Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 4934: Big Harvest

In the distance ahead, with a mountain.

The mountain is tall and straight, straight into the sky, and Lu Ming and the others, separated by an unknown distance, are shrouded in clouds and mist, like an illusion.

However, the breath from this mountain is particularly terrifying.

Before, the aura that they felt outside the ancient city, such as the majesty of heaven, came from this mountain.

It’s just that in the ancient city, this feeling is even stronger, and the pressure is even greater.

“The legacy of the immortal is there, I can feel it.”

“It’s mine.”

Several dead-yin corpse kings roared, then rushed out, towards the mountain.

Other Jue Yin corpses followed one after another.

“Below, there is something delicious…”

At this moment, the ball screamed and rushed directly to the ground. The chubby body stretched out two claws, grabbed a broken sword, and gnawed it.

With a bang, the broken sword was bitten off, and the ball was eaten with relish.

“It is an incomplete source-level magic weapon, and it is spiritual!”

“Look, there are also carriers of the combined attack formation.”

Xie Nianqing, Dan Dan and others exclaimed and found that there are many good things on the battlefield on the ground.

“Go down and take a look!”

Lu Ming and others landed towards the ground, but did not follow Jue Yin’s corpse to the mountain.

The breath of that mountain is too terrifying, and it is accompanied by tremendous pressure.

Even if the legacy of the immortal is shed on that mountain, it may not be available in the past at this time.

I might as well look for it on the ground.

This is obviously an ancient battlefield, and maybe something good will be left behind.

However, they did not take it lightly and focused on guarding, mainly because they were afraid that those corpses had become absolutely Yin corpses.

But after they landed, they found that they were worrying too much. These corpses were real corpses and had not been transformed into deadly corpses.

“One part is human race, and the other part, what race is it? It’s somewhat similar to Jue Yin Corpse…”

Lu Ming and the others observe carefully.

The bodies found on the ground were mainly divided into two races.

One is the human race. Needless to say, these human races should be the people of the Zixia Cave of the last era.

The other race has a blue skin, a hideous appearance, wide-mouthed fangs, but also a dead body, somewhat similar.

“Could it be that this is the Jue Yin Clan?”

Lu Ming’s heart moved.

This is very possible.

Judging from the corpses of the two parties, they were killed after a fierce battle. Some of the Jue Yin claws grabbed into the head of the Human race, while the weapons of the Human race pierced the head of the Jue Yin race.

Surprisingly, these corpses fell here, but they didn’t rot.

Lu Ming and the others speculated that this might be related to the breath emanating from that mountain.

Identified carefully, I could feel that there are two kinds of breath from that mountain.

A kind of incomparable coldness, almost the same as the cold atmosphere that pervades the sky of the entire Zixiao Cave, but it is countless times more intense.

There is also a kind of breath, magnificent atmosphere, extremely hot, like a big sun.

The two breaths, mixed together, radiate out, covering the entire ancient city.

These corpses were probably eroded by this aura over the years, so they didn’t decay and survived.

In addition to these corpses, there are scattered divine soldiers, dilapidated armors, etc. everywhere.

Boom boom boom…

The ball hit three times, five divided by two, and a broken sword was eaten clean, then his figure jumped out, grabbed another broken knife, and took a bite.


After taking a bite of the ball, he immediately spit it out: “There is no spirituality, this source-level magic weapon is inferior to scrap iron. It is full of cold air…”

Lu Ming took the broken knife in Qiuqiu’s hand and looked at it. Sure enough, there was no spirituality, and some, only the cold breath, it was useless at all, not as good as scrap iron.

“Strange, source-level magic soldier, isn’t it hard to decay?”

Lu Ming whispered.

The source-level magic weapon contains some kind of immortal substance, which is almost immortal.

Before, whether it was the Celestial Race or the Celestial Destroyer Army, the source-level **** soldiers excavated from the ruins of the universe were left over from the last epoch. Endless years have passed, and they can all be well preserved.

Because the source-level magic weapon contains immortal matter.

Even the dilapidated source-level magical soldiers are difficult to truly decay, and there will be more or less spiritual preservation.

And this broken knife is obviously a source-level magic weapon, but it is completely decayed.

Probably, it is because of the corrosion of the cold air.

“Look, do these people’s waist cards look like the carrier of a combined attack?”

On the side, the voice of the gods sounded.

“Let me see…”

Dandan rushed over immediately.

Lu Ming, Xie Nianqing and others also rushed over to watch.

On a dilapidated building, there are fifteen figures lying horizontally and vertically.

The fifteen figures are all humans, but they have one thing in common. They all have a hole in the center of their eyebrows, which seems to be pierced by a sharp weapon.

This was definitely killed by a terrifying master in an instant.

The fifteen people have an iron plate on their waists, which still emits a faint brilliance.

Dan Dan quickly took a piece to watch, and then his face was like a blooming flower, and grinned: “Haha, it’s really a carrier of team-attacking formations, and it’s good, it can be used.”

Lu Ming and others were also overjoyed, and they picked up a piece to watch.

The carrier of the combined attack formation method is not without its problems. It is also tainted with a hint of cold air.

However, the formation above is still intact, and the spirituality is still there. As long as the cold air above is wiped out, this formation carrier can continue to be used.

Dan Dan collected all the fifteen waist cards, observed carefully, and concluded that these fifteen waist cards were a complete set of carrier for the formation of a combined attack, and there was nothing missing.

Lu Ming and others are overjoyed, this is definitely a big gain.

“Haha, it’s posted, this battlefield, I don’t know how many magical soldiers and formation carriers, it’s posted.”

Dan Dan grinned.

Among them, the ball is the busiest. At this moment, he found another broken magic soldier and chewed it.

“Look carefully…”

Lu Ming and others are enthusiastic~IndoMTL.com~ began a carpet search.

The level of the divine soldiers scattered here is astonishingly high, because those below the source-level divine weapons have long been decayed and turned to ashes.

Only those who are above the active level geniuses can be preserved.

However, most of these magic soldiers are broken, and many of them have completely lost their spirituality and can no longer be used.

Of course, it is not without a source-level magic weapon that is intact and has not lost its spirituality.

Lu Ming and the others looked around, and they really found a lot.

There are a dozen intact source-level magic soldiers, but there is a little cold air, as long as the cold air above is wiped out, it can be restored to the original state.

A dozen source-level magic soldiers are definitely a huge gain.

It’s not over yet, the carrier of the combined attack formation method also has a huge harvest.

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