Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5890: Kill Immortal Emperor

For five years, Jade Rakshasa has not shown up, which makes Lu Ming more determined to leave.

Actually, even if Jade Rakshasa appeared, Lu Ming would still leave.

This time, it was a few immortal emperors who were malicious to him. Next time, what if it was an ancestor of creation?

Who can shelter him?

Stay away from this behemoth.

“Time to act.”

Lu Ming’s eyes showed a fierce light.

It has been five years, and Yu Ce and Yutai have also comprehended Yiqi Huaqing for five years. If they continue to comprehend, they may find that there is a problem with the immortal scriptures given by Lu Ming at any time.

Can’t go any further.

After cleaning up, Lu Ming left quietly and went to the location of Shen Youyou and others.

As soon as Lu Ming left, Yu Jinling and Yu Donglai received the news.

“Hey, I finally left.”

The two men flickered fiercely in the mountains and left to start action.

After leaving the Jade Domain, Lu Ming turned into a rainbow light and hurried towards the location of Shen Youyou and others.

“Master, why are you here?”

As soon as she saw Lu Ming, Shen Youyou rushed over in surprise.

It can be seen that Shen Youyou’s eyes are tired and haggard, but her cultivation is progressing very fast, and she is now approaching the realm of a **** emperor.

Other people also looked tired, but the number was much smaller than five years ago. Obviously, these years, they have had a hard time and have suffered enormous pressure.

“It’s not too late, just follow me.”

After Lu Ming said that, with a wave of his hand, a powerful immortal power shrouded him, bringing everyone into the inner space of an immortal soldier.

After finishing the collection, Lu Ming was about to leave, but found that the stars were shifting, the sky and the earth were changing, and there were thunderbolts all over the west.

“My Universe.”

Lu Ming’s face changed slightly, he has fallen into the real self universe of the universe.

And this true self universe is extremely solid, powerful and orderly. Obviously, it is not the true self universe of the virtual universe, but the real universe.


Without the slightest hesitation, Lu Ming merged his three bodies into one, using the Promise Spear Sutra, the man and the spear became one, turned into an immortal spear, and rushed out.

The void split open, and the real universe shook violently. With a puff, Lu Ming rushed out of the real universe.

Outside the real self universe, Yigu middle-aged man, wearing thunder armor, looked astonished, obviously did not expect Lu Ming to rush out of his real self universe so easily.

But he is the Immortal Emperor Hunyuan in the real universe. He has experienced countless winds and waves, and he has rich combat experience. He immediately reacted and launched an attack, thundering all over the sky, turning into two thunder dragons, and attacking Lu Ming.

The void exploded, chaotic and terrifying.

Fortunately, this is the real universe world. It was jointly built by the real ancestors of the twelve real halls.

Put it in the outside world, and two Thunder Dragons rush through, which can easily destroy the big universe.

This Immortal Emperor Hunyuan did not come from the Jade Clan, but should be a strong man from the Supreme Jade Palace.

“Then kill you first.”

Lu Ming’s eyes were cold.

In the state of the Trinity, Lu Ming’s power is unimaginably powerful. More than 280,000 kinds of chaotic meanings are intertwined and densely intertwined, urging the Wuji Spear Sutra, two consecutive shots, defeating the two Thunder Dragons, directly taking the opponent’s eyebrows.

The face of the other party changed drastically. He never expected that Lu Ming would be so strong in a half-step universe.

Even if it is the same person, it can compete with him at most, but it is absolutely impossible to suppress him, and it is impossible to easily defeat his attack.

With a low roar, Thunder charged forward, turning into a mountain of thunder to block in front of him. C

The next moment, Leishan was pierced, and a terrifying gunshot penetrated the man’s chest.


Lu Ming launched a fierce attack, taking advantage of his illness to kill him.

But at this time, the terrifying pressure was vented, and the two real universes, one left and one right, pressed towards Lu Ming.

Lu Ming knew that Yu Ce and Yutai had arrived.

Normally speaking, three cosmos realms and two real cosmic realms shot, no matter how strong Lu Ming is, even if he is the same, he will be suppressed and deprived of all secrets.

Lu Ming’s eyes were cold. Fortunately, he had endured for five years, and his combat power had improved several times.

On the surface of the body, complex patterns are formed, which is impressively a Wan Dao map.

More than a dozen top-level immortal arts were stimulated and attacked the two real universes on both sides, while Lu Ming stared at the immortal emperor of the upper clan.

One after another spear light, like a falling meteor, constantly bombarded the opponent, and Lu Ming’s chest, the chaotic gourd flew out, and six black and white light chains entangled the opponent.

Inspired by Lu Ming’s current cultivation base, Chaos Gourd is undoubtedly stronger, and the opponent can’t break free even if he struggles desperately. C”Chaos Lingbao.”

The other party yells.

Lu Ming’s spear combined with one, and rushed past, the opponent’s body exploded to smithereens.

The shattered body was swallowed by the Chaos Gourd.

In Lu Ming’s hand, he was holding something like a spar.

Heart of the Universe!

This is the cosmic heart of the Immortal Emperor of the Shang clan, which is far more precious than the cosmic realm of the ordinary universe.

When the half-step universe breaks through the universe, the chaotic meanings of the whole body will condense together and turn into the heart of the universe, which is the core of the power of the universe.

He threw it at Chaos Gourd, and Lu Ming slashed to the left again.

That Shang Clan Immortal Emperor, who was obviously trained by Lei Fa, just happened to be the tonic for Chaos Gourd.

On the left is Yutai. He only has a virtual universe. When he saw the immortal emperor of the Shang clan being killed, he almost thought he was dreaming.

A half-step universe, killed a real universe with a few moves, he has never heard of it.

“It’s not easy for a long time, back down.”

Yutai roared wildly in her heart, and already had the intention of retreating.

However, Lu Ming was faster and caught up with Yutai in an instant.

The difference between the masters is a thousand miles away. Yutai’s strength is invincible, and he wants to retreat. Where is Lu Ming’s opponent.

With one shot crushed down, Yutai’s immortal body exploded into pieces, and the immortal soul was also torn apart, which was taken in by Lu Ming with a chaotic gourd.

Then dodged Yuce’s attack with a flash.

“Want to go!”

Lu Ming’s eyes were cold.

Yu Ce is very cunning and cunning. When he sees something wrong, he turns around and runs away.

But since Lu Ming has exposed all his secrets, he is not allowed to escape.

Wan Yu Void Sutra was used to the extreme, and with a flicker, it caught up with Yu Ce, and the spear glowed like a pillar, rolling down.

The immortal power is boiling, burning like a raging flame, the chaotic gourd, the immortal scriptures of the ten thousand Taos, the infinite spear scriptures one

Lu Ming used all his trump cards~IndoMTL.com~ Be sure to make a quick decision.

This place is not very far from the Ultimate Jade Domain Bijing, and it is easy to be sensed by the experts of the Extreme Jade Domain and even the Ultimate Jade Palace.

&At that point, it’s dangerous.


Under Lu Ming’s all-out efforts, Yu Ce also exploded, almost annihilating both body and spirit, and the shattered fairy soul was absorbed by Chaos Gourd.

Lu Ming didn’t stop, rushed into the distance at extreme speed and disappeared into the sky.

Not long after Lu Ming left, two figures suddenly appeared in the sky, with a terrifying aura covering the sky.

These are the two Great Luo Immortal Emperors.

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