Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5701: Go to the source of power

Remember 【New】for a second,! “Senior, what do you need me to prepare for refining the puppet body?”

Lu Ming asked.

“If you want to succeed in refining as soon as possible, you must go to a place, that is the place where the creator fell, the source of power in the depths of the fairy-level battlefield, that place will not exclude us.”

Ye Ching Road.

Lu Ming also showed a look of anticipation. The source of power, that is, the place where the Creator who evolved the Qingtian Clan sat, Lu Ming has not been there yet.

“You can also speed up your cultivation when you go there. I’ll take you there first. If others want to go there, you can go over later.”

Ye Qing said, and then a force poured out, wrapped Lu Ming, and left.

The speed of the cosmos is unbelievably fast, tearing apart the chaotic ruins and walking in the void. When encountering chaotic storms and chaotic thunderstorms, it does not dodge or avoid it. many times faster.

Not long after, they came to the fairy-level battlefield, then quickly went deep into the endless ocean, and finally, they stopped at a giant mountain.

This giant mountain, huge and boundless, is bigger than any large universe, and it is suspended on the sea.

The giant mountain exudes powerful fluctuations of power, as well as strong pressure. This feeling is like facing the ocean of yang universe and the ocean of yin universe.

However, here, in addition to the pressure, it also gave Lu Ming a warm feeling.

Lu Ming knew that this place was the source of the power of the Immortal-level battlefield.

Lu Ming felt very surprised. After the fall of the other two creators, they evolved into the yin and yang cosmic sea, which is boundless.

And this creator has evolved into a giant mountain.

Although this giant mountain is incomparably huge, it is still far from the yin-yang cosmic sea.

It doesn’t give the impression that it is so strong, and the energy it contains is not as vast and boundless as the yin and yang universe.

Could it be that the strength of this creator is not as good as the other two?

Seems to have guessed Lu Ming’s idea, Ye Qing said: “The strength of this creator is definitely not weaker than the other two. The immortal mountain that evolved after death feels weaker. There must be other reasons.”

“Come on, let’s go in.”

Ye Qing flew towards the giant mountain first, followed by Lu Ming.

At the top of the giant mountain, there is actually a crack, like an abyss, leading to the inside of the giant mountain.

“The ancestor of the Qingtian Clan was born from this giant mountain, and climbed out of this crack. Let’s go down. Below, there is the skeleton of my creator.”

Ye Ching Road.

The two made their way down the crack and finally came to a point.

A huge skeleton, sitting cross-legged on the ground, as big as a star.

It can be seen that there are many scars on the skeleton, and there is a deep knife wound on the forehead.

During his lifetime, he obviously experienced a tragic war.

“What a strong primordial power, why doesn’t this place exclude us?”

Lu Ming said curiously.

The primordial land of the Yin-Yang Cosmic Sea, especially the land of the creator’s bones in the depths of the primordial land, will repel the immortal creatures.

The immortal beings enter, and they will be attacked terribly.

But here, they are not ostracized at all.

“The reason why the Yin-Yang Cosmos Sea repels immortal beings is because the Heavenly Clan demanded too much. In the early days, the strong people of the Heavenly Clan could enter freely, and they frantically plundered the original power inside.”

“Although the creator has completely fallen, the evolved yin-yang cosmic sea will also give birth to a will after a long period of evolution. Although he does not have too strong wisdom, he also knows how to fight back. After being invaded and plundered by powerful creatures, he will become independent. Counterattack, attack the powerful creatures that enter, while weak creatures will not be counterattacked.”

“And here, there has never been a powerful creature plundering the original power, and naturally it will not be counterattacked.”

“In addition, it is also the reason why the energy here is weaker than the Yin-Yang Universe Sea, and the will to be born is not strong.”

Ye Qing explained.

Lu Ming looked carefully and found that around the skeleton, there were also some spar, which were blue in color, very similar to the one he got in the depths of the land of reincarnation.

Obviously, Sheng Xi and others have also been here, and have obtained a blue spar, and gave it to Lu Ming by special means.

Like the skeletons in the depths of the yin-yang cosmic sea, this skeleton also exudes amazing pressure, making it difficult for them to approach.

“To refine the puppet war body, you need to use the real power (primitive power) here. I will create a source of true power in the puppet war body, so that the puppet war body can continuously improve its combat energy. .”

Ye Ching Road.

“We draw the power of truth here, won’t this place exclude us?”

Lu Ming said.

“We’re just absorbing a little bit, it’s not plundering, it’s fine, you can also practice here and see how it works.”

Ye Ching Road.

After speaking, Ye Qing took out the body of Soul Yihe, a huge crane, lifelike, with feathers made of immortal gold, exuding amazing pressure.

Ye Qing danced with his fingers, typed out a series of runes, and started refining.

Lu Ming also sat cross-legged and began to practice.

But soon, Lu Ming opened his eyes.

Cultivation here will indeed have a better effect, but for Lu Ming, the effect is not particularly big.

The profound meanings in his body are all chaotic profound meanings, and they are comprehended from the chaotic void, and they are not based on this source of power. Therefore, their effects are very limited.

This place is more suitable for immortals, or immortal beings who cultivate on this place.

“Senior, I went to practice elsewhere, do you need a Dharma protector?”

Lu Ming said softly, he knew Ye Qing could hear it.

“No, you just leave.”

Ye Qing responded.

Lu Ming nodded, left this place, and headed straight for the Immortal Tower of Creation.

He plans to go to the immortal scriptures under the wordless stone tablet.

Wandao map can accommodate other types of immortal art rules, and the potential is endless. Lu Ming intends to incorporate more immortal art rules to see if it can enhance the power of immortal art.

Most of his celestial arts have been cultivated to perfection~IndoMTL.com~ has reached the limit, and if he wants to continue to improve his power, he can only find another way.

When more and more immortal arts rules are incorporated into Wandao pictures and sounds, it may be possible to combine them in an alternative way to increase the power of immortal arts again.

Lu Ming came under the wordless stone stele, stared at the wordless stone stele, and immediately saw an immortal art being performed on it.

In the blink of an eye, it’s three years.

At this time, Lu Ming received a message from an immortal king in Honghuang that the underworld had re-established the underworld.

And the palace lord, it is Di Que!

Originally, it was not the turn of Di Que (Xuanyuan) to become the Palace Master.

After all, he is not very senior, and he is a half-step universe of new breakthroughs.

However, due to the fact that people in the underworld still don’t know the true identity of Ji Que, plus the strength of ‘Ji Que’ itself, there are not many rivals in today’s underworld.

Secondly, and most importantly, there is the support of Yangting.

On the day that the underworld was re-established, Tang Feng personally led people to support ‘Di Que’, and the others could only choose ‘Di Que’ as the palace owner.

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