Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5337: Dark Night Qiangwei panicked

Remember in one second【】

“This is the ultimate Hunxu puppet refined by the Hunxu Great Universe. It has many functions and unpredictable. As long as you take out a little bit of your blood and your original power, blend it into the Hunxu puppet. The puppets can have your breath of life, your blood, the power of origin, etc. for a short time.”

“So, you don’t need to take action later, just let these two puppets do it for you.”

Master Qianyin explained.


Dark Night Qiangwei’s always calm complexion finally changed and became extremely ugly.

Even, Lu Ming saw a trace of panic in the depths of her eyes.

Lu Ming knew that Dark Night Qiangwei’s last move had been cracked, and they were going to chill.

Fortunately, he still has an afterthought.

Of course, Lu Ming pretended to change his face like Dark Night Rose.


As soon as Dark Night Qiangwei was about to speak again, she was interrupted by Lord Qianyin.

“I have confirmed it again and again, and you have admitted it. If you want to add any more conditions now, I will assume that you are playing tricks or tricks. Then I would rather not open the stone door. , It will kill you completely.”

The voice of Lord Qianyin is full of cold murderous intent, and he is unwavering. There is no doubt that Lord Qianyin will do what he says.

The dark night Qiangwei shut up. She did have that idea just now, but she understood that if she said anything, Lord Qianyin would kill them first even if she didn’t open the stone gate.

Obviously, her late move had been guarded by Lord Qianyin a long time ago.

The main thing is that Dark Night Rose, at all, did not expect that there would be something as mysterious as Ruins Puppets, who could ‘become’ them in a short period of time with their blood and original power.

At this time, Dark Night Rose really panicked in her heart.

If they were still sealed when the stone gate was opened, then they really would have no hope.

At this moment, Lu Ming reached out and grabbed Dark Night Qiangwei’s wrist, and squeezed it slightly.

Dark Night Qiangwei moved in her heart, looked at Lu Ming, and saw something in Lu Ming’s eyes.

“I have a way to let them open the stone gate.”

Dark Night Qiangwei read these things from Lu Ming’s eyes.

Dark Night Qiangwei nodded slightly while Lord Qianyin looked away.

“Unlock their seal first, take their blood and source power, and then seal their cultivation base.”

Master Qianyin ordered.

More than a dozen Six Tribulations quasi-immortals made another move, unlocking the seals of Lu Ming and Dark Ye Qiangwei, and their powers were immediately restored.

Of course, there are more than one hundred six calamity quasi immortals here, as well as a large number of four tribulations and five calamity quasi immortals, and there is an unfathomable master of Qianyin, Lu Ming and Dark Night Qiangwei, naturally not daring to move.

Do it now, that’s a dead end.

After unlocking the seal, the two cooperated and took out some of the original power and blood.

Dark Night Qiangwei moved a bit in the blood to make sure that the other party could open the stone gate with her blood.

The dark night Qiangwei said that to open the stone gate, it takes her blood and Lu Ming’s original power, which is completely nonsense.

Actually, she just hid a hand in the cracking method.

She originally planned to let the other party unlock their seals and let them open the stone gate personally. In that case, at the moment of opening the stone gate, they can rush into the stone gate and escape.

Once rushing into the stone gate, Dark Night Qiangwei has a way to get out.

Unfortunately, her plan was seen through.

Now, I can only rely on Lu Ming.

Although, in this environment, she couldn’t figure out what Lu Ming could do.

But now, I can only trust Lu Ming.

First cooperate with the people of Yinxie Universe and open the stone gate.

After taking out the blood and the power of the origin, a dozen Six Tribulations quasi immortals joined forces to seal the two.

Then, the people of Yinxie Universe input the original power and blood of the two to the two mixed ruins puppets.

Boom! boom!

Suddenly, the two ruins puppets exploded with a powerful aura.

This breath is not as strong as Lu Ming and Dark Night Qiangwei, but it is exactly the same.

The original breath of life and the breath of strength are the same.

If you close your eyes and feel, you think Lu Ming and Dark Night Qiangwei are standing there.

“Curious and wonderful puppets, using this kind of puppet to impersonate a creature is simply invulnerable, but listening to them, it seems that it doesn’t last long.”

Lu Ming’s heart moved.

If you can persist for a long time, then this kind of puppet is terrible.

The underworld can use this kind of puppet to create a bunch of undercover in the underworld.

Know that the breath is the most difficult to imitate. As for the appearance, you can have whatever appearance you want to refine the puppet into.

“You two, go back and stay away from Shimen.”

Young Master Qianyin glanced at Lu Ming and Anye Qiangwei.

I have to say that Lord Qianyin is really cautious.

Even so, he still didn’t want Lu Ming and Dark Night Qiangwei to be too close to Shimen, and asked them to retreat and stay away from Shimen, so as not to cause trouble between them.

The two had no choice but to back away.

Next, several masters of formation moved, controlled two ruins puppets, came to the stone gate, and started to break the formation pattern on the stone gate according to the method of the dark night rose.

One rune, from two puppets

^0^Remember in one second【】

He flew out of his hand and fell into the stone gate.

When the last rune entered the stone gate, the stone gate shook slightly. On the stone gate, those runes flowed like a snake, and then slowly faded.


Shimen made a strange noise and was about to open.

The people of the evil universe are ecstatic.

Sure enough, is it true that what Dark Night Rose said?

“Stand back!” Someone drank lightly, stepped back a certain distance, and stared at Shimen cautiously.

The underground palace of the fairy-level battlefield is not calm and dangerous. Some underground palaces are very dangerous. When the underground palace of the fairy-level battlefield was opened, a poisonous gas rushed out of it, poisoning many masters.

People in the Yinxie universe have to be cautious, the power of the source covers the whole body, ready to fight at any time.

Crack! Click…

A crack appeared in the middle of the stone gate and opened to both sides.

Slowly ~IndoMTL.com~ revealed a dark…a passage behind Shimen.

At this moment, tens of thousands of miles away from the castle, Lu Ming’s past body and future body were sitting cross-legged.

The ball, the five prehistoric quasi immortals, Emperor Jianyi and Lingheng, are scattered around.

Within tens of thousands of miles, Lu Ming’s three bodies can still sense each other.

What happened under the castle underground palace can be roughly sensed in the past and future.

Although the picture cannot be mapped in their minds, the development of the matter can still be barely sensed.

At this time, the aura of the past body and the future body suddenly skyrocketed.

Crossing the Immortal Tribulation!

Lu Ming’s cultivation base had already reached the peak of the Three Tribulations. As long as he consolidates and consolidates, he can overcome the Immortal Tribulation.

At this moment, it is a good time to cross the Immortal Tribulation.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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