Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5712: Borrow the truth

“Keep attacking!”

The half-step universe of the Wuxian clan kept going in an instant. After the first move was fired, the second move was immediately fired.

But the second move, they all changed positions.

They mainly find flaws and break them in one fell swoop.

The light curtain on the Myriad Spirit Continent was once again violently deformed. In some places, it was very dented, as if it would collapse at any time.

“The defense here is a little weaker, come and attack here.”

shouted a half-step universe of the fog fairy.

Immediately, the other masters rushed towards that direction.

“You can’t sit still like this, you must fight back.”

“Activate the attack formation to counterattack.”

On the Myriad Spirit Continent, there are not only defensive immortal formations, but also attack immortal formations.

Any formation in the universe is a combination of offense and defense.

Yao Huang and others, while activating the defensive formation, mobilized the attack formation.

Swish swish…

In the sky of Wanling Continent, many rattans appeared, each of which was extremely thick and covered with poisonous thorns.

The vines are billions of miles long, like huge long snakes, slamming towards the half-step universe of the Wuxian clan.

Immediately, many half-step universes of the Wuxian clan were blocked.

Even, a battleship was hit by a rattan and flew out. Many of the Wuxian clan with relatively weak cultivation bases on the battleship were shocked and vomited blood.

“Hmph, just a mere formation, just trying to stop us, blood misting fairy!”

Among them, there are twelve half-step universes of the mist fairy, their bodies scattered and turned into a large blood mist, covering the rattan.

Immediately, the rattan became red, corroded by the blood mist, and then broke inch by inch.

The half-step universes of the thirty-nine mist immortals are not all one color, but two.

One of them is composed of blood mist, and the whole body is blood red.

The other type is pitch black and full of stench. This is poisonous fog.

There should be two branches, one blood fog and one poisonous fog.

After all, the attack formation could not stop so many masters. Soon, in a certain direction, more than twenty half-step universes gathered, and then launched a fierce attack.

Boom boom boom…

The defensive formation in that place was deeply dented, and finally, with a click, a crack appeared.

The faces of the creatures in the Wanling universe changed greatly.

The people of the Wuxian clan were overjoyed and wanted to rush in through this crack.

However, Emperor Yao, Yan Heng and others naturally wouldn’t let them succeed easily. They raised their combat power to the extreme, and hit the strongest blow in the direction of the crack.

Boom boom boom…

Several of the Wuxian clan half-step universes who wanted to rush in through the crack were bombarded and turned into a cloud of mist.

But the mist retreated and recovered quickly, and the breath was strong, hardly taking any damage.

Several experts of the Wuxian clan were repelled, the defensive formation quickly healed itself, and the cracks on the light curtain disappeared.

“Hmph, dying.”

“Continue to shoot and see how many moves they can block.”

Several Wuxian tribes spoke indifferently in the half-step universe.

There were more than a dozen fog immortals in the half-step universe, and they used a wide range of attacks to block those vines, while the others gathered in a weak position.

And, twenty warships also moved over, the warships glowed, gathered energy, and prepared to launch a fierce attack.


With an order, twenty warships fired beams at the same time, and more than twenty half-step universes attacked together.

Dozens of attacks gathered together and bombarded a point in the defensive formation. The power was too strong. If a half-step universe stood there, it would be instantly beaten into nothingness, and nothing would be left. .

Even if Emperor Yao and others tried their best to activate the defensive formation, they couldn’t resist. The light curtain was hit with a big hole, and a small amount of destructive energy poured into the universe of all spirits, causing catastrophic consequences. All living beings vanished in an instant.


Seeing that the formation was broken, Emperor Yao stopped urging the formation, but directly killed him.

“Then kill it!”

Yan Heng held a battle axe, his combat power surged into the sky, and he also rushed away.

“Even if you die, you have to pull a pad on your back.”

“Just die, kill!”

The Ant Emperor, the Spirit Emperor and others all rushed towards the half-step universe of the Wuxian clan.

“Looks like there’s no time left.”

Lu Ming sighed and put away Soul Yihe’s puppet battle body.

In such a short time, it was too late for refining, but it was not completely fruitless. Lu Ming felt that he could control some of the power in the puppet battle body.

is the power of truth.

Not many, but many times more intense than what he originally controlled.

Originally, Lu Ming practiced the original law, and he had already cultivated the original law to the eighteenth level, but the original law can only master a few skins. Compared with the real power mastered by the universe, there is a world of difference. .

The real power mastered by the universe is extremely powerful, invincible, indestructible, and destroys all illusions.

Even if the number is small, it is easy to be exhausted, but it is enough to deal with the half-step universe.


Wan Yu’s Void Sutra was used, Lu Ming came first and rushed to the front of Yao Huang and the others. He grabbed his hands, and ten spears stabbed towards the fog fairy half-step universe in front of him.

“Give me corruption and turn it into a pool of pus and blood.”

The half-step universe of the Wuxian clan was red and made of blood mist. At this moment, with a grim smile, dozens of tentacles made of blood mist rushed out of his body and wrapped around Lu Ming.

However, when the spear fell, the tentacles of the blood mist disintegrated, turning into clusters of blood mist.

These blood mists, as if alive, bypassed the spear and rushed towards Lu Ming’s body.

“Boy, I’m fooled.”

The half-step universe of the Wuxian clan sneered, as long as Lu Ming was shrouded in blood mist, there would only be a dead end.

The immortal power of the half-step universe cannot stop his blood fog power.

However, the next moment, his face changed greatly.

Because, after the power of the blood mist contacted Lu Ming’s body, it was directly scattered, and the roots couldn’t rush into Lu Ming’s body.

“What kind of immortal power is this ~IndoMTL.com~ how is it so powerful?”

This half-step universe of the Wuxian clan turned a thought, and it was also his penultimate thought.

The next moment, ten spears pierced his body.

His immortal body exploded directly.

As usual, even if his body explodes, nothing will happen.

But at this moment, his body is being rapidly destroyed by a terrifying force.

“The power of truth…”

This was his last thought. As soon as this thought arose, he completely lost consciousness.

As soon as Lu Ming made his move, he used his ultimate move to communicate with Soul Yihe’s puppet body, borrowing a touch of real power.

Once the power of reality is exerted, the rest is like an illusion, and it will be broken at a touch.


Lu Ming howled, a long spear appeared in his hand and swept out.

This gun still used a touch of real power to cover the spear through his body.


A half-step universe of a dark fog fairy was hit by a long spear and burst open. The soul of the fairy was also wiped out in an instant, leaving only a dark fog.

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