Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 700: Explore

The young woman and the old man were startled and stopped.

“When are you going to follow me?”

Lu Ming said coldly.

“Brother, what are you afraid of? We are not malicious. I hope you don’t get me wrong. You are an outsider. Our tribe just wants you to do me a favor!”

The young woman said.

“Not interested!”

Lu Ming turned around to leave.

“Brother, all the tribes are looking for you now. If you leave our Red Leopard tribe, you still want to go to other tribes. Some tribes are very evil. If you come to our Red Leopard tribe, Do us a favor, if you have any requirements in the future, we will do our best to help!”

The young woman said.

Lu Ming frowned, smiled intently, and said, “What is your name? What is your status in the Red Leopard Tribe?”

“My name is Chiyue, I am…”

The young woman was about to reveal her identity when she was interrupted by the old man.

“Miss, don’t reveal your identity easily!” The old man said solemnly.

“Elder Red Beard, don’t worry, it’s okay!”

Chiyue smiled slightly and continued: “I am the daughter of the patriarch of the Red Leopard tribe. If you follow me to the tribe, the Red Leopard tribe will definitely treat you as a guest!”

“The daughter of the patriarch of the Red Leopard tribe?”

Lu Ming’s heart moved, his eyes flashed, and he looked at Equatorial said: “How can I trust you? Let’s go to the mountain in front of you alone. I have something to chat with you!” /

Lu Ming pointed to a mountain road ahead.

“No, brother, your request is too much, how can we trust you?”

Elder Akashi said loudly.

“Oh? In this case, there is no discussion, then don’t follow me!”

Lu Ming waved his hand and turned around to leave.

“Wait a minute, I’ll go with you!”

Equatorial Moon Road.

“Miss, no, it’s too dangerous for you to go alone!”

Elder Chisu objected.

“Elder Red Beard, don’t worry, I have no grievances against him. He killed me and it will not do him any good!”

Chiyue smiled, manipulated the puppet, and flew towards Luming.

Lu Ming’s eyes moved, but he didn’t expect Chi Yue to dare to follow him.

Lu Ming controlled the giant wolf puppet and flew towards the mountain range with Chi Yue one after another.

Elder Chibe can only be there in a hurry.

A hundred miles away, the two landed in the mountains.

Lu Ming’s figure flashed, and some of the nearby surveillance inscriptions were all destroyed by him.

“I heard the news before that you said that your inscription is profound, now it seems that it is so!”

Chiyue looked at Lu Ming with bright eyes.

Lu Ming turned around, looked at Chiyue, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, the next moment, his figure turned into a flash of lightning, and he rushed towards Chiyue suddenly.

At the same time, the giant wolf puppet roared and rushed towards Chiyue.

Chiyue was taken aback. She never expected that Lu Ming would suddenly start her hands. She could only control the cheetah puppet to resist, but she backed up quickly, waving her hands and engraving a series of inscriptions.

The two puppets collided together and fought against each other, but Lu Ming stopped in shape and stepped on, as a series of inscriptions appeared, forming a war sword, and slashed towards Chiyue.

The inscription engraved by Chiyue is that a huge scarlet cheetah flew out and pounced forward.

Scarlet Moon’s way of inscription refinement is also extremely deep, reaching level six, and he is still a true inscription refiner. I am afraid that the spiritual lamp of level six has been lit several times, and his strength is also very powerful.

The two of them both engraved the formation in an instant, but in addition to the way of inscription, Lu Ming also has a powerful martial arts cultivation.

Lu Ming pointed out, a bright spear light pierced forward and pierced towards Chiyue’s throat. Chiyue was terrified, and her figure retreated again, but as soon as he retreated, the inscription was naturally interrupted. .

Lu Ming stepped out and suddenly appeared in front of Chi Yue’s body. As soon as he reached out his hand, he clasped Chi Yue’s throat. At the same time, his other hand was wrapped around Chi Yue’s slender waist. Lived in Chiyue’s Zhenyuan.

Chiyue also cultivates martial arts, but martial arts is only a support, it can reach the first level of Wu Wang, and it is too far away from Lu Ming.

Chiyue’s movements stopped abruptly, and the cheetah puppet also stopped.

Lu Ming also stopped the giant wolf puppet, and the movements of the two seemed quite ambiguous.

“Brother, don’t get me wrong, I really have no intentions!”

Chiyue cried, feeling the hot breath coming from Lu Ming behind her, Chiyue’s face turned red.

“I know you have no intentions, otherwise, you are dead now!”

Lu Ming said in Chi Yue’s ear, and the heat blew on Chi Yue’s neck, making her feel a little strange.

It is true that Lu Ming suddenly attacked the killer just now, but he never felt murderous in Chi Yue.

If Chiyue had murderous intentions against him, in that case, it would definitely show it.

“What you said just now is true? If I go to your tribe with you, you won’t control my personal freedom, will you?”

Lu Ming asked.

“No, absolutely not. Our clan elders have already sent a message. Please go back if there is no conflict as much as possible, instead of using force to take you back. After all, we need your help this time.”

Equatorial Moon Road.

“Is it because of the man of destiny?” Lu Ming asked.

“So you already know it, yes, because of this!” Chiyue nodded.

“Then you guys are going to the holy mountain in more than a month?”

“Yes, all the tribes will send people to worship the ancestors. This time, maybe some of you can awaken the ancient ancestors!”

Equatorial Moon Road.

“Okay, I’ll go to the Red Leopard Tribe with you!”

Lu Ming released his hand, stepped back and said.

Lu Ming called Chi Yue to come over, just to test it out. If what she said is true, it’s okay to go to the Chi Leopard tribe with her.

After all, it is too difficult for him to go to the holy mountain alone and pass through so many tribes along the way. It will definitely be much easier to go with the Red Leopard tribe by then.

“Really? Great!”

Chiyue laughed happily, and then looked at Lu Ming curiously, and said: “Your inscription is so powerful. Although you are only at the top of the sky, you can easily control a god-level puppet. At the same time, I can inscribe a large inscription array. I have never seen an inscription master like you!”

“Heaven level? God level?”

Lu Ming was taken aback for a moment. He had also heard other people talk about it before. Could it be that the underground world divides the realm differently from them?

Red Blood explained it for a while before Lu Ming understood.

It turns out that the division of inscriptions and refinements in this world is really different from the outside world.

Here is divided into primary inscription refining master, Huang-level inscription refining master, mysterious level, earth level, heaven level, and **** level.

The highest **** level~IndoMTL.com~The **** level corresponds to the sixth-level inscription master, but here is the highest god-level. Could it be that the underground world, the highest inscription master, can only reach the sixth level? “

Lu Ming is very curious.

“The **** level is the highest level. For thousands of years, no one can break through the **** level and reach a higher level. According to legend, the ancient ancestor must have surpassed the existence of the **** level, and surpassed a lot!”

Chiyue said with a look of yearning.

The two flew to the puppets separately, chatting, and returning to the original path.

When Elder Chixu saw Chiyue and Lu Ming come back safely, he was naturally very excited.

“Elder Crimson Beard, this is Lu Ming, but he is an amazing master inscription!”

Chiyue introduced.

(End of this chapter)


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