Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 70: Strange **** liquid

“Extreme streamer!”

The sword light flashed, like lightning, bringing up a stream of blood.

When the sword light was gathered, more than a dozen dark blood wolves had all been killed.

At the moment, Lu Ming controlled the bloodline and swallowed all the blood of a dozen dark blood wolves.

“Hey, there is a rich life essence in the blood of this dark blood wolf!”

During the refining process, Lu Ming’s eyes lit up.

He discovered that the life essence contained in the blood of the Dark Blood Wolf was twice that of other monsters of the same level.

A dark-blooded wolf essence blood of the second-level and first-level is about to catch up with the essence and blood of other second-level monsters.

The dark blood wolves of the second-level and second-tier are almost able to catch up with the blood of the second-level and third-tier monster beasts.

“Are all the monsters in Dark Blood Mountain like this? The essence of life contained in the essence and blood will be stronger than that of the monsters outside?”

Lu Ming guessed in his heart.

Then, continuing on, I encountered many monsters along the way, all of which were killed by Lu Ming.

Sure enough, the beasts here, regardless of the type of life, the essence contained in the beasts is indeed more concentrated.

However, most of them are monsters of the second level, the first level, and the second level.

Only a small number of them have reached the second grade four and the second grade five. The improvement of Lu Ming is very limited.

In this way, Lu Ming hunted the monster beasts in the Dark Blood Mountain while searching for the blood Linghua.

But three days later, Lu Ming didn’t even find a blood ling flower.

The efficiency is really bad. As for the dark bloodstone that Lu Ming needs most, there is no trace.

There is no way, Lu Ming can only continue to look for it, as it is cultivation.

In a blink of an eye, another seven days passed, and together, Lu Ming had already entered the Dark Blood Mountain for ten days.

At this time, Lu Ming found a blood ling flower.

It’s the cultivation base. After so many days, he has been promoted to the late stage of the fifth stage of the martial arts, and he is not far from the peak.


A dark red python was walking fast, Lu Ming chased after him.

This giant python is a monster beast of the second-level sixth-level peak. It is rare to encounter such a more advanced monster in the Dark Blood Mountain, and Lu Ming didn’t want to let it go.

However, this giant python is very fast. When he twisted his body, it was a distance of tens of meters. Lu Ming could not catch up with his dragon and snake step for a while.

One snake and one person, keep running forward.

Unconsciously, he ran for dozens of miles and came to a dense forest.

At this time, the python’s speed gradually slowed down.

“Where do I see you running now?”

Lu Ming smiled, and Jian Guang cut off towards the python.


The giant python roared and spewed wisps of poisonous gas at Luming.

Lu Ming flickered and avoided, then stepped out and rushed towards the python. The sword light flashed, leaving a long wound on the python with blood flowing.

At this time, Lu Ming’s expression changed.

He felt a fiery pain on his skin, as if it was being corroded by something.

“What’s the matter?”

Lu Ming was shocked.

“I obviously avoided the gas of this giant python, how could this be?”

Lu Ming’s eyes were like electricity, and he glanced around. Only then did he realize that there was a faint dark red blood in the air. If he didn’t pay attention, he couldn’t see it.

“Is this blood gas poisonous?”

Lu Ming’s heart moved, and the true energy was lifted immediately, spreading throughout his body, resisting this blood energy.


This kind of blood qi collided with Zhen Qi, and it made a sound like it was corroding Zhen Qi.

What a powerful poison gas.

At this time, the giant python was dragging the wounded body and swimming forward.

Lu Ming went over with a sword and directly cut off the python’s head.

Then, with a thought, the blood vein like a small snake emerged, and when he opened his mouth, nine drops of blood flowed out of the python’s body, which was swallowed by the small snake.

But it was not over yet, the little snake continued to take a breath, and beside Lu Ming, the red blood gas was directly sucked into the mouth by the little snake.

Then a sneer sounded, as if this kind of blood was being refined.

Lu Ming was dumbfounded, is this okay?

But in this way, Lu Ming’s body around the circle, there is no blood.

The sensation of corrosion on the skin also disappeared.

“That’s fine, just take a look at this piece of land.”

A smile appeared on Lu Ming’s face.

Now continue to move forward, the more you move forward, the more intense the red blood energy, but the little snake keeps absorbing, there is always a vacuum around Lu Ming’s body, blood cannot enter.

And this kind of blood energy will be swallowed and refined by the devouring blood, and it will also be transformed into strands of energy, but this energy is not very strong, and it is of no great use to the improvement of cultivation.

A faint smell of blood came when I walked for a few kilometers.

Lu Ming’s face changed slightly, and after another 100 meters, a puddle appeared in front of Lu Ming.

The pool is not big, it is ten meters long and wide, but the pool is not water, but dark red liquid.

In the pool, all is dark red liquid, like fresh blood, and the faint smell of blood is obviously emitted from the pool.

And the blood in the air is also emitted from this pool.

On the edge of the pool, there are small red flowers growing.

Looking at these little flowers, Lu Ming was ecstatic.

“Blood Linghua, these are all the blood Linghua, hahaha, there is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to come.”

Lu Ming laughed.

Immediately, Lu Ming walked to the side of the pool and picked it carefully.

The liquid in this pool is obviously very toxic, and Lu Ming doesn’t want to get it on it.

In half an hour, all the blood spirit flowers by the water pool were picked by Lu Ming. There were 54 plants in total, plus the one I found before, and it was 55 plants.

This is a big gain.

One plant has one hundred contribution points, and fifty-five plants are five thousand five hundred contribution points.

After picking, Lu Ming looked at the liquid in the pool again.

Although this liquid is highly toxic, it obviously contains a powerful energy essence, otherwise it is impossible to breed so many blood ling flowers.

“Will devour the blood of the soul, can it swallow this liquid?”

Lu Ming thought about it.

“Swallow a drop first, try it.”

Lu Ming’s eyes were fierce.

If you want to quickly improve your cultivation level, you can’t take the road of being a martial artist without taking any risks.

Immediately, Lu Ming ran his true energy, fished a drop of red liquid, and then manipulated the blood to swallow this drop of liquid.


Lu Ming seemed to be able to feel the blood, and there was a sneer sound, and then a burst of energy poured into Lu Ming’s body.

“Sure enough!”

Lu Ming is overjoyed.

Now~IndoMTL.com~ Lu Ming sat cross-legged by the water pool, manipulating the soul-devouring bloodline, and began to swallow and refine this liquid.

Of course, Lu Ming didn’t dare to swallow too much at one time, but came in strands.

Indeed, it is much slower to swallow and refine this kind of liquid by the devouring blood, but it is still many times faster than directly absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to cultivate.

Lu Ming’s cultivation base began to improve rapidly.

Half a day later, Lu Ming reached the fifth peak of a martial artist.

Three days later, Lu Ming broke through in one fell swoop and reached the sixth level of the martial artist. Before it was over, Lu Ming continued to practice.

This practice lasted twenty days. Lu Ming spent a month practicing here.

In one month, all the liquid in this pool was swallowed and refined by Lu Ming, leaving only one pit, and Lu Ming’s cultivation level reached the seventh stage of the martial artist in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter) Ten Thousand Dao Dragon Emperor

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