Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 6008: How to win

Latest URL: Chaos Void, boundless, no one knows its end.

Lu Ming has been sitting cross-legged in the chaotic thunderstorm for ten years.

In the first battle, although he was severely injured, under the double blessing of the Immortal Scripture and the Immortal Scripture of Destiny, he recovered within ten years.

Suddenly, Lu Ming opened his eyes and looked somewhere, a flash of light and shadow, and Wanfa Zhenjun who had been away for ten years reappeared.

“Senior, how is the situation?”

Lu Ming asked.

The True Monarch Wanfa’s face was serious, and he said: “The situation is just as I guessed, all the major halls have been defeated by Guihai Demon Saber, and even the people in the Wanhua Zhendian have been wiped out.”

True Monarch Wanhua explained in detail the information he obtained.

It was too late when he rushed back, the earth-shattering battle had ended, and all the real halls were taken away by Guihai Demon Knife.

However, some undead ancestors of creation secretly spread the news, and the inside story of that shocking war is also known to the world.

“Sure enough, as I speculated, Guihai Demon Knife is going to use the Supreme Seven Star Formation, penetrate the Heavenly Cave, and return to the real world. Guihai Demon Knife.”

“Senior, the conjecture has become a reality, and what to do in the future, please give me advice from the senior.”

Lu Ming clasped his fists.

“Guihai Demon Knife has an eternal layout to break through the heavenly cave. It is of great importance. He did not start his action so quickly. It also needs to be arranged in an array, and then the Supreme Seven-Star Array can be blessed to the greatest extent, so I speculate that he should need a million years to prepare.”

“But I conclude that the result will definitely fail. After the failure, if he wants to obtain enough resources to penetrate the cave for the second time, he must seize your Dazhenluo jade plate, so we can’t just wait for death , need to take the initiative to counterattack.”

“So, this million years is our last chance. We need to improve our strength to the greatest extent so that we can fight Guihai Demon Knife.”

All laws are true kings.

“Senior, at the peak of the Guihai Demon Knife, what kind of cultivation was it, and how real was it?”

Lu Ming asked.

“If my expectation is not bad, the third step, half a step away from the creation, the degree of realism is 99%, he devoured a large number of ancestors of creation and even the ancestors of the Twelve True Halls, and most of them can be restored to Peak.”

All laws are true kings.

Lu Ming was silent for a while, and said: “In a million years, can senior return to the peak?”


Wanfa Zhenjun shook his head and said: “My injury is a calamity injury, and I have no blood spirit soldiers to devour others. Even if it takes a long time, it is impossible to recover to the peak, unless I go to the real world and want to fight Guihai Demon The knife, I hope it’s still on you.”


Lu Ming smiled wryly, and said: “Senior, junior is only 20% real now, if you want to reach 99%, even if you survive until the chaos comes, there is not much hope, let alone Not to mention a short million years.”

“Besides, Guihai Demon Knife is in charge of the seven supreme true treasures, and has laid down the supreme seven-star array. Even if my cultivation level reaches his level, I am no match for him.”

The current Guihai Demon Knife is so strong that it makes people desperate, and it is impossible to fight against it.

With such a cultivation level, no one can master the seven treasures in the real world.

Besides, the realization of soul and flesh is a gradual process, and there are no shortcuts. Lu Ming’s progress speed is already extremely amazing.

“You can rely on the Dazhenluo jade plate to enter the real world and get real textures, right?”

All laws are true kings.

“Senior wants the younger generation to integrate into the real texture and forcibly raise the level of cultivation, but the younger generation has already merged into the five strands, almost to the limit. If you blend in again, I’m afraid it will be difficult to control.”

Lu Ming said.

“With my help, it’s not difficult to help you stabilize. Incorporating enough real textures can indeed allow you to take shortcuts and quickly increase the degree of realism, but”

Speaking of the latter, True Monarch Wanfa was a little hesitant.

“Senior, are you afraid of breaking my foundation?”

Lu Ming said.


Wanfa Zhenjun nodded: “Lu Ming, your potential is the only one I have ever seen in my life. If you can survive this chaotic catastrophe, you may not have the opportunity to step into the third step of creation in the next catastrophe, and leave directly through the void. , into the real world.”

“The next catastrophe?”

Lu Ming shook his head and smiled, and said, “I can’t even pass the Guihai Demon Knife, so why not talk about the next catastrophe, senior, let’s do it this way.”

The next catastrophe is far away.

Guihai Demon Knife can’t pass this hurdle, death and dao disappear, relatives and friends are also unavoidable, everything is empty, what about the next catastrophe, what about the third step of creation?

“You are not enough alone, you need two helpers.”

All laws are true kings.

“Two? Which two?”

Lu Ming was curious.

“If we want to fight back, we need to choose the right time, and the best time is when Guihai Demon Saber failed to attack the Heavenly Cave. At the lowest point.”

“But he has mastered the seven-star array, even if his state is at a low point, he is extremely powerful. Even if you can increase the realization to more than 90% in a million years, it will be difficult for you and me to defeat him.” Kill him, you can’t kill him, and when he recovers, we will lose our chance.”

“If you want to kill Guihai Demon Knife, you must first destroy his Supreme Seven-Star Formation. Two helpers, one is Tang Feng, and the other is your son, Lu Jie.”

A detailed explanation of the True Monarch Wanfa.

“Tang Feng and Lu Jie? Is it them? Please give advice from seniors.”

Lu Ming said.

“Tang Feng, the way of cultivation is special, and now he is like the incarnation of a sword. At the critical moment, he can become a great weapon to seize the Dao Sword.”

“But if you want to win the Dao Sword, you have to do it when Guihai Demon Saber Immortal Soul is seriously disturbed and you have trouble concentrating. The stump of the tree, the immortal soul is even more incomparable, if I teach him the method of immortal soul cultivation and attack ~IndoMTL.com~ his immortal soul can skyrocket in a short time, and then it will be enough to have a huge impact on Guihai Demon Knife.”

All laws are true kings.


Lu Ming pondered, then shook his head, and said: “Jie’er’s Dao soul fetus is not tolerated by Chaos and Void. Once it leaves the physical body, it will be attacked by Chaos and Void. His physical body can’t keep up with the growth rate. The growth speed of the immortal soul, and then teach him the method of immortal soul cultivation, the growth of his immortal soul will accelerate, and the physical body will soon be unable to bear it.”

“If you die, can he live?”

Principal Wanfa asked back.

Lu Ming was silent.

How can he not understand this truth.

But once Lu Jie is taught the method of Immortal Soul, there is no turning back. Even if he can kill Guihai Demon Saber, Lu Jie will not last long before he will be assimilated by Chaos.

It is tantamount to sending Lu Jie to a dead end with his own hands, how cruel this is to him.

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