Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5682: Ye Qing, now

Yang Ting re-established, like a huge gear, it began to run, from top to bottom, the management was tight and orderly.

As for Tang Feng, he set out and sent Dark Night Rose, Gu Changfeng and Villain King to the Land of Reincarnation for cultivation.

With the help of the land of reincarnation, their cultivation base can definitely advance by leaps and bounds and break through a level, no problem.

Unfortunately, the land of reincarnation is too dangerous for ordinary people to bear. Only the top few people can use it to cultivate there.

As for Lu Ming, he intends to explore the depths of the yellow mud road.

It has been more than three years since the last battle. In the past three years, it is not that Lu Ming does not want to investigate. He has long wanted to find out who the figure in the depths of Huang Nilu is. When he wanted to explore, a voice came from the depths of Huang Nilu, asking him to rectify the world before going to him.

Now that the world is on the right track, it’s time.

The immortal consciousness condensed out on the yellow mud road, and then quickly rushed towards the depths of the yellow mud road.

Soon, he came to the place where Lu Ming was blocked many times, but this time, there was no block here, Lu Ming rushed past.

Crossing through here, it does not come to the end of the yellow mud road, and the yellow mud road is still extending forward.

Around the yellow mud road, it began to become dark, as if it was an endless dark void, cold and dead.

In the dark and cold void, Huang Nilu emits a dim light, the only light here.

Lu Ming walked all the way, and he didn’t know how long it took, as if he had come to another world, another space.

Suddenly, in front of the yellow mud road, a black hole appeared.

The yellow mud road has finally come to an end.

The black hole is the end.

The black hole keeps spinning, swallowing everything, as if time and space are swallowed up, meaningless in this black hole.

Lu Ming’s immortal consciousness stretched out and wanted to explore, but his immortal consciousness swept over, but there was nothing, as if he had swept across a void.

“Lu Ming, you are here, come in.”

A voice came from the black hole.

Lu Ming’s eyes flashed, and it seemed that the figure was behind the black hole.

Without hesitation, Lu Ming stepped out and stepped into the black hole. The next moment, Lu Ming appeared in a stone room.

The stone room is not big, more than ten square meters. In the middle of the stone room, there is a figure sitting cross-legged.

A man, very young, with a face like a crown jade, eyes like stars, dressed in Tsing Yi, handsome and handsome.

“This breath…”

As soon as he saw this young man, Lu Ming felt a familiar aura.

The pool of blood.

Yes, this young man’s breath is exactly the same as that pool of blood.

Ye Qing!

In Lu Ming’s mind, a name appeared.

He was a little bit incredulous, Ye Qing, how could it be in his body, deep in the yellow mud road?

He always felt that this legendary figure was far away, but he didn’t expect it, but he was close to him.

“You must have guessed my identity, yes, I am Ye Qing.”

The young man smiled gently, then waved his hand. A futon appeared at Lu Ming’s feet.


Ye Qing smiled.

Lu Ming sat cross-legged, stared at Ye Qing, and asked, “Are you still alive?”

Although Lu Ming knew from the person Wang Xuanyuan before that Ye Qing was still alive, and also knew that Xuanyuan opened the universe channel of the prehistoric universe, it was Ye Qing’s instigation, and it was also passed to the person Wang Xuanyuan to control the one. The blood-stained method.

But at this moment, Lu Ming couldn’t help but ask this question.

Ye Qing smiled slightly and said, “Of course I’m still alive, but in the first battle, I almost died.”

“Senior, I heard Senior Xuanyuan say that in the Great Desolation War, the powerhouses of the two universes, Cangtian and Huangtian, besieged you. I want to know why? What is the relationship between the Honghuang Human Race and the Qingtian Race? Is it a descendant of the Qingtian clan?”

Lu Ming had a lot of questions in his heart, at this time, he couldn’t wait to ask them all at once.

“According to my speculation, the Honghuang people are not descendants of the Qingtian people.”

Ye Ching Road.

“Not a descendant of the Qingtian Clan?” Lu Ming was very surprised.

He originally thought that the Prehistoric Human Race was descended from the Qingtian Race, because the two were so similar.

“The Qingtian clan was destroyed by Cangtian and Huangtian in the past, erasing all traces, and it is difficult for any descendants to survive.”

“But the Prehistoric Human Race, although not descended from the Qingtian Race, has a great connection. According to the clues I got, it is speculated that the two should have the same origin, and the end of the bloodline is the same ancestor.”

Ye Ching Road.

“Senior mean… the Creator?”

Lu Ming guessed.

“That’s right, at the end of the bloodline between the Prehistoric Human Race and the Qingtian Race, there should be a certain creator.”

“You know enough now, I will tell you in detail what I have learned. Of course, it is all inferred based on the clues I know.”

“Originally, there were three creators, and the three creators joined forces to create the creation continent and created countless creatures.”

“These creatures thrived and prospered on the Creation Continent, but then, for some unknown reason, the three creators broke out a war…”

“What? A war broke out between the creators?”

Lu Ming couldn’t help exclaiming.

“Yes, this is the most reasonable explanation, otherwise, with the power of the creator, who can kill them?”

Ye Qing explained: “According to some clues, it is speculated that for unknown reasons, the three creators broke out into a war, and it was an extremely tragic battle, a battle of life and death. In the end, the three creators perished together. .”

“Could it be that the sudden disappearance of those creatures on the Continent of Creation is also related to the battle of the Creator?”

Lu Ming asked.

“I speculate, it should be like this. The creatures in the Creation Continent are all created by the Creator. Creating creatures, not in the universe, is absolutely very difficult. Even the Creator has to pay some price. At the last minute, they will likely recoup the price they paid to strengthen themselves.”

“That’s why those creatures in the Creation Continent will turn into light and go away, and their spirit, energy and spirit will be absorbed by the Creator.”

Ye Ching Road.

Lu Ming’s heart ~IndoMTL.com~ is difficult to calm down.

Because he found that Ye Qing’s speculation was very reasonable.

This kind of speculation can explain some questions very well.

“The three creators perished together, one turned into the Yang Universe Sea and evolved into the Heavenly Clan after his death, the other turned into the Yin Universe Sea and evolved into the Yellow Heavenly Family after his death, and the other fell into the Creation. In the depths of the continent, the Qingtian family evolved.”

“As for the prehistoric human race, I speculate that when the three creators fought, the ancestor of the Qingtian tribe, when the creator was injured, the blood was scattered in the prehistoric universe, so the prehistoric human race evolved.”

“Because, according to some clues I got, this is very possible.”

Ye Ching Road.

------off topic------

Next, the other kings are about to appear, and the hidden secrets will be revealed one by one

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