Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5653: Inexplicable attitude

Remember 【New】for a second,! After the surrender of the Taiqing Universe was rejected, the high-level officials of the Yuqing Universe were very decisive and directly abandoned the Yuqing Universe, leading the immortal creatures of the Yuqing Universe, as well as a group of elites, and fled directly into the vast chaos. , disappeared without a trace.

Afterwards, the Divine Soul camp occupied the Yuqing universe. . .

Then the army was launched, sweeping towards the smaller universes under the original Chaos, Taiqing, and Yuqing universes.

The soul camp refuses to surrender. Wherever it goes, the universe is destroyed, and there are countless bones.

Endless beings were slaughtered and resources were plundered.

And the great universes such as Wanling, Xianwu, Honghuang, etc., can only watch and cannot stop them.

They themselves were apprehensive.

Next, what should I do?

In the world, there is no power that can stop the Divine Soul faction, nor any power that can fight against the Divine Soul faction.

Now, there are only two paths before them.

First, surrender.

However, before the Taiqing universe and those small universes wanted to surrender, they were rejected.

Nowadays, the Divine Soul faction has absolutely powerful and absolutely superior forces, capable of crushing the forces of all parties. Obviously, they do not accept surrender.

The second way is to escape.

Promote their respective universes, escape into the vast chaos, and stay away from the ocean of yang cosmos.

Although in this way, being far away from the sea of ​​​​cosmos will lead to beings in the various universes, and cultivation will become very difficult.

But it’s better than genocide.

As for confrontation, it’s a dead end, and no one would choose that.

In a timely manner, the upper echelons of the great universes began to push the great universes to move, wanting to escape into chaos.

Yan Heng couldn’t find Tang Feng, Lu Ming and others, so he could only crush a few pieces of soul array, and then also pushed the big universe to move, wanting to bring the prehistoric universe into chaos and avoid the limelight.

The prehistoric universe moves closely with the Wanling universe.

Accompanying you, there are several other great universes that have a good relationship with Wanling Universe.

But before they could move far, they were attacked.

In the endless chaotic void, there appeared several figures, incomparably huge, standing upright, like several big universes.

These are several half-step universes from the spirit camp.

A powerhouse at the half-step cosmos level is free in size and size. When it is big, it can become extremely huge. Even if it becomes as huge as a big universe, it is not a problem.


Several huge palms were shot out and bombarded the cosmic barriers of the prehistoric universe and the Wanling universe, causing the entire universe to be shaken and forced backwards.

Yan Heng, Emperor Yao and Emperor Ling, could only rush out of the universe, and their body size became incomparably huge, confronting several half-step universes in the Divine Soul camp.

“Everyone, are you trying to kill us all? If you want to kill us, you have to pay the price.”

Emperor Yao shouted fiercely, with a gloomy face. Immortal consciousness scanned all directions and swept to the chaos in the distance. She knew with a keen sense that there were still masters hidden in the chaos in the distance.

“Emperor Yao misunderstood. We are not trying to kill all of you. We are only responsible for stopping you. As long as you return to your original position, we will not do anything.”

A strong man from the Divine Soul Universe opened his mouth. He smiled and looked relaxed, but there was a hint of doubt in his plain tone.

In today’s Divine Soul Universe, they already have the power to dominate the world. Their mentality is different. No matter who they face, they will naturally show a domineering attitude.

“Return to place?”

Yao Huang and others frowned.

The people from the Divine Soul camp actually didn’t do anything to them, but wanted them to return to their original places. What does this mean?

“Emperor Yao, let me say it again, you move your respective universes and return to the original place, we will not take action, otherwise, don’t blame us for being rude.”

The strong man in the Divine Soul Universe still said with a smile, but the chill in his voice was already revealed, and the aura on his body became stronger.

The same is true for the other half-step universes. The powerful aura locked Yao Huang and the others.

As long as Emperor Yao and the others shook their heads, they would launch a thunderous strike.

Emperor Yao showed chills in her eyes. According to her own temperament, she would not hesitate to fight.

But behind her, there are still Yaoxianju, and billions of creatures. If there is a fight, these creatures will be wiped out.

“Emperor Yao, let’s retreat first, if we do it, we are not opponents at all.”

The Emperor Ling secretly gave Yao Huang a voice transmission, so that she would not be impulsive.

In the end, Yao Huang turned around and left with a gloomy face.

The current Divine Soul faction is too strong. The number of Half-Step Universes far exceeds them. If they really want to fight, they are not opponents at all.

The only option is to step back and take a step forward.

Yan Heng didn’t say much. His purpose was to protect the prehistoric universe. Moreover, now that Lu Ming, Tang Feng and others were not around, he naturally gave in first.

The universes such as Wanling and Honghuang moved again and returned to their original positions.

Sure enough, after they returned to their original positions, the spirit camp did not attack them.

Soon, they got the news that the fairy worm universe also returned.

The Immortal Insect Universe originally wanted to move the Great Universe to escape, but was also intercepted by the masters of the Divine Soul camp. The masters of the Divine Soul camp had the same conditions for them. They returned to their original positions and would not attack them.

In addition, they received another message that the major universes of the Divine Soul camp, such as the Divine Soul Cosmos, the Holy Light Cosmos, the Yuqing Cosmos, and the Shanhai Cosmos, are all moving, slowly approaching the fairy insects , Honghuang, Wanling and other universes.

This makes the creatures of the universe, such as fairy insects and ten thousand spirits, show fear and anxiety.

On this day, the high-level leaders of several universes once again gathered to discuss.

“What is the purpose of the Divine Soul camp? It is attacking and not attacking, but it intercepts us and does not let us go, and now it is manipulating the universe to fly towards us. Is this to contain us?”

The centipede said a little anxiously.

“It stands to reason that with the current strength of the Divine Soul camp, if you want to attack us, you don’t need to be so troublesome~IndoMTL.com~ directly dispatch the top powerhouse, you can defeat us, why is this?”

The ant emperor opened his mouth, as smart as him, he couldn’t figure out what the soul camp wanted to do.

“Did you send someone to surrender to the soul camp?”

Yao Huang asked coldly.

The old face of the Ant Emperor blushed slightly, avoiding Yao Huang’s gaze.

The centipede emperor and the scorpion emperor did not evade in the slightest. The scorpion emperor spoke directly and said, “Yes, we have sent someone to surrender. In this situation, if we can surrender, why not surrender? There is nothing to be ashamed of.”

“What about the result? It seems that the other party didn’t agree.”

The Yaohuang Road.

“It’s strange here. The people from the Divine Soul camp neither agreed nor refused. They didn’t reply at all to this matter, and they just let our people come back.”

The Way of the Scorpion King.

“Neither agree nor refuse?”

This time, Yao Huang, Ling Huang and Yan Heng were also puzzled.

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