Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5887: Conspiracy

Lu Ming is quite satisfied with this mountain range.

Although there is a certain distance from the Jade City, it is also a core area as a whole. If it weren’t for his face and the help of Jade Rakshasa, ordinary dust people would not be able to settle in such a treasured place.

Those who can settle down have backers.

Release Shen Youyou and others and let them settle down. Lu Ming set up a large formation around him, and then bid farewell to Shen Youyou and entered the Jade City with Jade Luosha.

With Jade Rakshasa leading the way, a series of formalities were easily done. Lu Ming became a member of the Jade Palace, and he also arranged a different courtyard for Lu Ming.

“With your talent and strength, you are enough to be the ‘Emperor’ of the Supreme Jade Palace. I will apply for you. When you pass the application, you can become an ‘Emperor’. In the Supreme Jade Palace, your status is equal to Immortal Emperor.”

Jade Rakshasa Road.

Lu Ming realized after a bit of understanding that the so-called ‘Emperor’ was an immortal emperor-level guest minister, who had a high level of power in the Jade Palace.

Although it cannot be compared with the Jade Clan, it can stand side by side with the Immortal Emperors of other races. Not only high status, but also a lot of power.

“Then Lu will thank the real girl first.”

Lu Ming clasped his fists.

Jade Rakshasa remained expressionless, nodded slightly, and left.

“Uncle Luo, this Lu Shi has offended a lot of people in the Jade Palace. I’m afraid that he will be targeted after my retreat. Please help me take care of it.”

When I came to a different courtyard, Jade Rakshasa saw a middle-aged man, who was a powerhouse in the universe.

“Don’t worry, you can retreat with peace of mind and break through the universe as soon as possible.” The middle-aged man agreed.


“When we settle down, we will start investigating Xiaoqing, Qiuyue and the others. Joining the Jade Palace, it will be easier for me to mobilize some of the power of the Jade Palace than me alone.”

Lu Ming thought about it.

Of course, he didn’t dare to be careless in a place like the Jade Palace where there were so many experts.

After all, he hides these secrets.

Such as Wanfa Immortal Stele, Dazhen Luoyu Plate…

What made him relieved was that Dazhen Luo Yudie would hide on his own in the face of the prying eyes of terrifying powerhouses.

At the end of the Zhenquan Conference before, Immortal Emperor Daluo, including the eyes of the founder of creation, swept everyone.

Fortunately, Lu Ming had already prepared and put important things, such as real seeds, Wanfa Immortal Monument, Chaos Gourd, etc., into the Dazhen Luoyu Plate.

When being spied on, Dazhen Luoyudi turned directly into nothingness.

It is not infinitely shrinking, but it really turns into nothingness and disappears from the world, thus avoiding the prying eyes of the first ancestor of creation.

This made Lu Ming take a long breath.

This is something that Lu Ming has always been worried about. Once discovered by the first ancestor of creation, he will definitely not be able to keep the Dazhen Luoyu plate.

This is also the reason why he dared to join the Jade Palace.

“However, the Creation Realm is also divided into superior and inferior. It is said that the true ancestors of the major temples have unimaginable strength. I don’t know if the real Luo Yudi can avoid their perception?”

Lu Ming decided to keep a low profile as much as possible in the future. It is best not to be concerned by the existence of the Creation Realm. If the distance is too close, who knows what will happen.

Lu Ming just stayed in the Jade City and cultivated with peace of mind.

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.


In the bustling palace, Yujinling and Yudonglai are entertaining two distinguished guests.

These are their two elders and the two universes of the Jade Clan.

Of course, as Jade Jinling and Jade Donglai, they are no worse than ordinary universes, or even higher.

So, the two universes are very polite.

“The two true sons have made great progress in their cultivation at the Zhenquan Conference. They will reach 99,000 in the future. They are breaking into the universe, and their future is limitless.”

An old man laughed.

“The two clan uncles are too famous. If you want to reach 99,000 kinds, it’s easier said than done. Let’s try harder. If it really doesn’t work, we have to retreat and break through the universe.”

Jade Jinling sighed.

“With the foundation of the two true sons, even if they break through the universe now, they will be brave and diligent in the future, and the creation of the realm can be expected. I don’t know how much stronger than I am.”

The old man continued to compliment.

“Two clan uncles, there is an important matter to discuss with you. I wonder if you have heard of Lu Shi?”

Jade Jinling Road.

The two universes shook their heads blankly.

“This person is a native of the Xia clan in the Jingzhen universe, but his strength is amazing…”

Immediately, Yu Jinling explained Lu Ming’s strength and some strange things in detail.

After listening, both cosmos realms showed serious thoughts.

“It’s not unusual for a native of the Xia clan to have such strength, and there must be a secret on him.”

Another middle-aged cosmic realm.

“That’s right, Donglai and I think so too. Yuluosha said to the outside world that Lu Shi just got the chance of the wonderful land of the real universe, but I don’t believe it at all, just by getting the chance of the wonderful land, you can If it was so easy to create a character like Lu Shi, the Twelve True Halls would be filled with true sons and daughters.”

Jade Jinling Road.

“Jinling is right, Lu Shi, not only has a very high level of formation skills, but his cultivation has progressed rapidly. The immortal techniques he uses are actually those of other great temples, and he has reached the perfection level. This is extremely abnormal. This person hides a great secret, and maybe he is not a native of the real universe at all.”

Yudong came to answer, his eyes flashed with a cold lustre, and continued: “A mere Xia clan can go this far. If the secrets on him are truthful, we have obtained them. Where will we go? Achievement? At least he is several times taller than him.”

The eyes of the two Immortal Emperors showed a scorching glow.

“There is no master behind this person, and there is no strong restriction on the soul of the immortal. As long as we take him down and search for the soul, his secret will be ours.”

Jade Jinling Road.

“It’s easy to handle a half-step universe of the Xia clan, but before Yu Luosha retreats, let Yu Mingluo take care of Lu Shi. With him watching, we may not be able to start.”

Middle-aged Immortal Emperor Dao.

“It’s not easy to start in the Jade City, but as long as you leave the Jade City, it’s easy to start. Although Yu Mingluo promised Yu Luosha to take care of Lu Ming, but after all, he is only a Xia clan, and Yu Mingluo will not So attentive.”

Jade Jinling Road.

“How to get Lu Shi to leave the Jade City?”

“This point~IndoMTL.com~ I have discussed with Donglai, Lu Ming has a disciple, and there are tens of thousands of Xia clan, who have been with Lu Shi all the time, as long as people secretly suppress them and make them unable to Once established, he will definitely ask Lu Ming for help, once Lu Ming goes to the rescue, it will be his death.”

Jade Jinling Road, showing a cold smile.

“This plan is feasible, but we must grasp a certain degree. We can’t kill those Xia people all at once. We need to gradually and gradually oppress them, so as not to arouse Lu Shi’s suspicion.”

The aged Universe nodded.

“Just do it like this, I will spy secretly and try Yu Mingluo’s attitude.”

Middle-aged Immortal Emperor Dao.

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