Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 4986: What is breaking pole

Chapter 4986 of the main text, what is breaking pole

The creatures in the forbidden area are all in a sealed state and require a lot of resources to wake up.

But the human race of the Celestial Realm is not. They continue to multiply and thrive on the continent of the Celestial God realm, passing on from generation to generation.

However, since the endless years, the cultivation environment of the Cangqing Divine Realm is not good, the prehistoric aura is thin, and the resources are lacking. Although there are endless years of reproduction, there are not many masters born.

Most of the top masters have survived the last era.

However, in the last ten thousand years, the cultivation environment in the sky continent has become better and better, everything has recovered, and the wild aura is rich. When they opened the seal, they discovered that the entire universe had begun to recover.

“Sister Mulan is a great benefactor of the Cangqing Divine Realm. Before the Great Tribulation of the Origin, she worshiped a great figure as a teacher and has been practicing in the Cangqing Divine Realm.”

Han Yuedao.

“Then Huang Ling, isn’t she in the Sky Divine Realm?”

Lu Ming asked involuntarily.

He heard that when Han Yue said just now, he only talked about Mulan and didn’t mention Phoenix Spirit. This was a bit strange. If the two were together, why didn’t Han Yue mention Phoenix Spirit at all?

“Huang Ling? Sister Mulan is one person, and there is no second person.”

Han Yue said in surprise.

Lu Ming’s heart sank.

Only Mulan?

Where did the Phoenix Spirit go?

During this period, something must have happened. It seems that everything can only be asked after seeing Mulan.

“Girl Han Yue, are you about to return to the Cangqing Divine Realm now? I will go with you.”

Lu Ming said, a little impatient.

“We won’t go back for the time being, we have to reunite with other people before we return to the Cangqing Divine Realm.”

Han Yuedao.


Lu Ming was puzzled.

“Yes, not long ago, an ancient divine vein was born, and it gave birth to a large number of magic medicines, and even top source-level magic medicines. There are many powerful people from all major forces flocking to compete for the top source. Level magic medicine, in order to compete for the top source level magic medicine, all parties are fighting.”

“The seven of us were lucky. We were lucky enough to get a top-level source-level magical medicine. We wanted to leave secretly. Unexpectedly, Zhu Shi and others would be eyeing on, and the previous battle would happen…”

Han Yuedao.

“Top source-level magical medicine? Are there any more?”

Lu Ming’s eyes lit up.

When it comes to the top source-level magical medicine, Lu Ming’s heart is moved.

Is he here at the right time?

“It should be gone. The major forces have been fighting for a while. The magic vein has almost been searched. All the magic medicine has almost been searched. We are also lucky, otherwise it is impossible to get it. A top source-level magic drug.”

Han Yuedao.

Lu Ming sighed in his heart, it seemed that it was not the time to come, he was late.

“Let’s go to the vicinity of the divine vein, join the brigade, and then return to the Cangqing Divine Realm, brother Lu, let’s be together, I will tell you by the way what is the first and second breaking of the extreme…” /

Han Yuedao.

“Okay, then thank you girl Han Yue.”

Lu Ming nodded.

Immediately, everyone set off together.

On the way, Han Yue talked about what is breaking pole.

It’s actually very simple. Breaking the extreme once means breaking the limit once, and it refers to breaking the limit with combat power.

The combat power of the general top heavenly monarch is the limit of the divine master, and the combat power of the strongest heavenly monarch is to break the limit once, and is known as the powerhouse who completes the ultimate breakthrough.

For example, Zhu Shi is a strong one who breaks the extreme once.

The second time to break the limit is the strong one. Lu Ming himself speculated that the existence of the second time to break the limit should be comparable to the Guangqian king of Yuanguang clan.

Above, there are three more extreme breaks, and they are called invincible gods.

This division method has been handed down from the previous era of the Primordial Continent.

“Is it the limit for breaking the pole three times? Isn’t it breaking the pole four times?”

Lu Ming asked curiously.

“Four times to break the extreme? What do you think, is that the realm you can reach? Don’t be so high-minded.”

On the edge, Liu Weiyang finally seized the opportunity to ridicule.

Lu Ming continued to ignore him.

“Theoretically speaking, three times breaking the extreme is the limit, but in fact, there are still four times breaking the extreme, but it is too difficult, even in the prehistoric continent of the last era, the age of the arrogant. , Are also very few, each one has an invincible posture, even a fairy posture!”

Han Yue said, looking forward to his eyes.

Four times to break the pole, which is equivalent to having the posture of becoming a fairy.

“Is my current combat power equivalent to four breaks?”

Lu Ming thought about it.

The Invincible Divine Master broke the extreme three times. His combat power is a lot stronger than the Invincible Divine Master. It should have broken the extreme four times.

Everyone was talking and flying. Han Yue was very patient, almost knowing everything he could say without saying anything, allowing Lu Ming to know more about the situation deep in the ruins of the universe.

Soon, in the void in front of them, a large amount of continental debris appeared.

“There are a lot of mainland fragments near here, and further ahead, is where the divine veins are…We must be careful. Here, we may encounter masters of major forces at any time.”

Han Yue whispered.

Behind, they restrained their breath and flew carefully.

“Hey, there are people there?”

Lu Ming suddenly spoke.

The rest of the people were startled, and followed Luming’s gaze, looking at a piece of continental debris.

You can see that there is a group of creatures somewhere in that continent fragment ~IndoMTL.com~.

This group of creatures have strange looks and evil faces.

“They are from the extremely evil race.”

The expressions of Han Yue, Liu Weiyang and others all changed, and they seemed to be very jealous of the extremely evil race.

“It’s the devil of the extremely evil race. This guy is very lucky. He was given two top-level source-level magical medicines before. It’s really out of **** luck.”

Liu Weiyang whispered, his tone full of sourness.

“Two top source-level magical medicines!”

Lu Ming’s attention was completely attracted by this word.

“The people of the extremely evil race are abnormally evil and bloodthirsty. When they move, they fight for life. The demon kun is even more powerful. He is a master of the second time. They have not found us yet. We Leave quickly, if they find out it will be troublesome.”

Han Yuedao.

Immediately, they took a detour, carefully bypassing the fragments of the continent, and continued on.

After walking for a while, Lu Ming suddenly stopped and said: “I remember, I still have something to do, can you wait for me here, it won’t take too long.”

“Why are you doing so many things?”

Liu Weiyang shouted coldly, his tone still high.

“If you can’t wait, you can go first.”

Lu Ming replied coldly.


Liu Weiyang was furious. This inferior bloodline was so arrogant that he repeatedly confronted him.

Be aware that in the last era, the human bloodlines were all slaves, low status, and humble like ants.

But let him go first, and to be honest, he dare not.

Even if they set up a combined attack formation, their combat power is at most comparable to one-time piercing, but Lu Ming’s combat power, even if it’s not a second-time piercing, is the top of the first piercing.

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