Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5791: Heart and blood

Chapter 5791 disaster heart and blood light

Repaying your life by chatting?

This reason…is really cute.

Lu Ming released another force, intending to send Yoyo out.

“Senior, wait!”

Seeing that Lu Ming had responded, Yoyo hurriedly shouted, strode to the wall, and picked a bright red fruit.

“Senior, this is your fruit. My grandfather was seriously injured. I originally wanted to pick the magic medicine to heal grandpa, but I fell in. Can I take a fruit out to heal grandpa?”

Yoyo blinked at Lu Ming with big eyes.


The fruit in Yoyo’s hand flew towards Lu Ming, submerged into Lu Ming’s stony body, and disappeared.


Yoyo’s big eyes were misty, tears were rolling, and I was about to cry.

She thought that this fruit was too precious, she had already eaten one, and Senior Immortal Stone was reluctant to give it to her.

At this moment, a green magic medicine flew out of Lu Ming’s body and landed in Yoyo’s hand.

“The medicinal power of the fruit here is too ferocious and irritable, which is not conducive to healing. This rhyme grass is a magic medicine for healing, and it will definitely help your grandfather.”

A voice rang in Yoyo’s ears.

Yoyo took over the rhyme grass, overjoyed, and kowtowed a few times to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming shot out a force, supported Yoyo, and flew out along the crack.

After sending Yoyo away, Lu Ming continued to heal.

The next day, Yo Yo didn’t come.

On the third day, still did not come.

By the fourth day, a rope fell from above, and a petite figure slid down the rope.

That’s right.

Yoyo’s face was full of joy, her face was radiant, and the corner of her mouth couldn’t hide her smile.

“Senior, thank you for your magic medicine. Grandpa’s injury is almost healed. Yoyo promises you that I want to chat with you. If you have time, I’ll chat with you, okay?”

Yoyo trotted to Lu Ming’s side, and before Lu Ming could answer, he said in a crackling voice: “Senior, what’s your name, how long have you been born with Lingzhi?

Have you been here for many years? “

“By the way, you are male or female, no, can’t you call men and women in stone?

Are you male or female?

Oh, from your last voice, does it sound like a male? “

Lu Ming: “…”

Yo yo seems to have not spoken to anyone for a long time, and regardless of whether Lu Ming responded or not, he just kept talking, and Ben didn’t give Lu Ming a chance to interject.

As he spoke, he suddenly let out a long sigh, his face darkened, and said, “Yo yo, I haven’t talked so much for a long time. In the tribe, no one wants to associate with me, no one wants to be my friend, Talk to me, and they all see me as a scourge, thinking I’ll bring disaster to the tribe.”

“Why do they think you will bring disaster to the tribe?”

Lu Ming finally seized the opportunity to speak with immortal consciousness, and the voice rang in Yoyo’s ear.

“Senior, you finally spoke, yoyo thought you ignored me.”

Yoyo said, and then said to himself: “The clan said that when Yoyo was born, the sky fell with blood, covering the entire clan, and it would not be scattered for three days.”

“After Yoyo was born, my mother… my mother died.”

Speaking, Yoyo’s eyes rolled in her sockets again, her expression gloomy.

“And not long after, my father was killed by a beast during a hunt, and over the years, the clan’s bad news has continued, and from time to time, some members of the clan were killed by the beast, or died at the hands of other clans. “

“Perhaps, maybe Yo Yo is really a disaster star. Even Grandpa was seriously injured last time and almost died. Maybe Yo Yo should stay away from the clan, so that the clan will be better.”

Yoyo continued.

Lu Ming was slightly moved.

I didn’t expect that an eight or nine-year-old girl could endure so much.

Lu Ming can imagine that a little girl, who has been regarded as a disaster star by the tribe since she was a child, will definitely be excluded from everywhere, and she will suffer from coldness and accusations. How much pressure does she endure?

How sad will my heart be?

Whether Yoyo is a disaster star or not, it is irresponsible to put everything on a little girl.

“The sky falls blood, will it last for three days?”

Lu Ming meditated in his heart, then turned his immortal power to his eyes, and glanced at him.

Suddenly, Lu Ming’s expression changed, revealing a look of surprise.

He saw a layer of blood in Yoyo’s body and even on the fairy soul.

This kind of blood light, extremely crimson, completely penetrated Yoyo’s body and soul, as if fused and merged into one.

“What’s the matter?”

Lu Ming thought about it.

This kind of blood light is not Yoyo’s own blood, but comes from the outside world, but it is integrated with Yoyo, which Lu Ming has never seen before.

It’s just that Lu Ming is still healing his wounds across a layer of rock. He can’t check it up close. He doesn’t know what the blood light does.

But Lu Ming instinctively felt that this layer of blood seemed to be suppressing Yoyo, locking Yoyo’s potential.

Lu Ming was shocked.

Yoyo, in the grade of eight or nine, there is a true god’s cultivation. Even in the big universe, it is not bad. If the blood light really suppresses the talent potential, then if it is not suppressed, the talent potential has How strong?

Lu Ming suppressed his curiosity.

His physical injuries have almost not recovered yet, and he will not be too late to investigate when he recovers.

“How many people are there in your tribe?

Are other tribes yours? “

Lu Ming asked with a voice, wanting to learn about the universe through Yoyo.

“There are thousands of people in our tribe. Other tribes are also of the same clan as us. According to my grandfather, they are all the Xia tribe and belong to the Dayue Dynasty.”


Afterwards, Lu Ming continued to ask some questions, but unfortunately, Yoyo is young and has limited knowledge of this universe.

After chatting for a while, they practiced.

In the evening, Yoyo said goodbye and climbed up the rope.

The next morning, Yo Yo came again.

Muttering that her grandfather’s injury had recovered better, then she practiced by herself again, and left at ten minutes in the evening.

For the next ten days or so, Yo Yo will come every day, most of the time, practicing alone.

Also, she didn’t pick a single fruit for more than ten days.

Lu Ming can guess the little girl’s thoughts.

It is estimated that the last time I picked one was taken back by Lu Ming, so I thought it was Lu Ming’s private property, so I didn’t dare to pick it.

After more than ten days of getting along ~IndoMTL.com~ Yoyo and Lu Ming have gotten to know each other well.

The little girl didn’t have any scheming, and she confided to Lu Ming what she had in mind.

“There is something wrong with your cultivation…”

On this day, Lu Ming began to give advice.

Yoyo’s cultivation method is really not very clever. It can be said that it is very rough and has many flaws.

Before this, if I could cultivate to the second level of the True God, I can only say that Yoyo’s talent is really good. Also, the cultivation environment in this big universe is exceptionally good.

If there is a good cultivation method, the improvement will be faster.

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