Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5986: 5 million years


Finally, the screen shattered, Lu Ming’s body shook, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Those figures are too strong to be deduced at all. Lu Ming wanted to force the deduction, but was backlashed.

Fortunately, it was only a minor injury and he will recover soon.

“In the long past, this place was the Heavenly Cave, overflowing with the power of reality, there used to be many powerful existences, and they stopped here”

Lu Ming’s thoughts unfolded, and he thought of a lot.

Perhaps, in the long past, this place was also like the real world, extremely prosperous, and all races coexisted.

It’s just that after experiencing the catastrophe of chaos, all creatures died.

In this way, it can explain that there are so many fairy scriptures in the chaos of the universe sea area.

The fairy scriptures are all transformed after the fall of the top powerhouses.

If this place was a heavenly cave in the long past, it can explain why so many strong people gathered.

I just don’t know why, but the cave seems to be shrinking and ‘withering’, turning into what it is now.

“Could it be that the Heavenly Cave will also repair itself?”

Lu Ming guessed like this.

You punch a hole in space, and space repairs itself.

Is the Heavenly Cave similar?

Of course, all of this is Lu Ming’s guess.

Lu Ming checked the surroundings, but found nothing of value. Lu Ming planned to leave this place and return to the real world.

Although it is quiet here, you can stay away from disputes, but it is not conducive to growth.

Now that he has resurrected his relatives and friends, and has stepped into the second step of creation, Lu Ming has to consider how to deal with the chaotic catastrophe.

I am a person who sits and waits to die.

It is impossible to fight, I will definitely allow my relatives and friends to fall on the chaotic catastrophe.

In the real universe world, there are few low-handed people and few treasures, so they can find a way to fight against the chaotic catastrophe.

Staying in the cosmic sea and meditating for 10,000 stellar years, there is absolutely no way to fight against the small calamity of chaos.

After making a decision, Tang Feng set off to return to Zhenyu World.

Returning to the real universe world is equally complicated. The real universe world has already been marked with coordinates, and the little Zhenluo jade plate is urged to arrive at the seventh heaven in an instant.

Down from the Seventh Heaven to the Little Summer Palace.

The following days were very smooth.

Tang Feng devoted himself to cultivation, and my strength is in a period of low-speed improvement.

My left arm is 100% real, which is about 10% of my whole body. I have entered the seventh step of creation, and my chaotic secrets are improving every moment.

Moreover, the number of my cosmic fusions cannot be continuously increased.

Of course, I will also take time to teach Xie Nianqing, Qiuyue, Lu Shenhuang, Shen Youyou and others to practice.

The strength of the Xia Clan in Xiaoxiagong is also constantly expanding.

There are fewer and fewer low-handed players.

Time is rushing, and a million years will pass in a blink of an eye.

Looking at the eight golden lines on the fingertips, Tang Feng kept walking, revealing a look of contemplation.

That is the eight real lines, not the later eight, but recently obtained from the real world.

Every once in a while, I will separate some immortal souls and retreat to the battlefield of the real world to hone, so naturally I have no chance to get the real texture.

After a long time, I gave Lu Ming eight ways, but Cao Ke has not yet successfully integrated into the body.

From the first step of creation to the seventh step of creation, the less real textures are incorporated, the worse it is.

The same real lines will repel in the body. If the strength is weak enough, the foundation is deep enough, and the suppression is the same real lines, the repulsive force will tear the living beings apart, and seriously injure the cultivation base If it is poured in, it will destroy both body and spirit.

Few people retreat to the seventh step, and it is enough to blend in a real texture.

A real texture can also make a certain part real, and then spread it all over the body, the effect is the same.

It’s just that less real textures are incorporated, the combat power will be weaker, and the speed of realization will be slower.

Cao Ke’s limit is eight ways, which is not amazing enough.

Give it to Lu Ming eight ways, Tang Feng still has eight ways left.

Tang Feng intends to continue to integrate the real texture, because I feel that I can still live in it, and I have not reached the limit.

Tang Feng took one out and let it retreat into his spine.

Suddenly, the real lines merged with the spine, and countless mysterious runes diffused out, covering the spine, and my spine gradually became weaker and closer to reality.

“Can’t continue yet.”

Tang Feng’s eyes were dark and bright, and he took another one out and melted it into the skull.

After the first seven steps, Tang Feng finally felt the pressure. If he continued to integrate less, the repelling power would reach an exaggerated level, making it difficult to maintain balance.

Tang Feng just gave up.

With the addition of the seven real lines, the power of reality is continuously drawn from the real world, and Tang Feng’s speed of realization is dozens of times slower than others.

In those millions of years, the Xia Clan was thriving, and nothing trivial happened in Zhenyu World. The attention of all the clans was still under the Supreme True Treasure, Xiaodao Sword.

The weak in the Seventeenth Hall are still looking for the Xiaodao Sword.

In these years, occasionally the creator ancestor of the Twelve True Halls will return, bringing news of the Great Dao Sword.

The Great Dao Sword has been spotted and blocked several times, and almost succeeded several times, but it is a pity that they all fled away in the end, which attracted the hearts of all the strong.

The Supreme True Treasure is too precious. For endless years, only the top three true halls have it. As the treasure of the town hall, it can increase the chance of surviving the chaos.

Don’t say it takes millions of years, even if it takes hundreds of millions of years, ten billion years, or hundreds of billions of years, it’s worth it.

No one gives up until the dust settles.

Another three hundred thousand years have passed.

After Tang Feng merged into the three real lines, he couldn’t sit still anymore.

His path of practice is all through killing and adventures, and meditation is of no benefit to him.

Furthermore, as the ancestor of the sword, he is now transformed into a sword and has brought the way of the sword to the extreme. It is a lie that he is not attracted to the supreme treasure of the way of the sword like the Daojian.

So, he bid farewell to Lu Ming, broke into the third heaven alone, and went to search for the Dao Sword.

Lu Ming continued to sit in the Great Summer Palace, meditating to make his body real, and instructing others to practice.

In the blink of an eye, more than 3.7 million years have passed.

Five million years have passed since returning from the universe sea.

Lu Ming’s cultivation has passed the period of rapid progress and entered a period of steady improvement.

The others are making rapid progress.

With the blessing of countless resources, Xie Nianqing, Qiuyue, Lu Shenhuang, Dandan, Paopao, Wanshen, Bone Demon and others all stepped into the life universe and reached the peak of the life universe.

Shen Youyou came from behind, and also reached the pinnacle of the universe, and her combat power is unparalleled, unmatched at the same level.

Of course ~IndoMTL.com~ It is not so easy to step into the realm of creation, it is not just a few million years, it takes a long time to accumulate.

No matter how talented Shen Youyou is, it won’t work.

Lu Ming was able to boast so much before entering the realm of creation, and it was only by chance that he broke through.

Besides, other people have not refined the Dazhenluo Jade Disk, so they cannot enter the real world with the help of the Dazhenluo Jade Disk.

He and Tang Feng are different species, and the path he walked is difficult to be copied.

The thing that gave Lu Ming the most headache was Lu Jie.

His immortal soul is getting stronger and stronger, and his physical body is becoming more and more unbearable.

Over the years, Lu Ming tried his best to improve Lu Jie’s physical body, but he still couldn’t keep up with the improvement speed of the immortal soul.

If this continues, sooner or later, the body will be exploded by the immortal soul.

Lu Ming was at a loss for ideas.



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