Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5684: The origin of Yao Huang

Lu Ming stunned and stunned.

He never dreamed that Kowloon was actually Ye Qing.

“How can I say this, it can be said that I set up a game a long time ago. Before the Cangtian clan and the Huangtian clan attacked the prehistoric universe, I realized that the two great celestial clans were going to attack us. , but with the power I still had at the time of the Great Desolate Universe, I couldn’t compete at all, and only after breaking through can I have a chance to survive.”

“So in the next battle, I faced it calmly, so that the people of the Celestial Clan thought I was dead.”

“As long as I die, even if there are a few people alive in the prehistoric universe, the Celestial Clan will not make a lot of trouble.”

“In that battle, I let a drop of blood fly away, melted into your ancestor’s body, reincarnated with three strands of super-reincarnation matter, experienced the reincarnation of thousands of lives, and secretly accumulated strength.”

“But in fact, even so, the ancestors of the Celestial Clan are still worried. They always suspect that I am not dead, and they have been deducing my whereabouts.”

“If I succeed in my reincarnation, awaken my past life memories, and start practicing again, I will definitely be deduced by the ancestors of the cosmos of the Celestial Clan. Therefore, there must be a cover…”

“And my own blood is the best cover.”

Ye Qing continued to reveal more secrets.

Lu Ming’s heart is getting bigger and bigger, all of this is really unexpected.

“Senior, so it’s not an accident that I got the blood of the Nine Dragons, nor is it the choice of Senior Xia Jiuyang, but, your choice, your arrangement?”

Lu Ming asked.

“So to speak.”

Ye Qing nodded and said: “Xia Jiuyang, it’s just a medium, without him, there will be other people who will find you with the blood of Nine Dragons, and then you will get them. In the end, you will use this to find other Nine Dragons. Essence and blood, let me wake up.”

“The most dangerous place is the safest place. You have that puddle of blood on your body, it is easy to attract the attention of the powerhouses of the Celestial Clan, but they found that it was just a drop of my blood, but they would be relieved. Come, I won’t go into it, they will never think that my reincarnation will also be on you.”

Ye Ching Road.

“Aren’t you afraid that the cosmic realm of the one-day clan will find out the blood stains in my body and investigate further, follow the blood stains and explore along the yellow mud road, even if you are hidden in a secret, you will be caught by the cosmic realm of the cosmic realm of the heavenly family. Find out, this is actually very dangerous.”

Lu Ming said.

“There are risks in doing anything, and there is the possibility of failure, but I can’t stop doing it just because there are risks.”

“It turns out that my method was correct. They never found me, and I also used this to restore my cultivation to the peak period. Of course, this is thanks to the cosmos relics you got.”

Lu Ming is silent, Ye Qing is right, there is no perfect plan in the world, any plan will have flaws and risks, but can you not do it because of the risks?

Some things are not done, and there is no hope at all.

Sometimes, you need to take a gamble, but it turns out that Ye Qing was right.

“It seems that from beginning to end, I was just a **** of yours. I have today’s cultivation base, and it was also arranged by you?”

Lu Ming’s face was a little cold, and he felt very uncomfortable.

It is not difficult to hear from Ye Qing’s words that he is just a **** of Ye Qing’s awakening and avoiding the Heavenly Clan.

My destiny is always being held by others, and no one will be comfortable.

“You’re wrong, you’re not my pawn. You can get to where you are today, and it’s entirely up to you. I can restore my cultivation, and it’s entirely up to you.”

“To be honest, in the long history, you are not the best choice. I am not at all sure how far you can go. If you fall halfway, I will completely expose my plan. It fell short. Originally, I wanted to wait and wait for a better candidate, but, in the middle of it, I sensed that there was no time, and if I drag it on, everything will stop, and I can only choose you.”

“But I didn’t expect you to be better than I imagined. Along the way, you have overcome all difficulties, overcome all obstacles, and surpassed everyone I have seen. Even, you are better than me. Your future achievements will be more than me.”

“You are you, and you are not anyone’s pawn. With your own hard work, perseverance, talent and luck, you have walked an unprecedented road, and I am just an old man who needs your help.”

Ye Qing smiled.

Lu Ming felt better in his heart.

At least, along the way, he has relied on himself, not the arrangement of others. His destiny is always under his control, not the random traction of others.

Ye Qingbu’s game is also a big gamble.

A drop of his blood is constantly circulating in Lu Ming’s vein, choose the right person,

And he himself is constantly reincarnating.

As long as a suitable candidate is found, he will use special means, perhaps the means arranged by Ye Qing in his previous life, to let the reincarnation reincarnate into the body of a person with blood, one by one, to avoid the detection of the Heavenly Clan, and slowly Slow recovery of strength.

He can only grasp the beginning, and he is completely unsure of how to go from there.

If Lu Ming dies halfway, Ye Qing will also be exposed, because he himself cannot provide much help to Lu Ming, at most the pool of blood can provide some help.

But obviously, Ye Qing made the right bet.

“Senior, what is the relationship between you and Emperor Yao? When I was young, there was a woman by my side, Lu Yao, who looked exactly like Emperor Yao. Do you know what the relationship is between this, senior?”

Lu Ming asked another question.

Because, there is also a very key point here, that is, Lu Yao dug out his bloodline, and then the blood of the Nine Dragons can enter his body and awaken the blood of the Nine Dragons.

If Lu Yao hadn’t dug out his bloodline, would he still be able to awaken the bloodline of the Nine Dragons?

Is this also Ye Qingbu’s game?

“She is my only beauty. I have to start from my background. In fact, I am not a pure human race, but a mixed race of human, demon and witch…”

Ye Qing has a distant vision, reminiscing about the past.

Lu Ming was stunned. He didn’t expect Ye Qing to be a mixed race of human, demon and witch. No wonder he reincarnated and became a nine-clawed dragon.

Ye Qing slowly came and talked about his life experience.

Ye Qing was born in the era of the Lich War in the Great Wilderness Universe.

At that time, the prehistoric universe was far from rising. In the world, it belonged to the weak universe and was inconspicuous.

At that time, in the prehistoric universe, the two lich clans were respected, while the human clan was weak and fed for the blood of all clans, and their status was low.

As for Ye Qing, who has three bloodlines, his identity is embarrassing. No one wants to see him, and his status can be imagined.

When he was young, he was alone. His relatives died in the war, and he was the only one left.

Without relatives~IndoMTL.com~Without friends, all he has left is practice.

When he was young, he lived in seclusion in remote and barren mountains, where he was accompanied by grass and trees.

In his yard, there is a special Yaocao plant. After Ye Qing practiced, he would confide in the herbs and express his heartfelt feelings.

Ye Qing’s talent is unparalleled, unparalleled before, and no one has taught him, but with the passage of time, his cultivation has gradually advanced, and he has broken through all the way.

With the improvement of Ye Qing’s cultivation, that stalk of Yaocao was also influenced by Ye Qing, giving birth to Lingzhi, and finally transforming into shape.

That’s Yao Huang.

Lu Ming didn’t expect that Yao Huang was actually a creature of the prehistoric universe. I don’t know why he joined the Wanling universe later.

Ye Qing continued.

Afterwards, Ye Qing’s cultivation level became higher and higher, and he even became an immortal, becoming the first powerhouse in the prehistoric universe. Then he entered the fairy-level battlefield, and learned more and more secrets from the fairy-level battlefield. At the same time, he also encountered various crises. For example, the kings of the underworld came to Honghuang to besiege him.

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