Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5070: Unfinished war

Tie Que was holding a black spear, shaking the universe with his aura, and was extremely powerful. He killed Xuanyuanyi and wanted to wipe out Xuanyuanyi’s soul.

Xuanyuanyi’s cultivation base was already far below the truth. Without the bones, only the soul is left, and it is not the opponent of the truth. The black spear swept through, Xuanyuanyi’s soul shattered, almost completely. Obliterated, it was difficult to regroup in the distance, fortunately, the human body was killed in time, otherwise Xuanyuanyi would be in danger.

However, the human king was physically invincible, and he was undermined.

“Father, I don’t believe that you have fallen. With my life, I will wake you up.”

Xuanyuanyi roared, his soul radiated a brilliant glow.


Xuanyuanyi continued to sacrifice, this time to sacrifice his soul.

His soul was burning, turning into wisps of light, submerged in the human body.


When Xuanyuanyi’s soul rain fell into the human body, the human body seemed to be ignited, and a thick layer of flames rose from his body, like a volcanic eruption, and a more terrifying aura permeated out. .

The human body, and Xuanyuanyi, seemed to form a bridge. Xuanyuanyi’s soul continuously turned into a rain of light, submerged in the human body, and the power of the human body became stronger and stronger.

Di Que’s face sank, and he quickened his attack.

The human king physically moves forward and fights with him.

This void, just recovered, was blown up again and turned into chaos.

Just a few breaths, Xuanyuanyi’s soul, all turned into light rain, submerged into the human body.

At this moment, the aura of the human body is extremely strong.

In his originally hollow eyes, it seems that some regained looks have been restored, like two rounds of the sun.


The human king’s flesh body actually opened his mouth, with a loud roar, shaking the universe, forming a great collapse, and then, the human king’s flesh body split out with a palm, the palm is like a divine sword, and a brilliant sword light illuminates the dark universe. Void, cut to Dique.


The sword light and the black spear collided greatly, and then the two of them retreated at the same time.

“The King of Humans, is it really resurrected.”

Everyone was shocked by such a sentence.

The eyes of the human king’s flesh clearly recovered, and he was able to speak.

If it was instinct before, now it is conscious.

“Huh, Xuanyuanyi, it turns out that you took control of your father’s body. I said, Xuanyuan, it is impossible to recover.”

Die Que spoke indifferently, with a mocking meaning, but his body shape did not stop at all. He pinched the seal and reunited two three-headed hellhounds, and slaughtered the flesh of King Xiangren.

And he himself, holding a spear, continued to kill.

“The sword is coming!”

Human King’s flesh drank lightly, his palm volleyed and grabbed, the broken sword that was swallowed by the ball before, suddenly vibrated, as if revived, turned into a sword light, broke through the air, and was caught by the King’s flesh. Grab it in your hand.


The sound of swords rang through the void of the universe. At this moment, the broken sword exuded extremely dazzling sword light and terrible sword aura, tearing the void of the universe into hundreds of millions of miles of sword marks.

The remaining one-fifth of the blade has a ray of light extending forward, forming a complete war sword.

Of course, what stretched out was not an entity, it was composed entirely of countless tiny sword qi.

The human king’s body, holding a war sword, his aura reached its apex, a sword cut out, and a three-headed Hellhound was decapitated with one head.

At the same time, countless swords burst out, blocking Di Que’s attack.

Then, the human king’s body launched a counterattack. The sword light was too dazzling. Everyone who stabbed could not open their eyes. When everyone was barely able to see, they saw two three-headed hellhounds, torn apart and transformed. For the energy to disappear.

In addition, Di Que was also recruited, with a sword wound on his chest, and his body retreated violently.

The human body has the upper hand.

At this time, everyone knew that it was not the resurrection of the human king, but that Xuanyuanyi had settled in the human king’s body and was manipulating the human king’s body.

Xuanyuanyi was originally the son of the King of Humans. He fits perfectly with the physical body of the King of Humans. He can use it freely, which is much better than that of Diqian.

The human body, or Xuanyuanyi, took the upper hand and launched a stormy attack.

His sword light is terrible, peerlessly sharp, capable of cutting through everything, suppressing the lack of truth, and steadily retreating.

“Xuanyuanyi, your father’s body is burning, and the essence is constantly being lost. If this continues, Xuanyuan’s only body that remains in the world will not be protected. This is a great dishonor of yours.”

Die Que shouted, wanting to stop Xuanyuan Yi with this.

However, Xuanyuanyi was unmoved, and responded indifferently: “Leaving you alive in the world is not what my father wants. If you leave it alone, he will really blame it, you will die!”

Xuanyuanyi’s crazy attack, the current situation, completely reversed from before, Xuanyuanyi completely suppressed Dique’s fight.


After a dozen moves, Dique’s arm was chopped off.

After more than a dozen moves, Di Que’s body was torn apart by the peerless sharp sword light.

However, this body is just condensed with energy.

Dique abandoned his body and his soul retreated violently. However, it can be seen that Dique’s soul was also injured. There was a sword mark on it, which could not be repaired for a long time.

Dieque was wounded, Xuanyuanyi attacked more fiercely, and wanted to wipe out Dique completely in one fell swoop.

“Xuanyuanyi, do you really think you can kill me, dreaming, my soul is immortal, not even your father Xuanyuan can kill me, let alone you.”

Di Que roared, resisted with all his might, and played all kinds of terrible killer moves, but he was still invincible.

Soon after, he was hit by the sword again, and another terrible wound appeared on his soul, which was difficult to recover.

Die Que’s face is particularly gloomy, because the situation is not good.

Although his roar is indelible, he knows the real situation better than anyone else.

If he was at his peak, he was really fearless, but he was ignored by Renwa and suppressed for too long.

The soul is divided into seven, and the body of the king is sealed in seven different places. This is both a seal and a process of obliteration.

Ren Wang Xuanyuan, originally wanted to rely on this ~IndoMTL.com~ to completely wipe out the soul of Diqian. Although it was not successful, the damage to Diqian was also very great.

The soul of Dili is the weakest time in history, and now, he is really likely to be wiped out.

Finally, a fierce color flashed in his eyes, and his soul, like the human body, also exudes a bright brilliance.

Burn the soul!

Die Que is also burning his soul.

Although burning the soul is also very harmful to him, it is better than being completely wiped out.

Burning the soul, so that Di Que’s combat power soared, and the fierce battle with Xuanyuanyi resumed.

This battle was very tragic, as if it was continuing the unfinished war in the last years of the great famine.

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