Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5766: To death

The ancestor of Qingtian served as a soldier, poured his blood essence and immortal soul into the Dazhenluo jade plate, and borrowed stronger power to fight against the ancestor of the ancestor of the clan of heaven, while opening the portal of the teleportation formation, Let the scope of the teleportation array gate continue to expand.

Before, many creatures near Qiuqiu were also sent away by the teleportation gate along with Qiuqiu.

And a large number of heroic spirits also rushed towards the teleportation gate, but were twisted into fly ash by a terrifying force.

Obviously, the teleportation gate, under the control of the Qingtian ancestor, can distinguish between the enemy and ourselves.

When your own people enter, they will be teleported, and if the enemy enters, they will be attacked horribly.

“Everyone, enter the teleportation gate and retreat.”

The voice of the ancestor of Qingtian spread throughout the audience.

“The Dazhenluo Jade Plate is really mysterious. It can open a chaotic transmission channel in the chaos, but when you are fighting us, how can the chaotic channel you open be stable? Even if you send it out, it will not tell the direction , teleported somewhere in the chaotic void, under the true immortal, entering the chaotic void, there is only one dead end.”

The ancestor of the Cangtian clan sneered.

Sure enough, the faces of the creatures in the major universes changed drastically when they heard this.

In the chaos, there are many crises. Only the immortal creatures have the chance to survive.

Even if they are teleported away, it will be bad luck.

The creature who was about to rush towards the teleportation gate couldn’t help showing hesitation.

“Teleporting away, there is still a chance of survival. Staying here will only become the other party’s rations. There is still a choice for this kind of thing?”

Someone yelled and rushed towards the teleportation gate in spite of everything.

Many people were shocked and reacted.

That’s true, if you stay here, you will definitely be swallowed by the ancestors of the Heavenly Clan, so it’s better to rush into the teleportation gate and gain a chance of survival.

“Go, all go through the transmission channel.”

Lu Ming also roared loudly, and the sound passed through the void and spread to Honghuang and other major universes.

This battle has far exceeded Lu Ming’s expectations, and it has also exceeded his imagination. There are only a few deaths, and that life is the transmission channel. If you stay, you will die.

Xie Nianqing, Qiuyue, Ling Yuwei, Lu Yuntian, Li Ping and the others glanced in Lu Ming’s direction before rushing towards the teleportation gate.

It’s not that they are greedy for life and fear of death, but staying here is not conducive to Lu Ming’s escape, so they didn’t hesitate.

Fairies, worms, all spirits, mountains and seas and other creatures of the big universe also rushed towards the transmission channel.

But the heroic spirits are overwhelming, rushing madly, especially near the gate of the teleportation formation, surrounded by heroic spirits, trying to block everyone’s retreat.

The deadliest ones are the heroic spirits on the river of time and space.

Of the twenty-nine heroic spirits in the cosmic realm, eighteen targeted Lu Ming, Ye Qing, Daoren Sanqing, Xue Yuyu and Immortal Emperor Wuyue, while the remaining eleven fought terrifyingly against the universes. of fairy art.

Although Yang Zhi was in the front of the large tomb, and the Human Emperor controlled the Samsara Cauldron to block the attacks of seven of them, but four of them still attacked the major universes.


With a scream, the Yuhuang of Shanhai Great Universe was struck by a sword light, and his body exploded continuously, turning into a ball of blood foam.

He was not dead yet, Xuemo squirmed violently, trying to escape, but a luminous mountain suppressed him and completely killed Yuhuang.

The May Emperor of the Immortal Insect Great Universe was also attacked by two cosmic realms and was completely wiped out.

After a wave of attacks, the next wave of attacks will reappear immediately.

This time, the half-step universe of the two underworlds was wiped out.

As for Yang Zhi, he was continuously hit hard, his body was tattered, his breath was sluggish, and he was at the end of his strength.

He is just a half-step universe, and he can block the attacks of so many heroes in the universe, completely relying on the space of the tomb, and there is an extremely powerful fairy formation in that space.

However, the limit is finally reached.

“Human Sovereign, lend me the Samsara Cauldron.”

Yang Zhi showed determination, looked up to the sky and screamed, grabbed a tripod leg of the reincarnation tripod, and rushed towards the long river of time and space.

It is necessary to stop those Heroic Spirits of the Cosmic Realm. Those Heroic Spirits of the Cosmic Realm are a huge danger. step universe.

When the half-step universes of the major universes are killed, those heroic spirits of the half-step universes can reduce the dimensionality and attack the immortal kings and true immortals of the major universes.

At that time, no one will be able to escape into the teleportation gate.

The chaotic teleportation channel opened by the ancestor of Qingtian with his own soldiers will be wasted in vain.

“Gentlemen, who will help me?”

Yang Zhi shouted loudly.

“I’m here to help you!”

“I’m coming.”

Immediately, there were five or six voices responding, and the six strong men who followed Sheng Xi, Wa Xiao and the others rushed towards Yang Zhi. During the process of rushing out, their bodies were burning, their spirits were burning, and they turned into Rolling energy rushed into the Dao reincarnation cauldron.

On the surface of the Samsara Ding, a brilliant light emerged, leading Yang Zhi and the six strong men from Honghuang, rushing into the long river of time and space.


The seven powerhouses shouted at the same time, their bodies were completely ignited, turned into six life essences, rushed into the Samsara Cauldron, and then the Samsara Cauldron exploded with a brilliant glow.

Infinite destructive energy, with reincarnation cauldron

as the center, diffused in all directions, the long river of time and space trembled violently, aroused huge waves, and the huge waves, upstream, the twenty-nine cosmic spirits in the upper reaches of the long river of time and space became blurred, and the attack , was also blocked by huge waves.

Yang Zhi and the six powerhouses of the prehistoric universe ignited the reincarnation cauldron at the cost of their lives, and it finally played a role.

Originally, with their cultivation base, even if they rushed into the long river of time and space and blew themselves up, it would be impossible to have any impact on the long river of time and space.

However, the Samsara Cauldron is different. It was built by the three creators for the purpose of studying reincarnation. When it exploded, it was enough to have a huge impact on the long river of time and space.

The twenty-nine heroic spirits in the cosmic realm were unable to attack, and the pressure on Lu Ming, Ye Qing and others was greatly reduced.

The pressure of the major universes has also been greatly reduced, converging into torrents and rushing towards the gate of the teleportation array.

Lu Yuntian, Li Ping, Lu Shenhuang, and Lu Chi gathered together, surrounded by a large number of guards from the Lu family. They rushed towards the gate of the teleportation array like a sharp knife.

Soldiers against soldiers ~IndoMTL.com~ generals against generals, kings against kings.

Heroic spirits at the half-step universe level are besieging the half-step universe level powerhouses in all major universes.

Heroic spirits of the Immortal King level besiege the Immortal King level powerhouses.

Therefore, those who besieged Lu Yuntian, Li Ping, Lu Shenhuang, Lu Chi and others were some true immortals and a large number of quasi-immortals.

After so many years of development, the Lu family’s strength has grown countless times. Among the guards they recruited, there is no shortage of real immortal-level powerhouses.


Hundreds of guards, protecting Lu Yuntian and others, rushed towards the gate of the teleportation formation.

However, there are too many heroic spirits around, they are densely packed, and they keep killing them.

Every moment, there are guards who are torn to pieces by the swarming heroic spirits.


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