Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5430: The deepest secret

Lu Ming is still dissatisfied with his cultivation speed. After all, he wants to leave quickly and return to Yangjian.

“Go and look under the third floor.”

Lu Ming made up his mind and planned to explore under the deep well.

When he was in the original land of the Yang Universe Sea, he was very curious about the third level, and planned to wait for the cultivation level to be high enough to go down and explore.

This time it is rare to come to the original place of Yin Universe Sea. Lu Ming plans to explore the deep well of Yin Universe Sea first.

Actually, it is not only Lu Ming who is curious about the third floor, and wants to explore it.

In history, there are many people who want to explore. These people climbed down the deep well, but they didn’t climb to the bottom and returned.

The main reason is that the pressure under the deep well is too strong, which will crush the continuation of life.

Besides, below this deep well, above the true immortals cannot enter.

If you come in from the real fairy, you will be bombarded by the will of the universe.

Yes, there are rumors that the universe of Yin and Yang also has will.

According to the gossip, in the long past, true immortals, including immortal kings, were able to enter this deep well freely.

But because a long time ago, the great power of the Sky Clan entered the deep well, madly plundering the original power, causing the universe and sea will to counterattack.

True immortals, immortal kings, and even the universe, if they want to plunder the original power, the speed is too terrifying, far from the quasi immortal can compare, it is normal to cause the counterattack of the universe sea will.

“Does the great power of the heavens plunder the original power have other effects?”

Lu Ming couldn’t help but think so.

Lu Ming set off and walked towards the edge of the deep well.


The place where Diqian lives.

In a secret room full of formations, Dili was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the formation.

“After a hundred years of preparation, we can finally start to complete refining.”

Die Que whispered and moved his hand, Ning Huang Gourd appeared.

Die Que’s body is like turning into liquid, wrapping Ninghuang Gourd in it.


A horrible aura burst out from Ninghuang’s gourd, but it was suppressed by Diqian.

Furthermore, the surrounding formations are also shining, and the supreme power blesses Dique’s body.

Suddenly, Dique suppressed the terrifying breath.

Suddenly, a ray of blood rushed out from Dique’s body, trying to escape, but Dique stretched out his hand and grabbed the ray of blood and suppressed it in his body.

“It turned out that Emperor Ning’s grievances were transformed, and they were refined by me.”

Die Que’s indifferent voice sounded.

“Ah, you are not a creature in the underworld, you are from the underworld…”

The resentment roared unwillingly, and then fell into immersion, and there was no sound anymore.


Lu Ming came to the edge of the deep well. He could see that many people like him were crawling down the deep well, but some people climbed back soon after climbing down, and their faces were very pale.

Lu Ming watched for a while, and just like everyone else, climbed down the stone wall at the edge of the deep well.

The more you go down, the greater the pressure.

Have not yet climbed out of Baili, the tremendous pressure has already made Lu Ming difficult.

After all, he only has the cultivation base of the Seven Tribulations Quasi Immortal, and it is not bad to be able to climb here.

But this is not the limit of Lu Ming. Lu Ming displayed the Trinity, and the strength of the three bodies merged, and he immediately resisted the pressure, allowing Lu Ming to continue to climb down.

Crawling down for another two hundred miles, there is almost no one here, even the Nine Tribulations Quasi Immortal can only climb here at most.

And here, it has reached Lu Ming’s limit.

He can fuse his body and soul to gain stronger power, but he can only hold on for more than a minute, which is unnecessary.

“It seems that this trip is in vain, and nothing has been gained.”

Lu Ming muttered, suddenly his eyes moved.

He felt too high in the fairy city, that spar was emitting a hot temperature.

It is the spar with a large amount of primordial aura in it, and its source of power is on the battlefield of the immortal level.

With a thought, the spar appeared in Lu Ming’s hand, and the spar shone with a hot glow.

Lu Ming unexpectedly discovered that under the shroud of this brilliance, the pressure from the outside world had been cut off. Lu Ming loosened his body and let out a long breath.

“This spar actually has such a function. This spar comes from the power source of the fairy-level battlefield. Could it be that the predecessors found it from the depths of that power source?”

Lu Mingfu thought about it together.

However, with this spar, Lu Ming can continue to explore.

Lu Ming grabbed the spar with the power of the source, and then continued to climb down.

This deep well is unfathomable. Lu Ming has been crawling down for most of the day, at least for tens of thousands of miles, but it is far from the end.

The pressure here is absolutely terrifying. Without that spar, he would have been crushed by the pressure a long time ago.

Lu Ming’s curiosity became heavier, relying on the spar, he continued down.

After a few days, I don’t know how far I crawled down, and finally reached the bottom.


In the deep well, the scope suddenly widened. When Lu Ming looked in a certain direction, his pupils suddenly widened.

There is a skeleton there, adult-shaped, which can be said to be exactly the same as the skeleton of the human race.

It’s just that it’s too huge, lying there, as huge as a star.

Furthermore, the whole body of this bone is full of cracks. From a distance, it looks like porcelain is about to break apart.

In the depths of the Yin Cosmic Sea, at the bottom of the Primordial Land, there is a skeleton, full of cracks.

Although the bones were full of cracks, they exuded terrifying pressure. Had it not been for the spar protection, Lu Ming would have died long ago.

The source of stress is this skeleton.

Lu Ming held the spar and tried to get close to the bone, but he found that as he approached the bone, the pressure increased sharply, even if there was a spar, he couldn’t bear it.

It is difficult for him to get close to the bones, so he can only look at it from a distance.

He was shocked to discover that the primordial aura seemed to have diffused from this skeleton, and this skeleton seemed to be the source of the primordial aura.

No~IndoMTL.com~Lu Ming even felt that the source of the power of the Yin Universe Sea was also this skeleton.

Lu Ming was extremely shocked and felt that this idea was ridiculous.

The Yin universe sea, how huge, affects tens of thousands of large universes, and the energy contained in it is endless. How could it be emitted by a certain creature?

However, Lu Ming observed carefully and found that the aura exuding from this skeleton really resembled the Yin Cosmic Sea.

Moreover, this skeleton seems to be left by a woman.

This can be easily judged by the shape of the bones.

“The ultimate evildoer of the Huangtian clan, when performing the Huangtian technique, it will condense the figure of a woman, the extreme of terrifying power, what does it have to do with this skeleton?”

“What is the origin of this skeleton? Could it be that after the death of a certain supreme strong man, he buried himself here, using the universe as a coffin?”

In Lu Ming’s mind, various speculations surfaced.

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