Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 4992: 3 adults king

Through Han Yue’s explanation, Lu Ming understood that the bloodline level of the human race is the result of the long development and evolution of the human race.

The weak will feed on the strong, and the fittest will survive the fittest.

The strong bloodline continues to develop, and in the end, it will naturally become the upper one, while the one with poor bloodline becomes the inferior bloodline and can only become the inferior.

Even people with poor bloodlines can hardly survive.

“During the Primordial Continent, although most of the human races had very high bloodlines, there were still a lot of poor bloodlines. At that time, they were called inferior bloodlines and their status was very low, so Liu Weiyang and others would be like this. …”

Han Yuedao.

She explained in such detail, mainly to explain that it was only in the last era, and it is different now.

Later, Han Yue explained that when the Cangqing Divine Realm was sealed, the human races who stayed in the Cangqing Divine Realm were all people of higher bloodlines, so even if they thrive and thrive later, the descendants born are all high Level bloodlines, such as Lu Ming’s bloodlines, do not have a single bloodline in the Sky Divine Realm today.

Through talking with Han Yue, Lu Ming has learned more about the events of the last era.

“By the way, girl Han Yue, do you know the Celestial Race?”

Lu Ming suddenly changed the subject and asked.

I heard from the devil that the Celestial Race and the Devil were enslaved by the Human Race in the last era. He wanted to inquire about it.

“The Celestial Race? I haven’t heard of it. What kind of race is this? How dare to use the name “Heaven”? What a courage.”

Han Yuedao.

“What a courage? How do you say?”

Lu Ming asked curiously.

“I don’t know the specifics, I only know that in the last era,’heaven’ was a taboo, and no race would dare to use it, otherwise it would cause a catastrophe.”

Han Yuedao.

“‘Heaven’ is a taboo?”

Lu Ming became more curious and puzzled.

“The original name of the Celestial Race, it seems to be called the Demihuman Race. Have you heard of it? There is also the Demon Race, have you heard of it? They were all enslaved by the Human Race in the last era.”

Lu Ming said.

The name of the demihuman race, he heard from Zixuan.

“Demons? Demon? I have never heard of it. As far as I know, there are countless races in the human race, including many races outside the mortal universe. These two are probably just one of them.”

Han Yuedao.


It seems that the human races of the last era were truly extremely powerful. Races such as the Celestial races and demons have enslaved countless people.

But it was so powerful, but it fell apart in the end. I really don’t know what happened at the end of the last epoch?

Does it have anything to do with forbidden creatures?

The destruction of Zixiao Cave Sky must be related to the forbidden creatures, because it was the Jue Yin Clan that destroyed Zixiao Cave Sky.

The Jue Yin Clan was a terrible forbidden place in the last era!

But the creatures in the Forbidden Land really have the strength to break the earth and the earth into the sky?

Lu Ming expressed doubts?

Is it a powerful force outside the prehistoric universe?

Since it is known that there are other races outside the universe, it is perfectly normal to have other powerful and terrifying forces.

Can’t figure it out!

Lu Ming shook his head slightly, throwing away the messy thoughts.

Looking at Lu Ming’s expression, Han Yue thought that Lu Ming was distressed because of his bloodline level, and said: “Actually, Lu Ming wants to change his bloodline level, it is not impossible.”

“Can I change the bloodline level? What can I do?”

Lu Ming asked curiously.

He didn’t really want to change his bloodline level. He felt that there was nothing bad about his current bloodline, and his potential was still endless.

Because he is no longer a pure human blood, but a taboo body.

How strong is the potential of the Taboo Body? He didn’t know it himself.

However, Tang Feng, the forbidden sword ancestor, is also a human race, and he also walked out of a small world, and his blood level must be the same as him.

But today’s sword ancestor, why does Xiu wait for strength?

So, the potential of Taboo Body should not be worse than that of high-level human bloodlines.

However, Lu Ming was still curious, so he asked.

“Holy Sacred Scroll!”

Han Yue said with a respectful expression: “The Cangqing Divine Realm holds a scroll of Holy Xi Holy Scroll. As long as under the Holy Scroll of Holy Xi, he can purify his blood, increase his potential, and enhance his talent, even if it is inferior blood. , It may not be impossible to change.”

“Holy Sacred Scroll?”

Lu Ming looked curious and suspicious.

It’s another word I haven’t heard before.

“The picture scroll left by Wang Shengxi.”

Han Yue added.


Lu Ming’s heart jumped wildly.

The picture left by the king?

Is the king’s name Sheng Xi?

He got the body of the King of Humans before.

“Go, let’s go and see!”

Lu Ming couldn’t wait.

“Brother Lu, please follow me.”

Han Yue led the way and headed towards the central area of ​​the Cangqing Divine Realm.

The Holy Scroll of Shengxi is placed in an important position in the center of the Cangqing Divine Realm, protected by heavy formations.

These formations are mainly to guard against outsiders. They are not fortified against the human race of the Cangqing Divine Realm. Any human race can do it at will and use the Holy Scroll of Shengxi to practice at will.

The Holy Scroll of Shengxi, suspended in a huge lake, is huge, with a length of 10,000 meters and a width of kilometers.

This is a picture scroll. The picture on the scroll is a middle-aged human man.

He seems to be standing there quietly, standing with his hands in his hands, with an elegant appearance and a trace of compassion on his face.

He doesn’t have the breath of dominating the world, nor the breathtaking breath, but there is a breath of enlightening sentient beings.

Yes, it’s the breath of educating sentient beings.

Lu Ming and Han Yue stood by the lake, just watching them from a distance, and they felt heartbroken.

“The painting on this scroll is the King of Saint Xiren himself.”

Han Yue explained.

She didn’t notice that Lu Ming was stunned at this time, staring at Shengxi Holy Scroll, somewhat inconceivable.

“This is the King of Humans, what’s going on? I have seen the appearance of the King of Humans through the body of the King of Humans. It’s not like this.”

Lu Ming kept roaring in his heart.

In the Star Continent, when he got the arm of the King of Humans, the arm of the King of Humans once manifested the figure of the King of Humans. It was completely different from the picture on this scroll, whether it was appearance or temperament.

The physical form of the King of Human Beings swallows the world with anger. It is only self-respectful. It is completely different from the temperament of educating sentient beings on this picture scroll.

What is going on here?

Is there more than one king?

If you don’t understand, just ask!

Lu Ming asked calmly: “Girl Han Yue~IndoMTL.com~ Is there more than one king?”

“Of course!”

Han Yue said: “Last epoch, there were three human kings in the human race, otherwise the human race would not be so powerful, and it would overwhelm the Lich race.”

“There are three? Which three?”

Lu Ming asked.

“They are Ren Wang Shengxi, Ren Wang Xuanyuan, and the third is a woman, known as the Queen of the Ages.”

Han Yuedao.

“Ren Wang Shengxi, Ren Wang Xuanyuan, and the Queen of the Ages.”

Lu Ming muttered silently in his heart, and his heart fluctuated.

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