Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5390: Can be refined

Lu Ming continued to fly forward, but while flying, the samsara poison struggled more and more severely.

Lu Ming knew that this would not work.

He can’t display the Trinity indefinitely, it consumes a lot of power.

Once the time has passed, the power is exhausted, and the poison of reincarnation has not been forced out, it is really dangerous.

Immediately, Lu Ming ignored everything else, sitting cross-legged, and devoted himself to dealing with the poison of reincarnation.

Of course, Lu Ming also separated a little bit of spirit, paying attention to the surroundings. Once the samsara fallen chased him, he could only continue to escape.

Concentration really has different effects. The three integrated forces spread throughout the body to block the invasion of reincarnation poison. After a while, they began to counterattack. The powerful force surrounded the reincarnation poison.

However, the poison of reincarnation is extremely tenacious, like countless little snakes, and these little snakes begin to converge and merge into a ‘big snake’, and begin to attack the power of the Trinity, trying to defeat the power of the Trinity.

For a time, Lu Ming couldn’t help the poison of reincarnation. He wanted to force him out of his body, but he couldn’t do it, and a stalemate was formed.

“No matter what, fight it!”

Lu Ming showed a fierce color, running the Trinity deeper and deeper.

His three bodies suddenly merged together.

This is not a fusion of power, but a fusion of body and soul.

This is undoubtedly extremely difficult. It requires the technique of slicing the three corpses and an extremely advanced level.

In the land of the Wanlian Clan, Lu Ming followed the old man Sanwu and practiced for more than ninety years. He has made great progress in his comprehension of the technique of beheading the three corpses.

In the beginning, he could only merge the two bodies for a short time, and if it was not complete, he would be rejected if he merged.

Up to now, he has merged the two, there is no problem at all, and he can hold on for a longer period of time.

Unfortunately, the Trinity requires the fusion of the three to increase its power. The fusion of the two will not increase much.

The difficulty of merging the three is huge.

Now, Lu Ming can barely fuse the three, but he can only hold on for a second or so, and then he will be rejected.

However, once the soul and the body merge, they will explode with amazing power.

Sure enough, as soon as the three bodies merged, an astonishing force appeared. Lu Ming didn’t dare to delay the slightest, controlling this force, suddenly bombarded the poisonous substance of reincarnation.

The above touches were fused into the reincarnation poison of the “big snake”, which was directly blown away.

Next, a powerful force crushed the poison of reincarnation.

Quick chick!

The samsara poison trembles sharply, makes a sneer sound, and emits puffs of gray smoke.

Unfortunately, in this state, Lu Ming could only hold on for a second or two, and then he was repelled, the three parts separated, and that power disappeared.

However, the state of fusion of the forces of the Trinity is still there.

Furthermore, after being bombarded like that, the poison of reincarnation seemed to languish, and it looked like it had been hit hard.

Lu Ming wrapped the power of the Trinity and surrounded the poisonous substance of reincarnation.

“Huh? It can be refined.”

Lu Ming’s heart moved.

This time, he discovered that the poison can be reincarnated, which is constantly being refined.

Lu Ming’s body surface emits a real gray mist, all refining poisons of reincarnation, dissipating between the heaven and the earth.

It’s saved.

Lu Ming was greatly excited and continued to operate the Trinity, fully refining the poison of reincarnation.

In the distance, a figure approached silently.

It’s the fallen one in reincarnation.

Lu Ming only took a moment to pay attention to the outside. This samsara fallen person was too far away, and he didn’t notice it for a while.

After seeing Lu Ming, the Fallen Samsara wanted to rush to kill Lu Ming directly, but he immediately discovered something and his body stopped.

In his hideous eyes, a trace of clarity was restored, revealing a look of shock.

“He is refining reincarnation poison, this person is refining reincarnation poison…”

The breath of the fallen person in reincarnation is a little heavy, and there is a deep desire in his eyes.

He didn’t act rashly, but instead restrained his aura, as if he was afraid of alarming Lu Ming.

He just stayed far away, watching Lu Ming.

Lu Ming didn’t find the samsara fallen in the distance, he still tried his best to refine samsara poison.

Fortunately, before his power was exhausted, he finally refined all the poison of reincarnation.

Unexpectedly, after refining the poison of reincarnation, a ray of energy was left behind.

This ray of energy is extremely pure and contains amazing vitality.

“Is it reincarnation matter?”

Lu Ming’s heart moved.

But it was immediately denied. This is very different from the reincarnation matter in the legend.

At the same time, Lu Ming felt a deep desire in his body.

This kind of desire seems to come from the instinct of the body, wanting to absorb this ray of energy.

Lu Ming carefully observed and confirmed that this ray of energy was not harmful, there was a burst of attraction from the source of the’present body’, absorbing this ray of energy.

After entering the root of the source, this ray of energy is quickly assimilated, turned into its own power, and circulated throughout the body.

“My foundation has recovered some.”

Lu Ming’s eyes lit up suddenly.

Originally, the last time he broke into the battlefield of the true immortal, he forced his way through the strongest immortal calamity with a severely injured body.

IndoMTL.com is very difficult to cure in a short period of time, unless there are treasures against the sky, otherwise, it will take a long time to slowly repair.

At this point, Elder Sanwu couldn’t help it.

And that kind of treasure that is against the sky is hard to find in the world, it is too rare.

However, the ray of energy just now can repair the foundation, and Lu Ming clearly felt that the foundation of the’now body’ was better.

“Sure enough, good and evil depend on each other. I didn’t expect that after refining such a deadly thing as reincarnation poison, these heaven-defying treasures would remain.”

Lu Ming took a long breath and lifted the Trinity.

After the Trinity was lifted, Lu Ming felt a little tired, and his original strength was seriously exhausted. I took out some pill and swallowed it in his mouth, and the refining pill recovered.


Suddenly, a figure appeared near Lu Ming.

It’s the fallen one in reincarnation.

He saw that Lu Ming had actually refined the poison of reincarnation, and after he finished his cultivation, he immediately rushed to Gulai.

“Boy, how do you refine the poison of reincarnation, tell me.”

A hoarse and unpleasant voice came from the mouth of the fallen person in reincarnation.

Lu Ming was taken aback, his hair exploded and he rushed toward the depths of the grassland with a scream.

“Don’t go, tell me how you refine the poison of reincarnation, tell me…”

The fallen samsara roars, seeming to be extremely anxious.

“How can this reincarnation fallen person speak, and how can he have wisdom?”

Lu Ming ran quickly while thinking.

“Speak quickly, speak quickly, or I will kill you.”

The Fallen Samsara roars, six arms, and the gray mist is filled, and he is about to attack Lu Ming.

Lu Ming’s power consumption is serious now, the speed is far behind the opponent, and he can’t escape at all.

“If you kill me, it will never be possible to know how I refine the poison.”

Lu Ming yelled at Zhongshengzhi in a hurry.

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