Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5391: Make up the foundation

Lu Ming yelled out of anxious Zhongshengzhi, and the Samsara Fallen figure really stopped, and the claws he wanted to attack also stopped.

Lu Ming took the opportunity to rush forward.

“If you want to go, stop for me.”

The fallen samsara shouted, with claws as big as mountains, and grabbed Lu Ming.

“I have a serious consumption of strength now. If it is the poison of reincarnation, there will be no strength to suppress, there is only a dead end.”

Lu Ming shouted again.

The Fallen of Samsara roared, and as expected he withdrew some strength, not daring to scratch Lu Ming.

Lu Ming used the remaining power to cast the Trinity again, then swept it out with a shot, hitting the opponent’s claws, and flying forward quickly with this power.

“Don’t go.”

The fallen samsara roared and continued to chase Lu Ming, but did not dare to kill him.

Lu Ming has a bottom in his heart. This fallen reincarnation really retains his spiritual wisdom. It seems that he is very eager to know the method of refining and refining poison, and he dares not let Lu Ming die.

With confidence, Lu Ming was bold enough to attack the Fallen of Samsara and rushed with his strength.

At this moment, the face of the Fallen Samsara suddenly changed and stopped abruptly.

The gray mist on his body suddenly soared, and the reincarnation fallen person let out a low growl.

Finally, the Fallen of Samsara let out an unwilling roar, turned around and left, disappearing before Lu Ming’s eyes in a blink of an eye.

Just leave?

Lu Ming has some doubts.

Lu Ming ignored other things, and continued to rush forward for a certain distance. The fallen samsara did not chase him, so he sat cross-legged and continued to refine the pill to recover.

After a period of time, Lu Ming finally replenished the lost original power and returned to its peak.

During this period, the Fallen Samsara never appeared.

This made Lu Ming have to think about it.

“Could it be that this samsara fallen person can’t leave that stump too far?”

Lu Ming couldn’t help but guess like this.

He recalled the scenes after seeing the Fallen of Samsara.

A tree stump, with greenery rushing into the body of the reincarnation fallen person, and this reincarnation fallen person, unexpectedly retains his intelligence and is in a semi-crazy and semi-conscious state.

After chasing him for a while, he suddenly regretted it.

Lu Ming guessed, does the other party need the greenery of the tree stump to suppress the reincarnation poison in his body?

If this is the case, can you take advantage of this?

Lu Ming was a little excited.

Because the energy after refining the poison of reincarnation can help him make up for his foundation and save him countless hours. Lu Ming really didn’t want to give up.

If the fallen person cannot leave the tree stump too far, he can use it repeatedly to make up his own foundation.

Just do it.

Lu Ming did not continue to go deep into the grassland, but returned, heading towards the various tree stumps.

Not long after, Lu Ming returned to the tree stump.

The fallen reincarnation, really sat on the stump, absorbing the greenery on the stump.

However, when Lu Ming approached, the Fallen Samsara immediately spotted him and suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a look of surprise and surprise.

“You are not how to refine the poison of reincarnation, tell me, tell me…”

The Fallen Samsara roared.

“If you want to know, catch up with me.”

Lu Ming said, turned around and left.


The Fallen of Samsara chased after him.

The two chased and fled, and then went away in a blink of an eye.

However, the speed of the Fallen Samsara was extremely fast, a little faster than Lu Ming, the distance between the two sides was rapidly shortening, and the six sharp claws became extremely huge, and they grabbed to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming directly used the Trinity, waved his gun to resist, and retreated while resisting.

Soon, I retreated to the place where the samsara fallen stopped and retreated last time.

At this time, the fallen samsara roared, seemingly unwilling, but stopped and dared not pursue it.

Lu Ming judged that those who fell in reincarnation did not dare to leave the stump too far.

Lu Ming returned, shot at the fallen samsara, and took the initiative to fight.


The fallen samsara roars, the gray mist is filled, and the claws are constantly grabbing out.


Lu Ming was invincible. A bloodstain was caught on his body. The blood was flowing and the poisonous substance of reincarnation burrowed into his body frantically.

The goal was achieved, Lu Ming retreated quickly, no longer in love with the battle.

Backing to a certain distance, the fallen reincarnation dared not pursue it, so Lu Ming found a place to sit cross-legged, refining the poison of reincarnation with all his strength.

He used the Trinity to its extreme, and the body and soul of the three bodies merged together at once.

The flesh and soul melted, bursting out a powerful force, and the poison of reincarnation was scattered all at once.

Then wrap the poisonous substance of reincarnation, and keep refining.

“Persisted for more than two seconds?”

Lu Ming is overjoyed.

He found that this time when the flesh and soul were merged, it took longer than last time and persisted for a while longer.

Last time, I just insisted for less than two seconds, but this time, it reached more than two seconds.

Perhaps, using the strongest state of refining reincarnation poison will help to understand the technique of three corpses and improve the understanding of the technique of three corpses.

It’s really killing two birds with one stone.

Lu Ming resisted the surprise and tried his best to refine it. After a period of time, all the poison of reincarnation was refined~IndoMTL.com~ Sure enough, a ray of pure and incomparable energy was left behind. Together with the power of the source, it melted Lu Ming’s whole body’now body’.

The foundation of Lu Ming’s present body has indeed recovered a bit.


With a growl in my heart, Samsara Fallen, I am here again.

After waiting for the loss of the original power to recover, Lu Ming returned to the tree stump. After seeing Lu Ming, the Fallen Samsara slammed towards Lu Ming.

Lu Ming repeated the old skills, using the same tactics as last time, retreating first and then fighting.

Of course, Lu Ming tried his best to avoid being scratched by the opponent every time.

Because this can help him understand the quasi-immortal technique, and also exercise the technique of slicing the three corpses. With such a good opponent, Lu Ming would naturally make good use of it.

Of course, the combat power of this fallen person in reincarnation is higher than that of Lu Ming. Even if Lu Ming tried his best, he would eventually be injured and be taken into his body by the poison of reincarnation.

Then continue the refining of the Trinity to make up for the foundation.

That’s it, half a month passed soon.

In the past half month, Lu Ming and the Fallen Samsara have fought more than a dozen times, and more than half of Lu Ming’s present body has recovered.

At the same time, his use of the technique of slashing the three corpses has also been improved, fusing the flesh and soul of the three bodies, and can last for eight seconds.

This is a huge improvement.

Eight seconds can often determine the victory of a battle.

At this time, the fallen reincarnation also noticed that Lu Ming seemed to have deliberately sought him out to fight, and did not tell him the method of refining the poison of reincarnation, so when Lu Ming came to the stump again to provoke the fallen reincarnation , No longer shot.

“Do you think it’s okay if you don’t make a move, it hits you until you make a move.”

Lu Ming stepped forward, took the initiative to attack, and stabbed the Fallen of Samsara with a shot.

“Damn…I tore you.”

Being actively attacked by Lu Ming, the Fallen Samsara was furious and could only launch a counterattack.

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