Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5167: 1 line of hope

After the white-haired old woman’s explanation, everyone had a general impression of Yang Ting.

Yang Ting is an alliance of the big universes between the Yang, integrating resources, integrating power, and confronting the Yin world to avoid a mess of sand.

At the same time, a series of laws are formulated. Anyone who joins the universe of Yang Ting must abide by these laws, and at the same time, they can also be protected by Yang Ting.

Yang Ting, there is a court master, who is assumed by the chief of the Cangtian clan, and there are several deputy court masters, all of whom are the top masters in the sun.

In addition to the chief and deputy chief of the court, there are also some elders who hold power in the Yang Ting.

However, not all universes can join the Sun Court. If you want to join the Sun Court, you must have conditions.

One of the most important conditions is that there must be a ‘Xian’ in this big universe.

Only when the great universe of ‘Xian’ was born, and there are powerful immortals who are in charge, can they join the Yang Ting, share the resources of the Yang Ting, and also receive the shelter of the Yang Ting.

And those big universes that have not been born with “Xian” can only be attached to other powerful big universes, so as to avoid being invaded by the underworld.

“At the beginning, our primordial universe was also an important member of Yang Ting. It was powerful. There were several peerless powerful men who served as elders in Yang Ting. But now, the heart of the universe is shattered and the universe is in ruins. We This kind of immortal figure who left behind has also fallen to the realm. According to Yang Ting’s laws, he will be automatically removed from Yang Ting, and will no longer be protected by Yang Ting…”

The old white-haired woman sighed deeply, her tone full of helplessness.

The primordial universe, how glorious it was once, overwhelmed the universe. In the vast sun, only ten universes can overwhelm the primordial universe.

At that time, countless people believed that if you give the Majestic Universe some more time, you will surely be able to rush to the top ten in the sun.

Unfortunately, such a powerful universe once collapsed…

“Then how can I enter the Yang Court again?”

Someone asked.

“A new fairy is born.”

The old white-haired woman said: “According to the law of Yang Ting, rise in ruin, resurrect in dead silence, and give birth to a brand new immortal. He will automatically enter Yang Ting and become a member of Yang Ting, but…”

The old white-haired woman did not go on, and everyone was silent. They all understood what the old white-haired woman meant.

In this situation, it is almost impossible to give birth to a new immortal figure.

Because, if you want to prove Taoism and become immortal, the heart of the universe must be complete.

You must be based on the heart of the universe in order to prove Taoism and become immortal.

Now, the heart of the universe is broken, the outer universe is strong, and two of the five fragments of the heart of the universe have fallen into the hands of others. It is almost impossible to reunite the heart of the universe.

In this way, a vicious circle is formed. Without a complete heart of the universe, it is impossible to give birth to immortals, and without immortals, one cannot join the sun court and be sheltered, and the primordial universe will continue to decline.

Of course, some top-level Tianjiao can leave the primordial universe and go to the outer universe to become immortals, but that immortality is based on the outer cosmos, not based on the primordial universe, and is not an orthodox fairy of the primordial universe. It is difficult to get the approval of the Yang Ting law.

Everyone was silent, feeling a deep sense of helplessness and powerlessness.

This is the sorrow of the weak.

In the final analysis, the power is too weak.

“Okay, what should be said has already been said, the cause and effect, you already understand, the next time, prepare well, no matter what, we must keep the heart of the universe in the Azure God Realm. In this way, the great universe , In order to have a ray of life, a glimmer of hope.”

The white-haired old woman said.

After finishing speaking, the white-haired old woman looked at Lu Ming again, and said: “When it is really impossible, we old guys will find a way to send a few top talents out of the prehistoric universe and go to the outer universe. Lu Ming, you are One of them, if I can prove Dao and become immortal in the future, try to find a way to regain the heart of the universe. In this way, I can also have hope in the wild universe.”


Lu Ming was silent, not knowing how to speak.

He knew that this was the last resort of the ancestors, and the worst plan.

Once all the fragments of the heart of the universe fall into the hands of the creatures of the universe, the primordial universe will enter the Age of Doom, and it is inevitable that it will not be able to cultivate and will completely decline.

They sent a few Tianjiao away, this is a kind of fire to leave hope.

If someone can become an immortal in the outer universe, even if they are not orthodox immortals of the wild universe, they cannot be recognized by Yang Ting, but as long as that person has the heart, he can help the wild universe and regain the fragments of the heart of the universe.

Although it is difficult, it is a way.

Now, the only person who is most likely to achieve this step is Lu Ming.


Lu Ming left with serious thoughts and returned to his place of residence.

“Qiuqiu, do you think the continent in the prehistoric ring looks like a fragment of the heart of the universe?”

Lu Ming took out the prehistoric ring, watched carefully, and asked about the ball.

The ball has often entered the prehistoric ring, and is very familiar with the atmosphere of the prehistoric ring.

“Like, I dare to conclude that the continents in the prehistoric ring are fragments of the heart of the universe.”

The ball fairway.

“That seems to be true.”

Lu Ming said, he actually had a judgment in his heart and asked about the ball, just wanting to confirm it.

“Lu Ming, what are you going to do?”

The Ball asked.

“Find a dangerous and hidden place to hide~IndoMTL.com~The prehistoric ring, you can’t stay in the territory of Cangqing God.”

Lu Ming said.

Hong Huangjie stays in the Cangqing Divine Realm, and if the Cangqing Divine Realm is lost, it will be overwhelmed, and both cosmic hearts will be lost.

However, if it is carried on Lu Ming, it is also very dangerous. Once it is deduced by the power of the outer universe, he will not be able to keep it.

“Where do you want to hide?”

The ball asked.

“Of course, the more dangerous the better, even if the specific coordinates are deduced by the power of the outer universe, they will have to pay the price if they want to get them.”

“But what I am worried about is that if I leave the Cangqing Divine Realm now, I will be deduced by the power of the outer universe…”

The Cangqing Divine Realm has a seal. Although it cannot be completely isolated and deduced, it can also play a role.

But if he leaves the Cangqing Divine Realm with the Honghuang Ring, without the seal of the Cangqing Divine Realm, will he be deduced by the power of the outer universe soon?

Once he was pushed forward, countless strong men from the outer universe swarmed in. No matter how strong he was, he couldn’t keep it.

“It can be put in my stomach. After I become the source, my body will transform, and my stomach will become a space of its own. It can digest the magic weapon, and can also isolate the heaven and the earth. It can be placed in my stomach. Before the past, it will not be deduced by the power of those outer universes.”

The ball fairway.


Lu Ming’s eyes lit up.

“Of course it is true. Since I entered the origin, my body has transformed, and a lot of information has been poured out of my body inexplicably. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It is even more isolated than the seal of the Azure God Realm. .”

“However, the great abilities of the outer universe are unfathomable and too powerful. After the tribulation of the origin is over, I am not sure that I can isolate their deductions. Of course, if my strength enters the immortal, it may not be It’s impossible.”

The ball fairway.

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