Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5674: Who is it?

Divine Soul Great Universe This half-step universe, as soon as he saw Lu Ming chasing after him, he was ready to explode, so Lu Ming wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Dazzling rays of light burst out, and terrifying energy fluctuations swept all directions.


Lu Ming snorted coldly, grabbed his palm out of the sky, formed a huge palm, grabbed it towards the opponent, then closed his palms and squeezed it hard.


At the moment when the palms are closed, the contraption explodes, and the terrifying destructive energy hits the palms, but only to see that the palms are slightly swollen, and there is nothing at all.

Then, the palm pressed down, obliterating everything.

The self-destruction of a half-step universe did not affect Lu Ming at all.

The sixth half-step universe, kill!

At this moment, a sword light pierced through the void, chasing after another Emperor of the Divine Soul Universe.

It’s Tang Feng.

Tang Feng had been dealing with the five corpse puppets controlled by Soul Yihe before.

But just now, the five corpse puppets suddenly stopped.

Hun Yihe is actually not dead yet, but was suppressed in the Chaos Gourd, and was continuously refined by Lu Ming combined with the Chaos Gourd with supreme power. At this time, he was seriously injured and dying, and he was no longer able to control the five corpse puppets. The connection between the five corpse puppets was cut off.

So, the five puppets stopped, and they were all torn apart by Tang Feng, unable to fight again.

After solving the five corpse puppets, Tang Feng immediately chased after a half-step universe of the Divine Soul Universe.

Tang Feng had his eyes on this person, and this person was probably difficult to get out of, so Lu Ming ignored this person and chased after the last half-step universe of the Divine Soul Universe.

This half-step universe’s opponent was originally the Mayfly Emperor.

Later, a fallen person from reincarnation freed his hand and chased this person together, but after all, he was a step behind. This person ran away while resisting the attack of the mayfly emperor. At this moment, he had run far away.

However, although the mayfly emperor could not completely entangle this person, he always locked him and left his mark along the way.

So, based on these marks, Lu Ming used the Myriad Universe Void Sutra, and after one step, it was hundreds of millions of miles, and he quickly caught up with the master of the Great Universe of Souls.

This man roared in despair, and also wanted to explode himself, but was suppressed by Lu Ming with one move, and then completely killed.


After killing this person, Lu Ming continued to shoot.

At this time, there was still one person in the Yuqing universe, but Yan Heng had abandoned the master of the Shanhai universe before and instead pursued this person. If Yan Heng made a move, this person naturally couldn’t escape, and he was seriously injured.

Lu Ming came quickly and stabbed with a gun, ending the man.

Number eight!

Then, Lu Ming killed the female ‘Emperor’ of the Holy Light Universe again.

This female emperor has always been entangled by Yao Huang, and it is difficult to escape. At this moment, seeing Lu Ming killing her, Hua Rong paled.

“I surrender, I am willing to surrender to the great universe!”

The female ‘Emperor’ of the Holy Light Cosmos screams.

“No need!”

Lu Ming opened his mouth indifferently and stabbed with a gun.

The female ‘Emperor’ tried her best to resist, but she couldn’t change the ending. She was bombed and killed here, leaving only her immortal body.

Ninth place!

Lu Ming shot continuously, killing nine and a half steps in the universe, destined to shake the entire universe.

Afterwards, Lu Ming turned his attention to a certain place, and that direction was exactly the direction that Tang Feng was pursuing.

“Here it is!”

Lu Ming whispered, the next moment, Tang Feng came in a hurry. In his hand, he was holding a person who was the last ‘Emperor’ in the universe.

This person isn’t dead, but he’s been abolished. He’s dying of serious injuries, and he can’t even detonate himself.

Lu Ming pointed out that the last emperor of the Divine Soul Universe had also completely fallen.

At this point, in the Divine Soul camp, in addition to the Shanhai Great Universe, the other half-step universes have all been destroyed.

As soon as the half-step universe of the Divine Soul Universe dies, the corpse they control is also stiff.

“Who are you?”

Tang Feng stared at Lu Ming and asked.

He knew very well that this was not the real Lu Ming, Lu Ming could not have such a strong power.

“Who am I, I’ll talk about it later, the war is not over yet.”

Lu Ming smiled.

Tang Feng looked at Lu Ming a few times and didn’t say much. He turned into a sword light and went to hunt down those true immortals and immortal kings in the spirit camp.

The other half-step universes also went to hunt down the True Immortal Immortal King of the Divine Soul camp.

Although the half-step universe of the Divine Soul camp has been removed, the true immortals and immortal kings still have hidden dangers and must be removed.

Lu Ming himself did not pursue, but sat cross-legged in the void, urging the Chaos Gourd with all his strength.

He wants to refine Soul Yihe.

After all, Soul Yihe is a cosmic realm, and it is not so easy to kill it completely. It takes some time.

Of course, this was because the figure in the depths of Huang Nilu was using Lu Ming’s body to cast it. If it was done in person, it might not be.

Time flies, I don’t know how long it took, Lu Ming finally wiped out Soul Yihe, leaving only an immortal corpse.

The body of Soul Yihe is a crane, with a dark body and a majesty that permeates people.

This is the immortal corpse of the universe, a priceless treasure. Lu Ming took it out of the gourd and put it in the immortal cauldron.

Even if the immortal corpse in the universe has fallen, the coercion it emits is still very terrifying. Storage rings, not even the immortal city, will be crushed.

It needs to be stored in immortal soldiers.

After collecting Hun Yihe’s immortal corpse, Lu Ming suddenly felt the earth-shattering and incomparable power in his body receding like a tide. At the same time, Lu Ming also regained control over his body.

The immortal consciousness swept past, and the figure in the depths of the yellow mud road reappeared, with a tall and straight figure, but still could not see the appearance.

Lu Ming couldn’t hide his shock.

In the deepest part of the yellow mud road, there is an unparalleled powerhouse living there.

There is no doubt that this is a real cosmic realm, otherwise, it is impossible to kill the soul Yihe just by borrowing his body.

Even if Soul Yihe has just broken through.

Lu Ming’s immortal consciousness manifested on Huang Ni Road. He wanted to take a closer look, but was blocked by a burst of energy.

“Senior, who are you? Can you meet the junior.”

Lu Ming said.

“Of course, but now is not the time, the war is not over yet. You end the war first, rectify the world, and come and see me again. It’s time to tell you a lot of things.”

A voice came from the depths of the yellow mud road.

Clear voice ~IndoMTL.com~ is magnetic and sounds young.

“Okay, the junior will come back later.”

Lu Ming clenched his fists, Xian Shi exited Huang Nilu.

Opening his eyes, he found that the surroundings were crowded with people.

Tang Feng, Yan Heng, Yao Huang, Xuanyuan, Ant Emperor… These half-step universes have all arrived.

And Feihuang, Soul Life and others also returned.

“Who are you? Is it Lu Ming, or is it someone else?”

The first person to ask the question was Emperor Yao, with doubts in his eyes, because the previous Lu Ming gave her a familiar feeling.

Others were also staring at Lu Ming with deep curiosity.

“Everyone, I’m Lu Ming.”

Lu Ming replied.

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