Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5666: Soul 1 Crane shot

Remember 【New】for a second,! Soul Yiming was smashed to pieces, and was swallowed by Ning Huang’s gourd, which made everyone in the Divine Soul camp tremble.

In this situation, Soul Yiming is almost certain to die.

Up to now, the Divine Soul faction has lost two and a half steps in the universe in a row, and there have been many helpers on the prehistoric side, and the situation has been completely reversed.

Now, the Divine Soul faction has been completely defeated. Continuing to fight will only result in greater losses.


Someone in the spirit camp shouted.

“Yes, retreat first, and then kill them after the leader of the alliance leaves the customs.”

There is an immediate response.

The leader, of course, refers to Soul Yihe.

“What about our fairy formation?”

Someone growls.

They are half a step into the universe, extremely fast, and flee into chaos, making it difficult to catch up. .

But what about the huge immortal formation that followed them?

The speed of the Immortal Formation is not as fast as they are. The most important thing is that the Immortal Formation is too large and the target is obvious, so it is difficult to get rid of the pursuit.

If they were surrounded by Lu Ming and others and broke the Immortal Formation, everyone in the Immortal Formation would die, which would be a huge loss.

Because this is the most elite force in the major universes of the Divine Soul camp. If they die, they will become alone. I don’t know how long it will take to recover.

“No way, spread out and walk, as much as you can.”

An ‘Emperor’ of the Divine Soul Universe.

There is no way.

Continue to fight, maybe the entire army will be wiped out, and if you flee earlier, you can still save some of your strength.

This time, they made a mistake and seriously underestimated the combat power of Tang Feng and Lu Ming. They did not expect that the cultivation of Lu Ming and Tang Feng could reach this level in such a short period of time.

In addition, the human king Xuanyuan and the crocodile emperor, they also did not expect.

Similarly, the three half-step cosmos-level reincarnation fallen, they are not counted.

They counted the primordial chaos and the two powerhouses in the Shangqing universe, but they didn’t count that ‘Di Que’ would help Lu Ming and the others, and they couldn’t count the reincarnation of the fallen.

The remaining half-step universe of the Divine Soul camp rushed towards the Immortal Formation of the Divine Soul Camp, covering the Immortal Formation to retreat.

“They want to escape, stop them.”

The Ant Emperor drinks.

Lu Ming and the others had no reason to see it, and they all attacked each other with all their strength, sniping at each other and preventing them from escaping.


Lu Ming stabbed the Immortal Formation of the Divine Soul Camp with a spear, causing hundreds of immortal soldiers in the Immortal Formation to shake violently. Many quasi-immortals coughed up blood and turned pale.

This is still separated by the formation. If there is no formation, they will be wiped out.

Then, the sound of the sword chirping sounded, and Tang Feng slashed the immortal formation with all his strength.

This time, some of the quasi-immortals exploded directly, as if they were cut by countless swords.

On the defensive barrier of the Immortal Formation, it twisted sharply, and a sword mark was sunken, and it was almost cut open.

“Back Back Back…”

In the immortal formation of the spirit camp, those immortal kings and true immortals are the most anxious.

This battle, they didn’t expect it to be like this.

Fifteen half-step universes joined forces to attack, but they would fail miserably, causing them to be extremely dangerous now.

Banbu Universe can escape. Once the Immortal Formation is broken, under the siege of more than a dozen Half-Step Universes, there is only one dead end.

So they were anxious like ants on a hot pot, frantically urging the Immortal Formation to escape.

However, Lu Ming and the others have locked onto this immortal formation.

They also know that the half-step universe wants to escape, and it is really difficult to stop it, unless there is an absolute strength advantage.

But the opponent’s Immortal Formation doesn’t have this ability.

There are hundreds of immortal kings and tens of thousands of true immortals inside. Once they are killed, the loss of the soul camp will be extremely heavy, and they can also gain massive resources.

Therefore, each and every half-step universe shot at each other’s Immortal Formation.

When Yao Huang waved his hand, the grass and leaves flew, and the endless sword energy burst out, slashing on the opponent’s immortal formation.

The ant emperor and the centipede emperor, turned into prototypes, were huge, even bigger than the fairy formation. With one blow, the fairy formation trembled violently.


Finally, a gap appeared on the defensive barrier of the Immortal Array of the Divine Soul camp.

“It’s over!”

The immortal kings and true immortals in the immortal formation, as well as the quasi immortals, were pale and full of despair.

“Damn, spread out and run.”

An ‘Emperor’ yells in the Soul Universe.

They are also helpless and ready to flee.

“No, rewind!”

At this moment, Lu Ming suddenly shouted.

Because, he suddenly felt a tingling in his skin, his heart beat faster, and a terrifying sense of crisis was coming quickly.

He stepped back quickly without hesitation.

Tang Feng, Yan Heng, Yao Huang and others also immediately felt the crisis and retreated quickly.


In the sky above them, the Chaos Void exploded, the Chaos Qi was wiped out, and a big hand came down and grabbed it.

The centipede emperor reacted a step slower, and his body was too huge, it was too late to run, and he was directly caught by the big hand.

The centipede emperor struggled violently, but it was useless and could not break free.


The next moment, the huge palm squeezed, and the centipede emperor screamed. The claws that were sharp as knives kept shattering, and the indestructible carapace on his body was also shattering.

“Ah, ah, help me, help me…”

The centipede emperor screamed frantically. His huge body was quickly twisted and deformed in the palm of his hand, and then with a bang, the centipede emperor’s body completely exploded and turned into ashes.

The centipede emperor’s immortal soul has not yet fallen, and is constantly struggling, but that palm seems to contain a terrifying and boundless power of destruction. It can be clearly seen that the centipede emperor’s immortal soul, like ice and snow melting, It fades and fades quickly.

The next moment, the centipede’s fairy soul completely dissipated.

All of this happened in less than a breath. An extremely powerful overlord who threatened endless years in the world was killed just like that.

“The soul is a crane, the soul is a crane!”

Chaos Heavy Zero roared loudly, with a hint of fear on his face. Obviously, he had a deep shadow on Soul Yihe in his heart.

Others were also shocked.

After all, Hun Yihe alone once destroyed the chaotic universe, and it seems that he has broken through to the universe.

Although Chaos Heavy Zero is sure that Soul Yihe has not reached the universe~IndoMTL.com~, the record is there after all.

Now Hun Yihe suddenly descends, and their hearts are extremely heavy.

And the people of the Divine Soul Universe are ecstatic.

“The leader of the alliance has left the customs, and the leader of the alliance has left the customs ahead of schedule.”

“Hahaha, we are saved.”

“Tread off all spirits and worms!”

In the immortal formation of the soul camp, many people roared in ecstasy.

And those half-step universes are also ecstatic.

Because they knew better, Hun Yihe told them before the retreat that he would never leave the retreat without breaking through this time.

Now that I’m out of the border, is it really a breakthrough, and a cosmic realm that is unparalleled in the world?

If true, that’s true invincibility.

In the era of the annihilation of the powerhouses of the Celestial Clan, the universe is invincible.

Chapter 5666 Soul Yihe shot

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