Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5943: Can’t beat you yet?

Latest website: Ahead, in the wind direction of the Dao Palace, there are two figures rushing towards Lu Ming and the others.

He is a master of Huazu.

Humans, with extraordinary talents, can transform various energies at will, can transform gold into soil, can transform attacks into bubbles, and can even transform damage into their own power.

In terms of racial talent, it ranks among the best among the hundreds of millions of races in the real world.

It is not too surprising that they can transform their killing intent and penetrate deep into the Dao Palace.

“Two friends from the Hua clan, this person is the stolen Xia clan, please help me take him down.”

Jade Divine Ability spread the voice.

However, the two masters of the Hua clan turned a deaf ear and continued to run wildly, with panicked expressions on their faces, as if there were some ferocious beasts chasing them.

Lu Ming and Yu Shentong also felt wrong. Lu Ming wanted to turn around, but Yu Shentong slowed down.


Suddenly, a deafening roar came from the depths of the Dao Palace, and then, an incomparably overbearing force emanated from the Dao Palace, enveloping the Dao Palace and a large area at once.

Lu Ming, the two ferocious clans, and the jade supernatural power all flew towards the Dao Palace involuntarily.

This force is attraction.

Not only Lu Ming and the others, but also the masters of the twelve supreme clans around them were all attracted by this force and flew towards the Dao Palace.

Lu Ming, Yu Shentong, and other masters of the supreme clan struggled frantically, but it didn’t help. This force is too strong, beyond the scope of the universe.

It’s as if a vortex suddenly appeared in the ocean, swallowing everything and involving everything around it.

Lu Ming felt like a leaf, drifting with the tide, unable to control his body shape, unable to control his direction, after a few breaths, he lost the trace of the Jade Divine Ability. Spread out.

Soon, Lu Ming was sucked into the depths of the Dao Palace by this gravitational force, approaching a mountain peak.

When approaching the mountain, Lu Ming finally broke free from the gravitational force and landed on the mountain.

It can be seen that the creatures of the twelve supreme clans continue to land on different mountain peaks.

When everyone fell on different peaks, the gravitational force disappeared, and no one was injured or fell.

Looking at Lu Ming, he found that there were more than 20 people from Da Yue who fell on his mountain, from the twelve supreme clans, and he was the only one from the Xia clan, which was a bit eye-catching.

But at this time, everyone’s attention was not on Lu Ming.

Suddenly being sucked into the depths of Dao Palace strangely, everyone was not excited, but only surprised, panicked, and worried.

Shua Shua Shua.

Many people soared into the sky and flew outside, wanting to leave the Dao Palace.

But they didn’t fly very far, as if they hit an invisible wall and were bounced back.

The Twelve Supreme Zun clan, for countless years, there are many people who are the same as one, not weaker than jade supernatural powers, but this kind of people can’t get out.

The area around the Grand Dao Palace seems to be blocked by an invisible field, trapping everyone inside.

Everyone’s face darkened.

Before, everyone wanted to enter the Avenue Palace, but now that they suddenly come in, most people want to leave.

Because, this is too weird and out of their control.

Next, many people did not give up and kept trying to leave, but all failed.

“The field is too strong, and it cannot be broken by the cosmic environment at all. Once it comes, it will be safe. We can only wait for the ancestor of creation to save us.”

Someone sighed.

“That’s right. We haven’t contacted the ancestor of the creator for a long time. The ancestor of the creator will definitely find something abnormal. With the ability of the ancestor of the creator, he will definitely be able to break through this field and save us.”

“It’s better to explore this place first.”

Since it is inseparable, many people began to turn their attention to the Grand Dao Palace.

The mountain where Lu Ming is located has huge buildings and palaces. They are located on the mountain. The first ones to enter these buildings are waiting for others to test first.

Someone even cast their eyes on Lu Ming with ill intentions.

“A Xia clan sneaked in, let him investigate.”

A master of the dead who was closest to Lu Ming smiled ferociously and rushed towards Lu Ming.

This person has incorporated nearly 50 million kinds of chaotic secrets, and he is not considered a weak person in the realm of life and universe. He waved his palm and pressed down, like a big universe covering Lu Ming.

“Hmph, any cat or dog dares to bully me.”

Lu Ming was already full of anger, his eyes turned cold, and he stabbed out.

It is the Promise Spear Sutra.

In the process of devouring and refining ghost spirits, the increase of chaos mysteries is one aspect, but it is the most helpful fairy art.

Obtaining the Dao Fruit of the Strong, the degree of transformation of the rules of the fairy art has rapidly increased, but for Lu Ming, there is another place for great improvement, which is to break the perfection of the fairy art and increase the number of the rules of the fairy art.

When the top-level fairy arts are cultivated to perfection, there will be no more than 38,000 kinds of fairy rules.

The limit of the Promise Spear Sutra is 34,000. Lu Ming has already broken the limit and increased the number of immortal arts rules in the Promise Spear Sutra to nearly 40,000.

However, progress in this area has been slow over the years.

Because, this field is generally only involved in the existence of the creation environment.

However, Lu Ming has also made rapid progress in obtaining the Dao fruit of the ghostly spirit. The number of immortal arts rules in the Promise Spear Manual has reached nearly 60,000.

The increase in the degree of true transformation and the limit number of fairy art rules has made the power of the Promise Spear Manual several times stronger than before, reaching an exaggerated level.

Not only that, but in the process, the Wanyu Void Scripture also broke the limit, and the rules of immortality were improved by tens of thousands, otherwise, it would have been difficult to escape from Yu Shentong before.


The sharp gun light directly pierced the palm of the dead master, the body of the gun shook, the opponent’s palm exploded, and the body retreated violently.

“Damn it, I don’t believe that you, the Xia clan, can’t be suppressed”

The master of the dead race has a hideous face, with a surge of death energy, and more than one hundred acupuncture points all over his body emit light. More than one hundred big universes provide him with powerful and unparalleled power. These powers pour into the universe of the true self Among them, the true self universe was hit to Lu Ming~IndoMTL.com~break!”

Lu Ming shouted, held the gun in both hands, and stabbed out with the gun.

Besides, there were more than 20 masters of the supreme clan staring at him. Lu Ming didn’t hold back, intending to show his prestige.

Like a silver needle piercing a balloon, the opponent’s big universe was directly pierced by the gun light, turning into a stream of light and flying into the body of the masters of the four clans.

The master of the dead clan vomited blood and retreated violently.


Lu Ming strode forward and shot down, smashing the dead master to pieces.

“If I can’t beat the pinnacle of the universe, can I still beat you?”

Lu Ming strode forward, the spear wanted to press down again, but was blocked by the second dead master.

This master of the dead is stronger than the previous one, but he was also numb from the shock of the spear.

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