Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 4985: Mulan’s news

Lu Ming felt that Han Yue, Liu Weiyang and others exuded a kind of breath. When he faced this kind of breath, he instinctively felt a pressure.

It’s like when you really face the pressure of the superior.

This is not the pressure brought by status, but from instinct, from blood.

It’s like the gap between the nine-claw dragon in the dragon clan and the ordinary dragon.

The human blood of these people is more advanced than Lu Ming.

Lu Ming came to a conclusion in his heart.

“The human race in the universe, starry sky or the small thousand worlds should have evolved from the flesh and blood of the strong human race in the last era. The bloodline level is definitely not so pure, just like the monster race. Is this the so-called inferior bloodline? “

Lu Ming kept turning his thoughts in his heart, making speculations based on the words of Liu Weiyang and others.

“Lu Ming, you still don’t hand over the top source-level magical medicine?”

Liu Weiyang stared at Lu Ming and repeated another sentence.

“Top source-level magical medicine? What top-level source-level magical medicine?”

Lu Ming began to play dumb.

“Lu Ming, don’t pretend to be a fool…”

Liu Weiyang drinks coldly.

“What pretend to be stupid? I really don’t know what you’re talking about. When I first arrived, I immediately took action against the Nine Yin Demon Spider. Logically, I killed the Nine Yin Demon Spider. Things are naturally my trophy. Even if there is a top source-level magical medicine, it is also my trophy. What? What happened before I came? You will tell me in detail.”

Lu Ming looked at Liu Weiyang suspiciously.


Liu Weiyang stammered for a while and didn’t know how to speak up.

Does he want to say it out loud, in order to survive, he betrayed Han Yue and others, sent top source-level magical medicine, and escaped alone?

Can this be said?

No matter how thick-skinned he was, he wouldn’t be embarrassed to repeat the complaint.


Liu Weiyang roared in his heart.

If he didn’t say that he handed it over, then Lu Ming could naturally use the Jiuyin Demon Spider’s things as his own trophy.

But it’s really hard to tell him to speak out.

On the sidelines, Han Yue and others did not see Liu Weiyang’s dilemma.

They don’t have the thick skin of Liu Weiyang, and they want to recover the magical medicine. Although the top-level source-level magical medicine is extremely precious, it is still insignificant compared to their own lives.

Lu Ming sneered in his heart, how could he vomit out the fat he got?

“By the way, girl Han Yue, what do you mean by breaking the pole once and breaking the pole twice?”

Lu Ming quickly changed the subject.

“You don’t even know this?”

Liu Weiyang made a mocking sentence, and his contempt became stronger.

He was extremely upset that Lu Ming swallowed one of his top source-level magical medicines. If it weren’t for Lu Ming’s ability to defeat Lu Ming, he would like to kill Lu Ming on the spot and regain the magical medicine.

So if he had the opportunity to mock Lu Ming, how could he let it go.

However, Lu Ming didn’t even look at Liu Weiyang, and simply ignored him.

Does a dog bit you, and you want to bite it back?

To tell the truth, Lu Ming didn’t pay attention to things like Liu Weiyang. What should I care about things that can be suppressed?

Han Yue and others also showed their curiosity. Lu Ming has such a combat capability, but he doesn’t know such common sense?

“Brother Lu, aren’t you from the Cangqing Divine Realm?”

Han Yue asked back.


Lu Ming shook his head directly and said: “I don’t know the heavenly realm, I come from the other side of the universe, and it’s very far away from here?”

Lu Ming pointed to the direction they had explored the ruins of the third of the universe, which was also the direction of the starry sky of the universe.

“Where are you from the universe?”

Han Yue and others are all surprised.

“Doesn’t that come from the same direction as Sister Mulan?”

Han Yue said it even more curiously.


Lu Ming caught a keyword instantly, and his heart beat wildly.

Although there are many people with the same name, Han Yue’s meaning is obvious. She said that Mulan and Lu Ming are from the same place, so there is nothing wrong with it.

It’s really effortless to break through the iron shoes and find no place to find it. He originally wanted to wait until he got acquainted with Han Yue and others before inquiring about Mulan and Huang Ling. He didn’t expect the other party to speak out. .

Simply perfect!

“Ms. Han Yue, do you know Sister Mulan? To be honest, I am here to look for Sister Mulan.”

“Look at it, is this her!”

Lu Ming said, speaking of the back, he took out a portrait, which was exactly the portrait of Mulan.

“Yes, that’s right, it’s Sister Mulan. So you are the younger sister of Sister Mulan. That’s great.”

After seeing the portrait, Han Yue nodded repeatedly, with a smile on his face, and the relationship with Lu Ming seemed to have gotten closer.

“Senior Sister Mulan is in the Cangqing Divine Realm now? How did you meet?”

Lu Ming asked.

“Yes, she is in the Cangqing Divine Realm. As for how we met, it’s a long story. After all, she is still our benefactor. If it weren’t for her, we are still trapped in the Cangqing Divine Realm. , Can’t come out yet.”

Han Yuedao.

“Oh, what’s going on? Can Girl Han Yue tell me in detail?”

“It’s like this,…”

Han Yue explained in detail.

After listening, Lu Ming’s heart was ups and downs, and it was difficult to calm down.

It turns out that Cangqing Divine Realm is a continent, and the people living in it are all human races, and they are the human races of the primordial continent of the last era.

At the end of the last epoch, a world-shattering war broke out, the prehistoric continent was blown up, endless creatures fell, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed.

The Cangqing Divine Realm was originally a piece of mainland fragments, inhabited by some human races.

The master of the Cangqing Divine Realm, with the power of shocking the world, plus a strong treasure, sealed the Cangqing Divine Realm in the depths of the void, and this is completely sealed. The seal cannot be opened from the outside. The human race inside, Not being able to open the seal is tantamount to being completely isolated from the world.

Only in this way, Cangqing Divine Realm was able to avoid that catastrophe.

But the price is that the people inside can’t even leave.

After the master of the Cangqing Divine Realm cast a peerless seal, he fell into a deep sleep. Before he fell asleep, he left a word, only to wait for the full recovery of the emptied universe and the profound meaning of the rules of the universe to become perfect again~IndoMTL.com~Cangqing God The seal of the environment will be automatically opened.

Originally, although the universe has recovered, it is far from a complete recovery. The rules are far from perfect. People in the Azure God Realm cannot come out.

But more than 10,000 years ago, Mulan accidentally went outside the heavenly realm and opened a seal of the heavenly realm with a gem.

In this way, the seal of the Celestial God Realm is no longer perfect, and the masters in the Celestial God Realm jointly open the seal completely, and the people in the Celestial God Realm can see the sky again.

It can be said that Mulan is a great benefactor of the heavenly gods.

From Han Yue’s words, Lu Ming also got an important piece of news, that is, the human race in the heavenly divine realm is different from the creatures in the Forbidden Land.

The creatures in the forbidden land are in a sealed state, but the human race of the heavenly gods is not.

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