Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 61: Accept task

Lu Ming ate his mouth full of oil, and he solved a piece of barbecue in a few seconds.

“Big rocks, your barbecue skills are good!”

Lu Ming praised.

“Haha, I have been hunting since I was a child, and I also like to eat meat. This is all I found out!”

Pang Shi laughed, and then took out a jar of wine beside him: “Come on, Lu Ming, this is medicinal liquor, which is also bought by a nympho. It will not hurt the injury. You can’t have meat or alcohol!”

“Come on, then have a great drink!”

Lu Ming smiled.

Three people, each with a jar of wine, eating meat and drinking from a large bowl.

A few hours later, one blood antelope was solved by three people.

Several jars of wine were also consumed by the three of them.

Pang Shi and Hua Chi were drunk.

Hua Chi’s stinky face, after being drunk, disappeared without a trace. He hooked up with Pang Shi and shouted: “You guys smashed, I will definitely go back in the future, I will kill you all. Help smash…”

But Pang Shi cried out: “Brother Lu, you are so amazing. I know you will win. I want to be such a powerful person as Senior Brother Lu. That way, my parents will be proud of me… …”

The two talked and fell asleep in the yard.

Lu Ming smiled, walked into the room swayingly, and then started running the Dragon Battle Technique.

After a while, the alcohol power completely disappeared, and Lu Ming continued to exercise his strength to heal his injuries.

The medicinal power of the blood antelope meat and the medicinal wine circulated throughout the body, and Lu Ming’s injury healed more quickly.

In the twinkling of an eye, Lu Ming’s injury has healed.

After healed from his injury, Lu Ming did not slack off and continued to cultivate hard.

Because he knows that the crises and difficulties he faces in the future will get bigger and bigger.

Ning Kong, and the Duanmu family, this is a deadly foe, and the other party will never let him go.

So, he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

Ten days later.

“This kind of cultivation is too slow. With my strong and condensed true energy, it will take at least one year to reach the sixth level of martial arts by relying on this kind of cultivation alone!”

Lu Ming thought.

“Resources, lack of resources!”

Lu Ming sighed.

He is clinking poorly now, and he has a storage ring he got from Duanmujue, nothing else.

Moreover, I owed Mulan three thousand contribution points.

“I have the Supreme Temple, and the storage ring is useless. I will exchange this storage ring first, and then I will take some tasks to do and earn some contribution points.”

Lu Ming settled his attention and headed towards the Hall of Contribution.

This storage ring is just the lowest level, worth 150,000 taels of silver.

But in the Hall of Contribution, it is only equivalent to 130,000 taels of silver.

After all, the Xuanyuan Sword Sect has so many disciples, and it needs a lot of resources to operate.

So, the prices charged by the Hall of Contribution for various materials and items are lower than the market prices.

In this way, you can earn a price difference.

130,000 taels of silver, all converted into contribution points, a total of 1,300 points.

“Senior, I would like to ask, how many contribution points do you need to watch the yellow-level defensive martial arts?”

Lu Ming asked.

“Martial skills? Martial skills are in the library, not here, but I tell you, martial skills can only be rented. Yellow-class defensive martial arts, one loan, at least five thousand contribution points.”

“What? Five thousand contribution points? Isn’t this too expensive?”

Lu Ming almost jumped up.

“Defensive martial arts are originally better than physical martial arts. Attack martial arts are less rare and precious. Of course, the price is expensive. If you buy it outside, you don’t have a few million taels of silver. I don’t want to buy it!”

The old man of the Contribution Hall.

Lu Ming was secretly speechless, but when he thought about it, so.

The Lu family, such a big family, only has a yellow-level high-grade martial arts, which is regarded as the treasure of the town clan.

It is conceivable how precious the Huang-level high-grade martial arts are.

It seems that defensive martial arts should be released first.

“Senior, is there any defensive soft armor exchange here?”

Lu Ming asked again.

“Of course there is soft armor, but it is defensive and the price is not low. What level do you want to redeem?”

The old man asked.

“How many contribution points are needed for the second-level lower-grade and the second-level middle-grade?”

Lu Ming asked.

“Generally, the second-level low-grade soft armor requires 800 contribution points, and the second-level middle-grade soft armor requires at least two thousand contribution points.”

“Then redeem for a second-level inferior product!”

Unfortunately, Lu Ming could only redeem a second-grade soft armor.

But one cent, one cent, and 800 contribution points are not wasted.

The Chilin Snake Armor is made of the skin of the second-level nine-layer monster Chilin Snake. It is very thin, soft, and extremely tough. It can’t be felt when worn inside the clothes.

After Lu Ming collected the Scarlet Lin Snake Armor, he walked out of the Contribution Hall, and then headed towards the Mission Hall.

Finding a place with no one halfway through, changing into a black cloak, and covering everyone in.

He wants to take up the task and has to guard against the Duanmu family. If he goes out to do the task, the Duanmu family sends a few powerful masters of the great martial arts level to intercept him, and he has no power to fight back.

Be careful and there is nothing wrong with it.

Soon, Lu Ming came to the mission hall.

The mission hall is where the Xuanyuan Sword Sect releases and receives missions.

The missions of the mission hall are roughly divided into two types~IndoMTL.com~ One is the missions released by the disciples and elders of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect. Each mission will be given a corresponding reward.

The other kind is a task specially collected from outside the Xuanyuan Sword Sect.

For example, if the Lu Family releases a mission, the Xuanyuan Sword Sect will collect that mission.

After the disciples of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect are completed, the Mission Palace will charge a certain fee.

The mission hall is very wide and covers an area larger than the contribution hall.

After walking in, there is a huge hall.

On the side of the main hall, there are counters, where tasks are handed over.

On the other side, there are several huge metal walls. These metal walls were refined by the Ming Refining Master.

On the metal wall, there are tasks rolling incessantly.

These tasks, with specific content, time limits, remuneration, etc. written on them, are very clear and self-explanatory.

Lu Ming stood under the screen and looked at it.

“Huh? Collect blood ling flowers?”

Suddenly, Lu Ming’s eyes lit up, and he saw a task, and he was quite interested.

This is a task issued by an inscription master of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect.

As long as you collect the blood linghua within three months, the reward is 100 contribution points for a blood linghua, the more the better.

The blood Ling flower in the eastern part of the Scorching Sun Empire is only found in Dark Blood Mountain.

Besides, the price of Xue Linghua doesn’t have a hundred contribution points. It seems that this Ming Refining Master is in a hurry to offer such a high price.

The most important thing is that on Dark Blood Mountain, there is a kind of Dark Blood Stone, which is a main material for the third layer of the Dragon True Art. It is even used in the fourth layer.

This is why Lu Ming is interested.

Go to Dark Blood Mountain, you can do multiple things in one fell swoop.

“Let’s see if there are any other tasks.”

Lu Ming looked again.

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