Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5136: 1 Supreme Scripture

A Supreme Scripture in Chapter 5136 of the main text

“But we can’t stop…”

Several ancestors of Cangqing Divine Realm were discussing in secret, and their voices were full of helplessness and sorrow.

The Primordial Universe is no longer the prehistoric universe of the last era. The difference in strength is too great, and it has no power to deter other big universes, nor can it prevent the powerful from other big universes from coming to compete for the treasures of the prehistoric universe.

“Recall all the clansmen to the Cangqing Divine Realm, and then strengthen the seal and formation of the entrance and exit. If you have to, even if you close the entrance and exit again, you will not hesitate…”

An ancient voice said.

The other voices are silent.

Close the entrance and exit again, then you will be cut off from the world, even if they can’t open it.

At the beginning, if Mulan hadn’t come with a special gem and broke the seal, the Azure God Realm would have been isolated from the world, and it would have been impossible to obtain some treasures in the ruins.

Without a last resort, they don’t want to completely close the entrance and exit of the Cangqing Divine Realm.


Lu Ming and others are not clear about what is happening outside, and they are still practicing.

However, they found that continuing to use the will here to polish the body and soul, the progress is getting slower and slower. Up to now, after one day of cultivation, the progress is minimal.

They seem to have developed ‘resistance’ to this place.

Not only other people encountered this problem, even Lu Ming also encountered this problem.

Not only is the progress of the body and soul slow, even if you fight with the masters of the mysteries, the speed of comprehension of the source art is getting slower and slower.


On this day, the ancient sacred stone was shining brightly and trembled like never before.

And the figure of the king of the profound mysteries suddenly turned into a ray of light, rushing to the center of Lu Ming’s forehead, rushing in from the center of Lu Ming’s forehead, and directly submerged in the ancient **** stone.

The great ancient sacred stone vibrated more violently. The next moment, with a click, a crack appeared on the surface of the great ancient sacred stone.

“Not good…”

Lu Ming’s face changed drastically.

The ancient **** stone, is it going to be destroyed?

This is a pity, Lu Ming has been able to achieve this along the way, and the ancient **** stone is indispensable.

Whether it’s the Heavenly Breaking Style, the Primordial Style, or the Origin Technique, they are all based on the ancient divine stone.

Even now, the ancient sacred stone is still helpful to Lu Ming. Comprehending the pattern on the ancient sacred stone is very inspiring for him, and he can continuously improve his source technique.

Although the speed is not so fast.

To be honest, Lu Ming really couldn’t bear it.

Crack, click…

The cracks on the surface of the ancient **** stone are getting more and more dense, denser than spider webs.

Finally, a layer of stone skin fell off.

Yes, just a layer of stone skin!

Under the stone skin, there is no crack, it is a brand new big ancient **** stone.

Lu Ming was stunned.

There is a layer of stone skin on the surface of the ancient **** stone. Could it be that what he saw before was just stone skin?

Under the stone skin, is the real ancient **** stone?

It’s like a layer of seal. It has been sealed before. Now because of the King of Profounds, the seal is unlocked?

In an instant, Lu Ming turned a lot of thoughts.

Soon, the stone skin fell off, turned into a burst of light and dissipated, and a brand-new big ancient **** stone emerged in Lu Ming’s sea of ​​knowledge.

This big ancient **** stone is very similar to the previous one, with runes on the surface, dense and endless.

It’s just that these runes give people the feeling that they are hundreds to thousands of times more profound than the previous runes, like the vast universe, unfathomable.

Lu Ming was curious, staring at it carefully, wanting to see it.

Suddenly, those runes twisted and intertwined, forming a figure.

This figure, unable to see its appearance, stood on top of the ancient divine stone, and then shook his fist and blasted it out with a punch.


At this moment, Lu Ming felt that the whole world was turned upside down and destroyed. His whole body was tingling, as if it was about to explode. The soul in every cell of him felt like he was about to be destroyed.

“Disengagement, disengagement…”

Lu Ming roared, manipulating spiritual consciousness with all his strength, and separated from the sea of ​​consciousness, not paying attention to the ancient **** stone.

Finally, Lu Ming succeeded, retreated, and escaped from the ancient **** stone.


After that, Lu Ming sat down on the ground, a mouthful of blood, and gasping for breath.

He felt tingling pains in his body. When he swept away his spiritual sense, he found cracks on his body, like cracked porcelain.

“It was too dangerous just now…”

Lu Ming’s heart is lingering. If he acts later, his body will really burst, his body and spirit will be destroyed, and nothing will be left.

“Lu Ming, what’s the matter with you?”


Xie Nianqing, Qiuyue and others rushed over, watching Lu Ming anxiously.

Just now, they saw Lu Ming’s body tremble suddenly, sitting on the ground and vomiting blood, they almost died of fright, not knowing what happened.

“Could it be that the mysterious stones are really on you?”

The old man guarding the tomb silently appeared beside him again. His eyes were not muddy, bright and brilliant, staring at Lu Ming as if he wanted to see through Lu Ming.

However, in the sea of ​​knowledge of Lu Ming, there seemed to be a layer of mist around the ancient sacred stone, blocking the prying eyes of the old man guarding the tomb.

The gods are obscure, some top treasures will hide themselves and prevent others from viewing ~IndoMTL.com~The mysterious stones? Is it really called this name? “

Lu Ming was a little speechless.

The power of the taboo origin is constantly running in his body, and his injury is recovering quickly.

“The old man can’t see through. You really have various mysterious stones on your body, little guy, what did you see just now?”

The old grave guard asked.

“Senior, it’s like this…”

Immediately, Lu Ming said seriously that the ancient **** stone must be concealed. Just now, a figure of the king of the profound rushed into Lu Ming’s forehead, and the old man guarding the tomb must have seen it.

How can you hide the knowledge of the old man who guards the tomb?

It’s better to just say it out and ask the old man to give pointers.

“Sure enough, it is the Profound God Stones. No wonder you can interact with the Profound Kings. According to you, the Profound God Stones used to have a seal, so you can comprehend the secret technique from above, but now the seal has fallen off. , Little guy, in the future, don’t use the profound stones to comprehend. In all likelihood, you will die.”

The old man guarding the grave cautioned seriously.

“Senior, what is on the various mysterious stones and why is it so?”

Lu Ming asked seriously.

“A scripture, a supreme scripture, with your current cultivation level, you can’t comprehend it at all, let alone comprehension, even if you look at it, it will be exploded by the supreme power, so , You can watch and comprehend it only when you upgrade your cultivation base in the future.”

The old man guarding the grave said.

Lu Ming is really speechless.

He is now in the late stage of the origin, and he is not even qualified to watch a scripture, and he will die at first sight.

Who does he call to reason?

“Senior, what kind of cultivation do I need to watch?”

Lu Ming asked.

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