Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 5007: Look for the abuser

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The two confronted each other with hundreds of moves. Lu Ming discovered that Fu Yuan had almost reached the limit. His combat power and the golden light all over him had already carried a blood-red luster.

This shows that Fu Yuan has reached the limit, so this battle should be over.

Lu Ming showed off the prehistoric style!

A continent formed on the top of Fu Yuan’s head, and fell towards Fu Yuan’s suppression.

The land area is not large, but it is very solid and terrifying.

“This is…the prehistoric continent?”

“I once saw an ancient map, which was a map of the wild continent. How could his trick be so similar to the wild continent?”

“Even the breath is similar!”

“What move is this?”

People around, frying pan.

Unexpectedly, someone can condense the prehistoric continent to attack the enemy, they have never heard of it.

Fu Yuan’s face was also more solemn than ever. He shouted, pouring all the power in his body into the guqin.

Finally, on the Guqin, the sky was filled with light, turning into two sword lights, one attacking Lu Ming and the other attacking the prehistoric continent.

Boom! boom!

The sword light that attacked Lu Ming was blocked by Lu Ming.

The sword light that attacked the wilderness continent violently collided with the wilderness continent, and eventually it collapsed, and the wilderness continent exploded.

However, the Great Desolate Continent exploded and formed a powerful force, still rushing towards Fuyuan.

Fu Yuan’s body shook wildly, carrying the guqin, and retreating violently.

He kept backing a hundred miles before he stood firm, leaving a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

The scene, falling into deathly silence.

It’s been a long while before someone reacts.

There was an uproar at the scene.

Fu Yuan vomited blood, which shows that Fu Yuan was defeated.

Fu Yuan was actually defeated by an inferior bloodline. This is really incredible.

Fu Yuan’s combat power is almost invincible in the Cangqing Divine Realm, and it can match Fu Yuan, which is very few.

Such a person would be defeated by an inferior bloodline. If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn’t believe it if they were killed.

An inferior bloodline is so strong.

Obviously, Lu Ming also broke the pole three times.

An inferior bloodline can actually break the pole three times, unprecedented.

Yes, everyone thinks that Lu Ming’s combat power is three times the extreme, because Lu Ming controls it very well, and the displayed combat power looks only slightly stronger than Fu Yuan.

Lu Ming still holds the plan to hide his strength. He doesn’t want to expose all his hole cards as a last resort.

If you let everyone know Lu Ming’s true combat power, I don’t know what his expression would be.

But even so, everyone’s expressions are already very exciting, and Mulan’s beautiful eyes are so colorful. Needless to say, Liu Weiyang has a face that is pale and bloodless.

He opened his mouth wide, his throat seemed to be stuck in something.

“Awesome, really amazing!”

At this moment, Fu Yuan wiped off the blood stains from the corners of his mouth and looked at Lu Ming. Instead of fading away, the fighting spirit in his eyes became stronger.

“Lu Ming, I have determined that you are my opponent for life. In this life, I will defeat you as the goal. Next time, I will definitely defeat you.”

Fu Yuan said loudly.

Lu Ming was speechless.

Brother, you don’t have to be so serious.

However, he could see that Fu Yuan was not hostile to him, as if he was purely treating him as an opponent.

In other words, be an opponent who promotes your own progress, not an enemy.

“Well, I’ll wait for you to beat me one day.”

Lu Ming smiled.

Although he said so in his mouth, he didn’t care about it in his heart.

He doesn’t think that Fu Yuan will be able to defeat him in the future, even if the opponent has the blood of Wang.

This is his belief in invincibility.

“You are very confident, I like it, haha, I suffered a little injury today, I will invite you to drink another day.”

Fu Yuan laughed, waved his hand, put away the guqin, turned around and walked away, disappearing without a trace in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly, I left!

“Not good, Pang Xiao!”

Seeing Fu Yuan leaving, Liu Weiyang’s face suddenly changed, thinking of Pang Xiao.

He had asked someone to invite Pang Xiao before, and originally planned to use Pang Xiao’s hand to suppress Lu Ming.

However, now even Fu Yuan is not Lu Ming’s opponent. Pang Xiao is here, isn’t it looking for abuse?

Besides, he asked people to come, which means he asked Pang Xiao to look for abuse. Then what would Pang Xiao do to him?

Thinking of this, Liu Weiyang’s face turned pale.

“Transmit the sound, right, right, fast transmission…”

Liu Weiyang quickly took out the sound transmission jade talisman to transmit the sound to his companion.

I hope it’s too late!

Liu Weiyang roared and prayed silently.

“Who else has to challenge me, come together.”

Lu Ming glanced around, and his voice spread throughout the audience.

“You are Lu Ming? You are arrogant, I want to see, what are you capable of arrogant?”

At this time, a grim voice sounded.

When hearing this figure, Liu Weiyang’s face changed wildly.

It’s over, it’s Pang Xiao.

Pang Xiao arrived so soon.


In the void, a figure appeared.

This is a young man wearing a black robe with a hooked nose. His eyes are cold, like those of a goshawk, and they are extremely sharp.

His gaze fell directly on Lu Ming.

“It’s Pang Xiao!”

The people around also recognized Pang Xiao, and all of them looked weird.

What is Pang Xiao doing?

Are you looking for Lu Ming to fight?

However, Fu Yuan was defeated, didn’t Pang Xiao come to seek abuse?

Obviously, Lu Ming had just started with Fu Yuan, and Pang Xiao didn’t know it.

Lu Ming looked at Pang Xiao and said calmly: “Yes, I am Lu Ming!”

“Very good, very good, today, I am going to scrap your paws…”

Pang Xiao spoke indifferently, with sharp eyes, full of murderous intent.

He heard the news before that Lu Ming dared to hug Mulan in public, which made him angry.

He was in retreat, so he immediately ended the retreat and rushed over.

“Really, I hope you have this strength.”

Lu Ming spoke lightly.

This attitude made Pang Xiao even more angry.

“Hope I have this strength? Ha ha, you are very confident.”

Pang Xiao sneered, his eyes swept over Liu Feng and Yu Wentai, and mocked: “It looks like you are defeated? Ha ha, it’s really a waste. You can’t handle even an inferior bloodline.”

“Really, I hope you will avenge us.”

Liu Feng responded with a sneer.

Yu Wentai was too lazy to answer. They didn’t remind Pang Xiao that Lu Ming defeated Fu Yuan just now.

Pang Xiao is not a good person. He is usually arrogant and domineering. Many people have offended him. Many people wish him to be abused.


Pang Xiao replied~IndoMTL.com~ The disdain grew stronger, and he stepped out and screamed towards Lu.

He is still very confident.

What if Liufeng and Yuwentai are defeated? He can also easily defeat Liufeng or Ubumi Tai.

He is the one who can retreat from the three-time smashing battle.

Only one person is the most nervous, and that is Liu Weiyang.

He deeply knew that Pang Xiao was definitely not Lu Ming’s opponent, and there was a big gap.

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