Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5644: The ashes are gone

Lu Ming also intends to visit.

He still has an appointment with the secret place of reincarnation. .

At the beginning, I promised the reincarnated person that when his cultivation level improved, he would go back and help him refine the poison of reincarnation.

In addition, when Lu Ming saw a big cauldron in the depths of the secret place of reincarnation, beside the big cauldron, he saw the figures of Sheng Xi and the Queen of Women. Queen of women, is she in the depths of the secret place of reincarnation?

At the beginning, his cultivation base was too low, and it was difficult for him to get close to the great cauldron, but now, he is no longer what it used to be. That’s all.

Now that he finally knows the coordinates of the secret place of reincarnation, how could he miss it.

But this place must be guarded by experts.

In the end, Lu Ming decided to let Qiuqiu stay.

With Qiuqiu, as long as the opponent does not come half a step away, it is enough to block it.

In the end, it was decided that Lu Ming and Tang Feng went to investigate, while the others stayed here, guarding and comprehending the wordless stele.

The discussion was settled, and Lu Ming and Tang Feng set off on the second day without delay. They left the Immortal Tower of Creation, and according to the display on the ancient stone plate, they flew towards another direction of the endless ocean.

The boundless ocean has no bounds, and the fairy tower of creation is just a certain territory in the endless ocean. In the depths, there is also the boundless ocean.

The two flew along the map on the stone plate for half a year, and finally came to the end marked on the map.

But the two of them looked forward, and there was still a vast expanse of ocean, other than that, they found nothing.

“Could it be a phantom formation that disturbs the senses and covers up the truth?”

The two speculated, and then Lu Ming cast the demon king’s emperor’s pattern, wanting to see it thoroughly, but even after casting the demon king’s emperor’s pattern, there was still a vast ocean ahead, which hadn’t changed at all from before.


After the demon king’s emperor pattern was useless, Tang Feng made a direct move, cutting out a shocking sword light.

If there is a phantom array, if you attack with a powerful force, there will definitely be traces.

When the sword light fell, Wang Yang was split into a million-mile-long sword mark, and the sea water separated from both sides, and did not close for a long time.

However, no trace of formation was found at all.

Both of them frowned.

It’s a stone plate error, here is not the coordinates of the secret place of reincarnation at all? Or their cultivation base is not enough, it is difficult to affect the phantom formation here.

According to speculation, the secret place of reincarnation should be created by the creator.

If it is a formation arranged by the Creator, it is normal for them not to be able to discover it.

Maybe even the cosmic environment is hard to find.

At this moment, the stone plate in Tang Feng’s hand changed.

The stone plate suddenly radiated brilliance, sending out circles of wonderful fluctuations, spreading outward, and then flying forward.

When the stone plate flew into the void somewhere, ripples suddenly appeared in the void, and mysterious runes emerged one after another. These runes formed a formation.

Phantom array!

The hearts of the two moved.

The stone plate flew over, and a gap was opened in the phantom array. Through the gap, the two of them saw a corner of the scene inside.

A stretch of mountains looks like a secret land of reincarnation.


Tang Feng gave a soft drink, turned into a sword light, and rushed towards the opening, followed by Lu Ming.

The two passed through the opening in an instant, Tang Feng even grabbed the stone plate, and then, the gap behind them disappeared.

Ahead, there is a huge mountain range, which is located in the endless ocean.

“It should be the secret place of reincarnation.”

Lu Ming’s eyes were bright.

He has entered the secret land of reincarnation, and the breath of this place is almost the same as that of the secret land of reincarnation. It can be concluded that this place is the secret land of reincarnation.

To enter the secret place of reincarnation, one must rely on the stone plate.

No wonder no one has been able to find the secret place of reincarnation since endless years.

Even if someone comes here, they will not be able to find the secret place of reincarnation.

“Where is the area where you entered the secret land of reincarnation?”

Lu Ming looked at the huge mountain in front of him.

This giant mountain is extremely huge, densely covered with lofty mountains and dangerous peaks. In history, every time the secret place of reincarnation appeared, it was just a corner of the giant mountain, a corner of the land.

Only occasionally the two entrances overlap.

So, it is not easy to find the corner where Lu Ming entered last time.

“Go ahead and have a look.”

Lu Ming and Tang Feng flew forward and entered the giant mountain.

The two of them have strong cultivation bases now, and their combat power is only below half a step of the universe, so they have no scruples, and they are extremely fast, shuttling through the giant mountains.


Suddenly, there was a loud roar, and a violent breath pressed towards the two of them, and then a figure rushed towards the two of them.

It is a fallen person of reincarnation.

However, this reincarnated fallen person’s cultivation level is not high, he is just a quasi-immortal of the Seven Tribulations.

“I’m coming.”

Lu Ming stepped out and pressed down with a palm. Suddenly, a huge palm pressed the reincarnated person under the palm.

Then, the Trinity operated in one body, and the three kinds of immortal power fused together to envelop the reincarnated fallen person.

Lu Ming is trying to see that the Trinity can refine the samsara poison in the body of this samsara fallen person.


Lu Ming’s eyes lit up.

He could clearly feel that the power formed by the Trinity was rapidly refining the samsara poison in the opponent’s body.

The resistance of the reincarnated person is getting weaker and weaker.

It didn’t take long for the samsara poison in this reincarnated person’s body to be refined.

Lu Ming and Tang Feng stared at the reincarnated fallen man to see his reaction.

The other party stood there quietly, and after a while, he opened his eyes.

In the eyes of the other party, Lu Ming saw gratitude and relief.

The next moment, the opponent cupped his fists and bowed to Lu Ming.


In the process of bowing down, the other party’s body exploded and disappeared.

“It seems that the other party’s poisoning is too deep, and his cultivation base is too low. The body and soul can’t bear it at all. They are all supported by the poison of reincarnation. Now, once the poison of reincarnation is removed, it will disappear.”

Lu Ming sighed, his eyes were a little complicated.

“But the other party didn’t blame you, but thanked you. Maybe they have been living rather than dying, and you helped them get rid of it.”

Tang Feng comforted him.

Lu Ming nodded, calmed down, and the two continued to set off.

Next ~IndoMTL.com~ they encountered reincarnated fallen people a few more times, their cultivation base was not enough for real immortals, and after being refined by Lu Ming to reincarnate poison, they all turned into fly ash.

Lu Ming speculates that perhaps only immortal beings can resist, and after refining, they will not be reduced to ashes.

So, next, when Lu Ming met the reincarnation fallen under the true immortal, Lu Ming didn’t even do anything, but passed by the other party and continued to explore the secret land of reincarnation.

The most important thing is to find the area you entered last time.

It’s a pity that the giant mountain is too big, and they haven’t found it for more than half a month.

“The reincarnation of the immortal level.”

Lu Ming looked forward to the figure slowly appearing on a mountain peak, showing anticipation.

A burly figure appeared slowly, with a powerful immortal aura pressing towards the two of them, and then leaped forward, rushing towards Lu Ming and Tang Feng.


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