Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 4995: Running wildly

With Lu Ming as a servant, he can send Lu Ming to some dangerous places to obtain more resources for him and improve his combat power.

As long as the strength improves and the reputation is bad, what does it matter? Who dares to talk about him face to face?

In this world, strength determines everything. As long as there is strength, people will naturally flatter, and a little fame counts.

So, even if Han Yue threatened him with his greed and fear of fleeing, Liu Weiyang would not give in.

Lu Ming, he is determined!

Han Yue’s face was ugly. I didn’t expect Liu Weiyang to care about her reputation. She had no other way to make Liu Weiyang change her mind except that this incident could threaten Liu Weiyang.

“Hey, Han Yue, if you want me to change your mind, you can let Lu Ming go. Unless you promise to marry me as a concubine, I will promise you.”

Suddenly, Liu Weiyang’s conversation turned, with a pair of eyes, staring at Han Yue fiercely, aiming around.

He has coveted Han Yue for a long time, and if he can take advantage of Lu Ming’s incident to take Han Yue down, that would be great.

“You…you can’t imagine…”

Han Yue glared at Liu Weiyang. She didn’t expect Liu Weiyang to be so despicable that she wanted to take advantage of the fire.

Liu Weiyang already has a wife, and he wants to marry her as a concubine. It’s a wishful thinking.

She would never agree.

“Hmph, if you don’t agree, then forget it, just watch Lu Ming become my servant!”

Liu Weiyang sneered.

Han Yue bit her lip, full of worry, but she really has nothing to do.

At this time, Lu Ming traveled another distance, reaching 1,500 meters.

But after arriving here, Lu Ming’s figure trembles more severely, and red blood is constantly coming out of his body, which shows that he has reached the limit.

“Lu Ming, why are you so impulsive, betting with Liu Weiyang, I can’t help you now…”

Han Yue sighed, she has tried her best, but she has nothing to do.

“Congratulations to Brother Liu, for one more powerful servant…”

“Brother Liu, I’m overjoyed today, you must treat me!”

The young people who came with Liu Weiyang have already congratulated in advance.

“Hahaha, today Zuixianlou, I will treat you, we will not be drunk or return.”

Liu Weiyang laughed, as if he had won.

Not only Liu Weiyang himself, even in the eyes of others, Liu Weiyang is determined to win.

Lu Ming has reached the limit, but he has only walked 1,500 meters, a distance of 10,000 meters, which is too far, even if there is a miracle, it is impossible to go to 10,000 meters.

“Look, Lu Ming, stop, it seems that he is about to retreat and admit defeat.”

A young man pointed to Lu Ming.

Liu Weiyang is even more proud.

Han Yue sighed deeply, it seems that there can be no miracle.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes suddenly widened.

Because Lu Ming, who was already standing still, suddenly moved and rushed forward.

Yes, it’s a gallop, not a slow walk, faster than the fastest speed before.

Lu Ming stepped on the lake, like an arrow from the string, hurried forward, just a few breaths, Lu Ming stepped forward several kilometers…

Besides, there is no meaning to stop, nor the speed to slow down at all, and it is still fast forward.

Five kilometers, six kilometers, seven kilometers…

In a flash, it was close to ten thousand meters.

Han Yue was stunned, Liu Weiyang was stunned, and the other young people were also stunned…

Seeing that Lu Ming was about to cross 10,000 meters, Liu Weiyang suddenly screamed: “How is this possible, how is this possible, this is impossible…”

Just as he yelled, Lu Ming smoothly crossed a distance of 10,000 meters, but he didn’t mean to stop at all, still moving forward quickly.

Liu Weiyang’s face was flushed red, his mouth was open, and his throat seemed to be caught by a dead mouse.

Unsightly, disgusting…

Didn’t Lu Ming stop already, at about 1,500 meters, Lu Ming clearly reached his limit.

They would not be wrong. At that time, Lu Ming was definitely at his limit, but why, Lu Ming suddenly rushed forward again, what’s going on?

They can’t figure it out.

They didn’t guess wrong. At 1,500 meters, Lu Ming’s reliance on the power of the human blood was indeed at the limit.

But Lu Ming still has a taboo.

As soon as Lu Ming used the power of taboo, he suddenly discovered that the pressure that Sheng Xi’s holy scroll exerted on his body suddenly disappeared without a trace.

He can’t feel the slightest pressure.

So, his speed can skyrocket, and he can rush forward quickly.

This still suppressed my own speed, otherwise, it would be faster.

“The power of taboo is really mysterious, Shengxi Sacred Scroll, there is no pressure on my body, on my blood, but there is still pressure on my willpower.”

Lu Ming’s mind turned sharply.

The pressure of Shengxi Holy Scroll on his body was cut off by the power of taboo, but his willpower was not cut off.

However, how strong Lu Ming’s willpower is, starting with tens of thousands of meters, or even hundreds of thousands of meters, has little effect on him.

However, in this way, the effect of the Shengxi Sacred Scroll on the purification of Lu Ming’s bloodline has also disappeared, and the bloodline cannot be purified.

But Lu Ming came for the first time. His current goal is to see how far he can go under the influence of taboo and where his limit is.

Purify the blood, I’ll talk about it later.

After Lu Ming broke through 10,000 meters, his speed did not slow down at all, and it was still extremely fast.

Ten thousand meters, twenty thousand meters, fifty thousand meters, one hundred thousand meters…

After a while, Lu Ming walked forward a distance of 500,000 meters.

The distance between the holy scroll and Shengxi holy scroll is getting closer.

This speed has alarmed some people who are cultivating nearby.

Many people opened their eyes and looked at Lu Ming who was moving forward in shock.

There are not a few people who can walk a distance of 500,000 meters in the Cangqing Divine Realm, but there are very few who can maintain such a speed after walking 50 meters.

Hubian, Han Yue, Liu Weiyang and others, have been completely petrified.

Especially Liu Weiyang, his face is ugly to death.

“The oppression of willpower here is getting stronger and stronger.”

When he walked about 600,000 meters, Lu Ming’s speed finally began to slow down.

He has no physical pressure~IndoMTL.com~It’s just willpower, and the mental pressure is getting stronger and stronger.

Holy Xi Ren Wang, how powerful, the holy scroll he drawn contains Sheng Xi’s will and his Tao…

It’s like the majesty of the sky, supreme, and people can’t help but kneel down, convincing, and can’t raise the slightest thought of confrontation.

Once this is the case, it means the limit is reached.

Although Lu Ming felt that the pressure was getting stronger and stronger, it hadn’t reached the limit. It just slowed Lu Ming’s speed slightly.

Lu Ming is still moving forward.

700,000 meters, 800,000 meters, 900,000 meters…

Finally, in the shocking eyes of everyone, he rushed through a million meters.

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