Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5917: Meet the sky and the ancestor of Huangtian

The Xia people in the mountain area also cheered when they heard it, including Liu Qing, Wu Teng and others.

For the Xia Clan, this is a blessing for the entire race. The status of the entire race in the Zhenyu world will skyrocket, and they will get rid of their miserable fate and become masters from then on.

Of course, race promotion is very strict. First of all, it must be reported to Zhendian, and Zhendian will send strong people to check.

Check what? Check repairs.

In order for the Chen Clan to be promoted to the Ping Clan, the Clan must at least have Immortal Emperor Da Luo in charge.

This is also the reason why Lu Ming didn’t promote the Xia Clan since he took control of the mountain area.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to, it’s just that he can’t. Although his combat power is strong, his cultivation has not reached the realm of Immortal Emperor Da Luo at all.

Originally, his plan was to wait for himself to step into the Great Luo Immortal Emperor and report to be promoted to the Ping Clan, but now the plan has been completely disrupted.

What worries Lu Ming the most is that he suspects that the two ancestors of the Xia clan are the ancestors of Cangtian and Huangtian.

There are very few ancestors of creation, and they happen to be from the Xia clan, and the two of them happen to be together, which is too coincidental.

If it is the first ancestor of the sky and the first ancestor of the yellow sky, then Lu Ming should be careful in what he does next.

Moreover, he had to go to the promotion ceremony ten years later, and he had to be there in person.

If the address of the Xia clan is in the jurisdiction of other Zhendian, he can ignore it, but it happens to be in Zufuzhendian.

As the master of the area under the jurisdiction of the Zufuzhen Palace, he is well-known. Many people know that he belongs to the Xia clan. Come to the suspicion of the ancestor of Cangtian and the ancestor of Huangtian, that would be more troublesome.

Unless Lu Ming took his people away, the Dragon Alliance, which had been in operation for a million years, would completely disintegrate.

Fortunately, after Lu Ming stepped into the cosmic realm, his three bodies merged into one, which caused his life breath to change arbitrarily, and his cultivation was getting higher and higher, even the ancestor of creation could not see through his original identity.

At least, ordinary ancestors of creation can’t see through. Lu Ming is confident in this point.

Even if Canghuang and Huang had mastered his blood, it was useless, because it was just the blood before his three bodies merged into one. Now that his three bodies are merged into one, even the original breath of life can be changed, let alone blood?

Therefore, he will participate in the promotion ceremony of the Xia Clan, and he will also join the other party and become a senior member of the Xia Clan.

Of course, before doing this, you must make a lot of arrangements in advance.

He still has a weakness, that is Shen Youyou’s tens of thousands of people who came out of Jingzhen Universe.

If the two ancestors of the Xia clan were the ancestors of Cangtian and Huangtian, they would definitely investigate Lu Ming’s background. Following Shen Youyou and others, it is easy to find out that Lu Ming escaped from the Jade Palace , and it came out from the real universe.

Back then, Cangtian Xuansheng and Huangtian Chiming saw Lu Ming rushing into the real universe, and once they got in touch, with the wisdom of Cangtian ancestor and Huangtian ancestor, it was easy to guess his true identity.

Immediately, Lu Ming began to arrange, and the huge energy of the Dragon Alliance began to operate.

First of all, send members of the Dark Dragon Group to inquire about the appearance and appearance of the ancestors of Cangtian and Huangtian.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to see the ancestor of creation.

But if the Xia clan wants to be promoted to the upper clan, the two ancestors of creation must show their faces and show their majesty, so as to attract more experts to join them, and also let the Xia clan in the entire Zhenyu world flock here.

In this way, it is not difficult to simply know the appearance and shape.

Soon, two portraits were delivered to Lu Ming.

“It really is the ancestor of the sky and the ancestor of the yellow sky.”

Lu Ming’s face was a little gloomy.

Now that the identity of the other party has been confirmed, Lu Ming immediately arranged for tens of thousands of people from the real universe to leave, including Emperor Ming and Emperor Wuyue Xianshan. The jurisdiction of another true hall is hidden.

Among them, there are also a group of extremely talented Dragon Guards.

Because, Lu Ming’s going here does not mean that it is 100% safe. If something goes wrong, these people leave early to ensure safety.

Ordinary people, even ordinary cosmic realms, have no restrictions on crossing the Zhendian area, but the ancestor of creation cannot.

The ancestor of creation is too powerful and can cause too much damage. If you enter the area of ​​other real halls at will, how can other real halls feel at ease?

If there is malice, the damage caused will be too great.

Once the creator ancestor crosses regions and enters the jurisdiction of other true temples, he will immediately be targeted by the creator ancestors of other true temples.

This point, unlike the universe sea, can be exploited.

After everything is arranged, ten years will pass.

Lu Ming started to move towards the Great Summer Palace.

It has been many stellar years to be promoted to the upper family.

The last time there was a grand ceremony for promotion to the upper family, it dates back thousands of stellar years.

Besides, this time, the Dust Clan was promoted to the Upper Clan, and when they appeared, they were the two ancestors of creation.

It can be said that once the Xia clan is promoted, the strength is among the upper clan, and they all belong to the upper class.

Because, most of the upper clans have only one ancestor of creation, and there are only a handful of ancestors of creation.

Therefore, the promotion ceremony attracted countless strong people to congratulate.

There are not only masters in the area under the jurisdiction of Zufu Zhendian, but also masters from other Zhendians.

As for the Xia people, they flocked to the Great Summer Palace.

Even though the Great Summer Palace is magnificent, it is always crowded with people.

As for Lu Ming, who is the lord of the mountain region and a powerful immortal emperor, he naturally doesn’t need to be crowded. When he arrives, he will be received and arranged in a courtyard.

Not long after, a young man from the Xia tribe came to invite Lu Ming.

“Senior, please invite the two ancestors.”

The Xia Clan youth said respectfully.

With a glance, Lu Ming knew that this Xia Clan youth was from the Cangtian Clan.

Lu Ming couldn’t help but think of Cangtian Liusha, wondering how she is now~IndoMTL.com~It has been millions of years, probably think he is dead and forget about her.

“Lead the way.”

Lu Ming suppressed his thoughts.

It was within his expectation that the ancestors of Cangtian and Huangtian would invite him in advance.

He dominated the mountain region and defeated the city lord of Shengu powerfully. In the Zufuzhen Palace, who doesn’t know?

The outside world believes that he is a strong man in the universe realm.

But now, the Xia Clan lacks masters, and the gap is severe.

Although there are two ancestors of creation, under normal circumstances, the ancestors of creation cannot be sold. In the future, if the Xia people want to develop and seek more resources and benefits for the ancestors of Cangtian and Huangtian, they must have The combat power of the upper echelons.

As for the Xia Clan, they were originally just the Dust Clan, so there are no masters, except for Lu Ming, there is not even a Da Luo Immortal Emperor.

It can be said that Lu Ming is now the unique Great Luo Immortal Emperor of the Xia Clan, so how could he not be valued by the ancestors of the sky and the ancestor of Huangtian?

Soon, Lu Ming met the ancestors of Cangtian and Huangtian.

The Ancestor of Heaven has the appearance of a burly old man, while the Ancestor of Huangtian has the image of a peerless beauty.

They sat on it, but it gave people an unfathomable feeling. They obviously had no breath, but they brought endless pressure to Lu Ming.

The eyes of the two swept over, as if they could see through all of Lu Ming’s disguises.

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