there is a time limit for the competition, which is only half an hour. If the score is less than 10 points after half an hour, they will also be eliminated.

Some people are meditating, but some people are still very fast. They don’t seem to need to think, their fingers are constantly pointing out, and the formations are found one by one.

These people are all Tianjiao level figures.

“Tianjiao is Tianjiao. His eyesight is extraordinary. It seems that he can spot an array at random, which is amazing!”

“Of course, Ming Lianshi, eyesight is very important. If you don’t have eyesight, you won’t be a goddess!”

“Look, Ji Mai, Yan Tonghua, and Meng Jia are the fastest. They hardly need to be considered. They have already found twenty formations.”

“It’s amazing. Look, other Tianjiao have found more than ten formations. The first round of trials is not difficult for them!”

“Huh? Look, the cloud was so fast that day, I found more than ten tracks!”

“Is his way of inscription and refinement so amazing?”

Some people were discussing, and finally looked at Lu Ming, a little surprised.

“This is normal. The Tianyun martial arts is so strong, indicating that this person is talented and intelligent, even if he assists in the cultivation of the inscription practice, it will not be too bad. It is normal to pass the first round!”

“Not bad!”

Some older people spoke, and others nodded.

During the period, Bai Shijin, Du Songjue and other elders watched with interest, but their eyes were more on Lu Ming.

Lu Ming’s first five levels are all perfect stages, they know very well.

But the way of inscription and refinement, relying solely on the fire of the spirit, is not enough. The eyesight, the use of the fire of the spirit, the number of inscriptions and formations mastered, and the strength of understanding are all very important.

If there is only a strong spiritual fire, everything else is very bad, and he is useless.

It’s like a person who has a strong manpower, but doesn’t know any martial arts, and doesn’t have any combat experience. Then he can’t play his original role at all with his strength.

This time the competition is not a test of Lu Ming. Otherwise, in the competition between the juniors, how could these characters appear together?

Lu Ming’s face was calm and he kept tapping his fingers, not fast or slow, and maintained a constant speed. It seemed that it was not very fast, not quite close to that of Ji Mai and others.

Soon, Lu Ming also found out twenty formations, but his speed was still the same, neither fast nor slow.

On the court, people keep making mistakes and get eliminated.

There are fewer and fewer people.

At the back, many people were afraid to make a move easily. They stared at the picture stubbornly, bloodshot in their eyes.

Some people have found more than ten formations, and they don’t have full confidence, and they don’t dare to shoot.

More than ten, you can pass the level and enter the next round. If you make another shot and click the wrong one, you will really vomit blood.

Slowly many people stopped and looked at others.

At this time, Ji Mai, Yan Tonghua, and Meng Jia have found more than fifty formations.

At this time, their speed has already begun to slow down, and sometimes they need to meditate before they point a finger.

And Guan Rong, these sub-level god-level arrogances, has also found more than forty, and the speed has been much slower. Every time he finds one, he has to ponder for a while.

Especially the rising sun. He has found forty-three. At this time, his brows are frowning, his eyes are bloodshot, and he stares at the picture on the white jade wall, but he can’t find the forty-fourth. Formation.

At this time, Lu Ming’s speed is still not fast or slow, and the speed has not changed at all. With one finger and one finger, he constantly points out, and the number of formations he finds continues to increase.

Thirty, forty, fifty…

Soon, the number of formations Lu Ming found out exceeded fifty, but the speed remained unabated and continued to increase.

At this time, many people’s eyes were attracted by Lu Ming.

“Look, there are already more than fifty formations found by Tianyun, and they are still increasing!”

“What’s the matter? His speed is still unabated, so fast, he is about to catch up with Ji Mai and others!”

“How could this be?”

The surrounding discussion affected more people. Countless eyes looked at Lu Ming. At first, it was doubtful, but slowly turned into shock.

When Ji Mai’s found formation reached sixty, Lu Ming’s found formation also rushed to sixty.

But after that, the formation Lu Ming found exceeded sixty and became the number one, which was shocking.

Everyone never expected that Lu Ming could find so many formations.

The point is that the speed at which his finger points is still maintained at a constant speed, as if he didn’t need to think.

At this moment, even the geniuses who participated in the competition under the white jade wall looked at Lu Ming one by one.

The rising sun’s eyes were bloodshot. After thinking for a long time, he didn’t find the forty-four formations. Hearing the movement beside him, his eyes also turned to Lu Ming.

At a glance, the pupils suddenly grew, showing an incredible color, and screamed: “How is it possible? How can he find so many? Impossible!”

He couldn’t believe it, he couldn’t believe it.

Slowly, even Ji Mai, Yan Tonghua, and Meng Jia stopped searching and looked at Lu Ming, full of surprise.

Lu Ming still did not slow down, tapping out his fingers at a constant speed, and the formations were found one by one.

“This…this sky cloud, won’t you be able to find out all the formations, right? This is too terrifying, you can see that his speed has not slowed down!”

“I see, he kept a speed at the beginning, so that he would have enough time to think and recognize, but Ji Mai and others were too fast at the beginning and needed all the later Slow down and think about it, I guess Tianyun will stop soon, it can’t be so much stronger than Ji Mai!”

Someone uttered their thoughts, causing a group of nodding.

In the sky~IndoMTL.com~Bai Shijin, there are only a few people from Juniper, with a faint smile on their faces, very calm, not knowing what they are thinking.

However, as the number of formations Lu Ming found increased, his speed did not slow down at all, and the number he found continued to increase.

Soon, it exceeded seventy, and it increased at a constant rate.

Seventy-one, seventy-two…

The people who thought Lu Ming was about to stop just now were dumbfounded and their faces flushed.

The eyes of the audience were all on Lu Ming, staring at him, wanting to see how many Lu Ming could find out.

When Lu Ming pointed out the number seventy-sixth, he suddenly stopped and turned his head to look around.

Huh! call!

The crowd watching around took a long breath, and Lu Ming finally stopped.

(End of this chapter)


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