Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 4991: The development history of human race

“Then we will come again in the future, don’t disturb Senior Sister Mulan’s retreat.”

Lu Ming said.

Break through the retreat for the second time. It is definitely a very important retreat. If the interruption is affected and it is difficult to break through, the loss will be great.

Anyway, more than 10,000 years have passed, and I don’t care about waiting for a while.

“The slave and maid will report it once Miss Mulan leaves the customs.”

The maid said.

“Thank you so much!”

Lu Ming clasped his fists, and then left with Han Yue.

After that, Han Yue took Lu Ming and arranged for him a place to live, which was not too far away from the place where Han Yue himself lived.

Han Yue then gave Lu Ming another map of the Cangqing Divine Realm and left.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

When Lu Ming is free, he wanders in the Cangqing Divine Realm.

The area of ​​Cangqing Divine Realm is very large, and the scope is extremely wide. Here, at least more than tens of billions of human races live.

The tens of billions of people seem to be a lot, but they are actually scattered among the vast green gods, but in fact they are very few, the land is vast and the population is sparsely populated.

I heard that in the last epoch, when the Cangqing Divine Realm was first sealed, the population was only 100,000.

But after a long period of reproduction, the population has reached tens of billions.

This is because the higher the cultivation base, the more difficult it is to breed. Otherwise, the population does not know how many there will be.

However, the number of masters in the Cangqing Divine Realm is very large. After several days of observation, Lu Ming found that the proportion of masters far exceeds that of the Celestial Race.

In other words, the talents of the human race far surpass those of the Celestial race.

In the past, Lu Ming believed that the talents of the human race were very general, and compared with the various races in the universe, especially the top ten races, there was a huge gap.

It now appears that he was wrong.

Because the human race in the universe and the starry sky has impure blood.

The pure-blood human races of the Primordial Continent have amazing talents.

Don’t talk about the Celestial Race, it’s not weaker or even stronger than the Forbidden Land creatures.

It’s no wonder that in the prehistoric continent of the last era, the human race was able to become the first strong race.

In the past few days, Lu Ming did not find a bloodline that was the same as him, that is, the inferior bloodline that Liu Weiyang had said.

The human races here are very high in blood level.

It can be said that they are all masters.

Many people were very surprised when they saw Lu Ming’s bloodline. They were very surprised. They looked at Lu Ming like a rare animal.

Some people are okay. They have a calm expression. They will greet Lu Ming with a smile, but some of them, like Liu Weiyang, show contempt, and when they face Lu Ming, they show a high look.

This makes Lu Ming very upset.

He never felt that his blood was inferior to others, but when he got here, he became an inferior blood, and it would be uncomfortable for anyone to change.

Of course, the proportion of such people is not high, and the number of people is small.

So he didn’t go out at all, he stayed in the place where he lived and retreats, while he was inquiring about the source art, while waiting for Mulan to leave.

Within two days, Han Yue came.

“Brother Lu, are you…are you okay?”

Han Yue said in embarrassment after seeing Lu Ming.

When Lu Ming heard this, he knew that Han Yue had come because of him being despised.

“Trivial matters, I didn’t take it to heart.”

Lu Ming smiled.

It is true that Lu Ming was a little uncomfortable at the beginning, but his temperament quickly adjusted.

What does the bloodline mean?

His bloodline level is not as good as other people in the Cangqing Divine Realm, but how many people in the Cangqing Divine Realm can compare with him?

How many people have his power in a battle at the same level?

Don’t say how many people are there, does one have?

Why don’t care about the bloodline!

Looking at Lu Ming, it seems that he really doesn’t mind, Han Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

She also heard the gossip outside, so she ran to see Lu Ming, fearing that Lu Ming would be hit, she felt unhappy.

Lu Ming, after all, is her savior.

“Some people really are. What age are they now? It was not the period of the Primordial Continent, and the human race was not the strong race that ruled the world. Some people still hold on to the concept of blood hierarchy, which is really hateful. .”

Han Yue said bitterly.

“Girl Han Yue, in the last era, is there really an equivalent division of blood in the human race?”

Lu Ming asked.

He is also quite curious about this.

“In the last epoch, there were indeed some. The bloodline level was low, that is, the inferior bloodline that Liu Weiyang called, and the status was very low.”

Han Yuedao.

“How was the bloodline level of the human race born?”

Lu Ming asked again.

“It should be the survival of the fittest. In the end, it has something to do with the development history of the human race.”

Han Yuedao.

“The history of human development? Please enlighten me from girl Han Yue.”

Lu Ming’s eyes lit up slightly.

Lu Ming is very interested in the history of human development.

Being able to know the development history of the human race, then you will definitely know more about the primordial continent.

Before he came to the Western Universe, even though he went to Cangqiang for advice, Cangqiang only learned a rough idea about the prehistoric continent.

The Cangqing Divine Realm, as the human race handed down from the last era, will probably know more about the information of the Primordial Continent.

Especially for Terran!

“I also saw it in ancient books. Legend has it that in the early days of the Primordial Continent, the human race was actually very weak. Among the thousands of races, they were not even ranked. Under the thousands of races, they could only live humble. Even become a slave.”

“Later, a terrifying battle of tens of thousands of races broke out in the Primordial Continent. The tens of thousands of races fought and swept across the entire continent. In that battle, countless races were wiped out, and the weak human race took the opportunity to develop and finally had a little bit of development. The power of self-preservation~IndoMTL.com~After the war of ten thousand races, the monster race and the witch race became the biggest winners, dominating the predecessors, no race can compete with the two races, and the remaining races are all attached to the two races. Below, the Terran is the same.”

“At that time, although the human race was much stronger, it was also very difficult to survive. Many tribesmen were also enslaved by the demons and witch races.”

“The so-called “one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers”, the monster race and the witch race dominate the predecessor. Everyone wants to become the real master. The two races naturally fight each other. Later, the Lich war that swept the predecessor finally broke out. Weaker than the Great War of Ten Thousand Clans, the Lich races suffered heavy losses in this battle, and the Human race also took the opportunity to develop in this battle. Later, they rose in one fell swoop, even overpowering the Lich races, becoming The strongest race.”

Han Yue introduced.

Lu Ming was fascinated by it.

Although what Han Yue said is simple, just a few sentences, Lu Ming can imagine that it must be a magnificent epic, a difficult history of human development.

“In that period of history, the human race was very weak at the beginning. If you want to survive, you can only get stronger. Therefore, in the process of development, those with better talents and stronger physique have higher potentials. , Improve faster, stronger and stronger, and those with weak physiques and poor talents are often eliminated.”

“After a long period of development, those with strong physique, through marriage, etc., can give birth to people with stronger physique and stronger bloodline. Over time, the strong will become stronger, and gradually, the bloodline gap will come out. “

Han Yue continued to explain.

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